CHC 01-12-12 MINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION January 12, 2012 1.CALL TO ORDER The RegularMeeting of the Cupertino Housing Commissionwas calledto order at 9:15 a.m. by Chair Harvey Barnett 2.ROLL CALL Present:Chair Harvey Barnett, Housing Commissioners Niki Maroko and Rajeev Raman Absent:Vice Chair Jimmy Chienand Commissioner Radha Kulkarni Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3.WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider for approval the September 8 and December 8, 2011 minutes. Motion to approve: Commissioner Maroko, Second of Motion: Commissioner Raman Vote: 3-0 6.NEWBUSINESS Review Scoring Criteria for 2012-13, 2014-15 CDBG Cycle. The Commission discussed whether to change the “Scoring Criteria for CDBG Agency Applications” sheet. The Commission decided the reduce the points for the Project Description category from 30 points to 15 points; reduce the Leveraging category from 25 to 20 points; increase the Organizational Capacity from 10 to 15 points; and add a category titled Milestones which will be weighted at 15 points. The Commission expressed interest in hearing the presentations from each agency applying for funding first and then discussing the presentations at the end of the first meeting. If necessary, a second meeting would be scheduled to discuss the funding. Scoring could be done either before the presentations with ability to rescore after hearing the presentation, or completed after the presentation. Action: No action necessary. 7.COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS None 8.ANNOUNCEMENTS Senior Planner Gil discussed with the Commission the Mayor’s meeting with st commissions. The meeting occurs on the 1Weds of every other month with the first th meeting occurring on Feb. 8at 2:30 pm. It was agreed that if the Chair could not attend, then he/she could contact other commissioners to see if someone could attend. 9.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:45a.m. SUBMITTED BY: Vera Gil, Senior Planner