FAC 02-25-2013 (Special) �,1,194. APPROVED MINUTES C O P E RT I N O FINE ARTS COMMISSION Special Meeting, Conf. Rm. A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino February 25, 2013 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 7:03 p.m., Vice-Chairwoman Rajeswari Mahalingam called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Vice-Chair Rajeswari Mahalingam, and Commissioners KC Chandratreya, Russell Leong, and Michael Sanchez. Absent: Chairwoman Jessi Kaur. Staff present: Fine Arts Commission liaison Kimberly Smith. STAFF REPORT - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None COMMISSION REORGANIZATION 1. Congratulations to re-appointed members Rajeswari Mahalingam and Russell Leong, and introduction of new member Michael Sanchez. The commissioners introduced themselves and discussed their professions and their various interests and background in the arts. 2. Appoint the 2013 Commission Chair and Vice-Chair. Nominations were opened for the position of Chairperson, and Commissioner Leong nominated Commissioner Mahalingam. The nominations were closed and a vote was taken, and Commissioner Mahalingam was appointed 4-0, with Commissioner Kaur absent. February 25, 2013 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 Nominations were opened for the position of Vice Chairperson, and Commissioner Chandratreya nominated Commissioner Leong. The nominations were closed, and Commissioner Leong was appointed 3-1-0, with Kaur absent and Leong abstaining. BUSINESS 3. Minutes of the special meeting of December 18, 2012. Mahalingam moved and Leong seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried 4-0, with Kaur absent. 4. Select representatives to attend the Mayor's meeting with commission members. These meetings with Mayor Orrin Mahoney will be held at 8 a.m., the first Tuesday of each month, in Conference Room A. Chairwoman Mahalingam agreed to attend the meeting in March, and Commissioner Sanchez will attend in April. 5. Announcement of the Distinguished and Emerging Artist nomination period. The staff liaison reminded the commissioners that the nomination period was now open and encouraged them to spread the word to any interested parties. She said that the notice was in the Cupertino Scene, which goes to all households in the city, as well as on the City Channel. It was shared with all staff liaisons, to be passed along to commissioners, with specific notice to the chair of the Teen Commission. Copies of the notice were also sent to the Fine Arts League of Cupertino, DeAnza College, the Euphrat Museum of Art, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Cupertino Senior Center, and a press release was sent to the Cupertino Courier. An ad hoc committee was formed, consisting of Commissioners Leong and Sanchez, to prepare some advertising and/or posters to advertise the nomination period. They will report back to the commission at the March meeting. 6. Develop a commissioner work plan for 2013. Staff liaison Smith reviewed the items that were on the work plan from last year, and noted that some of the public art projects were still ongoing, including the February 25, 2013 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 Apple Campus 2, and the "rose bowl" development. She said she would contact the Planning Division for an updated list of projects which will have public art requirements. She noted that the "rose bowl" developer was planning on a March or April presentation to the Fine Arts Commission. The commissioners agreed with the standard list of duties carried over from 2012, which will be updated later with the list of public art projects, and added two items: A. Update the public art catalogue by collecting additional photographs and background material, which may include photographs from "behind the scenes" and the fabrication process, and use the resulting materials to promote and celebrate the city's public art. The plan was to create a printed brochure or booklet, update the city public art web page, and perhaps in the future create an interactive mobile application. Commissioner Sanchez volunteered to do a survey and take photographs. B. Consider a "Cupertino Idol" talent show. The intent is to involve the community, raise funds (perhaps for the Euphrat Museum), and possibly work in tandem with other commissions. The staff liaison reminded the commissioners of possible Brown Act restrictions, and said that the City Attorney should be consulted about the necessary steps to be taken if the project will expand to other commissions beyond the Fine Arts Commission. Chairwoman Mahalingam took the lead on this project, and will report back at the next meeting. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Leong said that he stopped to view the newly-installed artwork at the Aloft Hotel, and had a brief conversation with the artist and the property management representative. He was also given a brief tour of the hotel. Discussion followed about the meaning of the binary code. Commissioner Chandratreya said that he had asked a student working with him to research the first internet message and convert it into binary code, since that was one of the options under consideration, but it did not match what was on the scale model. February 25, 2013 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 4 Staff Liaison Smith said she had asked Senior Planner Colin Jung to remind them to include a celebration of the artwork when the official grand opening took place, and to report back on the meaning of the binary code. STAFF REPORTS 7. Commission meeting schedule. The staff liaison briefly discussed a chart for the year which included the dates of Fine Arts meetings, Mayor's meetings with commissioners, and special events in which the Fine Arts Commission takes part. ADJOURNMENT At 8:35 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Kimberly Smiti7 Staff Liaison