BPC 03-21-2012 \\ // 3.r/ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION March 21,2012 SS.19SJ` CUPERTINO The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Jill Mitsch, William Chan, Ashish Kolli, Mark Fantozzi Absent: Alan Takahashi Staff: David Stillman VISITORS: James Wiant, VTA BPAC Robert McCoy ORAL COMMUNICATIONS James Wiant: reviewed Apple development plan (with Eric Morley from Apple) Mr. Stillman: New Bike lanes on Rodrigues installed on 3/22/12 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Stillman: VTA letter regarding the re-appointment of a representative to the VTA BPAC ORDERS OF THE DAY 1) Received VTA BPAC Report: James Wiant a. 40% of the clean-air funds available for projects b. 6 projects received funding from various cities APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2) Deferred to next week due to lack of quorum of commissioners that attended the February 15, 2012 meeting. NEW BUSINESS 3) Bike safety issue in the vicinity of present Apple Campus on De Anza Mr. McCoy: Apple employees who ride rented bicycles from EcoCity Bikes are not following Bike Safety rules, hence creating safety issues for pedestrians near the campus. Commissioner Chan: Require Apple to communicate proper safety rules to all employees. Mr. Stillman: Recommended the commission to draft a letter that David can forward to Apple. 4) Wolfe Road Bike Lanes Commissioner Chan: Communicated concern about the bike lanes on Wolfe Road in front of Apple. Mr. Stillman: Apple has 2 right turn lanes turning into the Apple property. Prefer to keep the bike lane to the left of the 2 right turn lanes. However, more design reviews are underway. Apple's vision of bike and ped lanes across campus is very well thought out, but there will be congestion at the actual entrance/exit points. Mr. Wiant: Can they have their own off ramp from 280? Mr. Stillman: Caltrans guidelines require a certain minimum distance between two exits. Commissioner Chan: Is Apple planning to widen the Wolfe overpass? Mr. Stillman: No, not until the cloverleaf on-off ramps from 280 are removed. OLD BUSINESS 5) Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines a. Commissioner Fantozzi: Sent cut-and-paste doc. b. Commissioner Kolli: Sent in his part. c. Commissioner Fantozzi: Most of this is census data. I could not find most recent/relevant data to update. d. Mr. Stillman: We do not necessarily need to replicate all of data for the revised plan. e. Mr. Wiant: Can we take VTA figures & extrapolate to Cupertino? f. Commissioner Mitsch: What would the overall process be? g. Mr. Stillman: Commissioners will supply docs to Mr. Stillman. He will put it together. h. Commissioner Kolli: Are there any ped improvements being planned around the new construction on Stevens Creek (close to Target). A lot of people are walking to the median. i. Mr. Stillman: Not at this moment. Overpasses are very expensive. Underpasses need digging and ADA right-of-way ramps increases design and cost requirements. 6) Bike-To-Work Event(May 10,2012) a. Commissioner Chan: will get coffee, will be sending tax-id to businesses donating items as well as communication to Scene, Courier and City Web site. b. Hobees does not traditionally commit to donating until the last minute. c. Panera will be sending coffee. d. Schedule: 1. Commissioner Mitsch: until 7:30 a..m. 2. Commissioner Kolli: entire event 3. Mr. Wiant: entire event HOTLIST REVIEW No hotlist review. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS David Morley will be updating on Apple Campus plan. Mr. Wiant will be reaching out to him. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. SUBMIT 1B : I ©I / 16( 13 Ashish 4'. li, Commissioner Date