FAC 10-23-2012 5s_,flss APPROVED MINUTES CU P E RT I N O FINE ARTS COMMISSION Special Meeting, Conf. Rm. A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino October 23, 2012 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 7:20 p.m., Chairwoman Jessi Kaur called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Jessi Kaur and Commissioners KC Chandratreya and Russell Leong. Absent: Vice-Chair Rajeswari Mahalingam. Staff present: Fine Arts Commission liaison Kimberly Smith, City Clerk Grace Schmidt, Planner Colin Jung, and Interim Assistant Planner Diana Pancholi. Guests Present: Rich Truempler, Director of Development, Sobrato Development; Jeff Oparowski, Project Manager, Arc Tec; Craig Almeleh, Owner of Arc Tec; and Carol A. Dabb, Art Consultant. STAFF REPORT - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None NEW BUSINESS 1. Minutes of the special meeting of August 28, 2012. Chandratreya moved and Leong seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Mahalingam absent. The Commissioners concurred to reorder the agenda to take up item No. 3 next. 3. Presentation regarding the public art requirement for Homestead Square development located at the southeast corner of Homestead and Franco Court. Developer: Sobrato Corporation. Artist: Brad Howe. Interim Assistant Planner Diana Pancholi introduced the project, and said that the public art work was triggered by a use permit which originally specified two art works, but staff had worked with the applicant and agreed to accept a single October 23, 2012 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 art piece. It is intended to be placed at the primary entrance to the shopping center on Homestead Road. Art Consultant Carol Dabb described the artwork, which is a very large piece titled "A River Runs Through It." It will measure 10 feet high and the base would add another 3 feet. She said that the chosen artist, Mr. Brad Howe, has an art degree from Stanford, and is internationally known. He has exhibited and sold his artworks worldwide, with a recent exhibit in Paris, and he is very well known and well collected. His work is stainless steel, some with a patina finish, and some with portions colored with polyurethane paint. She showed some photographs of other installations including universities at Cambridge, MIT, as well as Germany and Hong Kong. Ms. Dabb said that the artist selection process was a lengthy one, and the developer preferred Mr. Howe's style out of all of the suggestions. She said that the art work has very contemporary clean lines, and will show up well at the entrance to the center. She explained the symbolism of the proposed artwork: The wavy line in brushed stainless steel represents Stevens Creek, which is also significant to Silicon Valley. The black horizontal bar signifies the horizon, and the red circle at the bottom signifies the circle of life. She showed photographs of other works of art by the same artist, including some that had dramatic evening lighting. She noted that maintenance is easy, and it can be washed with soap and water. Ms. Smith noted that the shape and red circle seemed to be a direct reflection of the Safeway sign on the building in the elevations, and asked if the color combinations could be changed, or a patina applied, so that people did not mistake it for an advertising feature. Ms. Dabb read a statement from Mr. Howe about his inspiration for the piece: His intent is that viewers are inspired to reflect on the history of Stevens Creek and also the optimism of Silicon Valley. Mr. Oparowski said he had been involved in the selection process and he voted for this piece because this neighborhood shopping center would serve a lot of families, and he liked the playfulness of this, and thought that kids would think it was cool. October 23, 2012 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 Discussion followed, and the Commissioners' remarks included the following: • There was no objection to Mr. Howe's art work itself, but all three commissioners felt that the proposed artwork is too similar to another of Mr. Howe's sculptures already in Cupertino (Little Tree, located at the corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road), and another sculpture by a different artist on Stevens Creek Boulevard near Highway 85. The similarities include the use of brushed stainless steel and circular shapes, and that creates a sense of repetition. • The Commissioners stated that they respected the selection process and the owner's decision to proceed with artist Brad Howe, but ideally the City would not have similar pieces throughout, but would have diverse styles of art and artists in Cupertino to reflect the diverse community. That was why their selection guidelines, which were provided to the applicant, state that preference will be given to "...artists whose work is not already displayed as public art in the Cupertino area." • They hoped to have an art piece that was dramatically different and evocative, or something that was more reflective of the city themes of history, diversity, technology, and family. • One commissioner remarked that he liked the openness and airy feel of Mr. Howe's work instead of just being a monolithic piece. The commissioners also liked the brushed aluminum look that would create a shimmering effect. • Commissioner Leong said his background is in corporate branding, so when he sees elements that are reminiscent of other's work, he steers away from what has been done, so his sense is that the sculpture is very similar to Mr. Howe's other piece titled Little Tree. Mr. Truempler said that he was not an art expert, but as a developer, he did not see the similarity in the art pieces that the Commissioners were discussing. He didn't think anyone would drive by it in a simplistic manner and think it was the same as the other one, although they might identify it as a Brad Howe piece, but that is not a negative thing, it is more a collection of artwork. In any collection it is difficult to not have some repetition. Mr. Leong agreed, but said that most collections strive for diversity as well. October 23, 2012 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 4 • There is nothing wrong with the design; it just needs to be significantly different from Little Tree. Discussion followed regarding another piece by Mr. Howe called Totem. Mr. Truempler noted that A River Runs Through It is more fun and playful, and that was one of the things the team had really liked for this location, instead of the more dramatic Totem. Commissioner Kaur suggested modifying the S shape of the proposed artwork so that it does not so closely look like the Safeway logo. Mr. Almeleh acknowledged that he also noticed that similarity now that it was pointed out. Commissioners Chandratreya and Kaur said that they were amenable to other work from Mr. Howe for this location, because they wished to respect the owner's selection. Commissioner Mahalingam preferred that a different artist be chosen. The final consensus was to ask the developer and artist to submit other art works by Brad Howe for review by the Fine Arts Commission which looked different from Little Tree, whether through color change, an overall patina, adding vertical elements, et al. Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith said that the next regular meeting would be November 27, but the Fine Arts Commission was amenable to a special meeting if necessary to help the developer meet their construction schedule. 2. Review of artwork maquette for the Aloft Hotel. Artist: Joyce Hsu. The Commissioners reviewed the wooden maquette sent by the artist, and noted that the scale of the artwork to the standing figure seemed much smaller than the original drawings. Planner Colin Jung said he had seen communications indicating that the artwork may need to be lower than originally planned. The Commissioners expressed their disappointment, and reviewed the elevations to see where the artwork was to be placed. They concurred that the sculpture should be at least as high as, or slightly higher, than the horizontal element on the building near the patio. He said he would follow up and report back to staff. October 23, 2012 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 5 COMMISSIONER REPORTS 3. Commissioner announcements about local arts events and opportunities. No reports were made. NEWS ARTICLES - None ADJOURNMENT At 8:50 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Kimberly Smith Staff Liaison