P&R 12-06-12 APPROVED MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CUPERTINO Regular Meeting December 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA Note: This meeting will be televised 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson David Greenstein called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: David G reenstein, Darcy Paul, David Fung, Siva Bud.araju Commissioners absent: None Staff present: Mark Linder, Donna Henriques 4. MISCELLANEOUS—NO ACTION REQUIRED A. Staff oral reports Director Mark Linder said the Tree Lighting on November 30 was well attended by over 500 people and was very successful. The following day was Breakfast with Santa and there were about 240 adults and children in attendance. Currently, there are ongoing Santa visits where you can arrange to have Santa and his elves visit your home. These visits can be arranged up until Christmas. He also reported that the next big event will be the Sports Center Open House on January 12, 2013. He said the last Leadership 95014 session focused on Education and it went well. 1 A Notice of Public Hearings regarding the Mary Avenue Dog Park was handed out to the Commissioners to show them what they will be addressing at their January 3, 2013 meeting. Director Linder said that a previous Ordinance determined that the Parks and Recreation Commission must have a Public Hearing to "Find the park in conformance to the General Plan upon the adoption of the proposed General Plan amendment to be considered by City Council." After the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Planning Commission will have another Public Hearing on January 8, 2013, regarding "General Flan Amendment and Rezoning of a city-owned lot." And then on February 5, 2013, the item will go to City Council. B. Commissioner contacts Commissioner Paul reported that he is currently participating in the Leadership 95014 program and said it's an excellent program and he recommends that the other Commissioners consider participating in the future. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING A. Regular meeting of November 1, 2012 Action: Commissioner Fung made a motion to approve the minutes and Commissioner Budaraju seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Revised Special Events Criteria Director Linder said he has revised the previous Special Events Criteria to include the Commissioners' recommendations from the November 1 meeting. He said he contacted Campbell, Santa Clara and Sunnyvale and none of these cities has a percentage of support for their events and they do not have as many cultural or educational events as Cupertino. 2 The Commissioners discussed the revisions presented by Director Linder and the Chair called for a motion. Action: Commissioner Paul made a motion to amend the revised Special Events Criteria with the following amendment: Change the second sentence in the first paragraph to read: "The following criteria will be considered for Cupertino support of a special event." Commissioner Fung seconded the motion for the amendment. The motion carried unanimously. Action: Commissioner Fung made a motion to accept the amended criteria as presented and to send it to Council. Commissioner Budaraju seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Director Linder said he will notify the Commission when this item will be on the Council agenda. 8. ADJOURNMENT - Chair Greenstein adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1 Donna Henriques, Administrati e Assistant Minutes approved at the January 3, 20:13 regular meeting 3