Thursday, June 14, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room A
Commissioner Huang called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission
at approximately 7:03 p.m. on Thursday, June 14, 2012 in the Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room
A, located at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Caliornia 95014.
Commissioners Present: Andy Huang
Daniel Nguyen
Nina Daruwalla (late)
Robert McCoy
Commissioners Absent: Lily Lim
Staff Present: Captain Ken Binder, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office
Staff Absent: Battalion Chief Daron Pisciotta, Santa Clara County Fire Department
Others Present: Al Boleda, Cupertino Citizen Corps, Lead Volunteer of 4th of July Event
Wallace Iimura, TICC liaison to the PSC
There are no oral communications to discuss at this regular meeting.
There are no written communications to discuss al:this regular meeting.
1. May 10, 2012
MOTION: Nguyen SECONDED: McCoy 4 to 0
Commissioner Nguyen motioned to approve the minutes of May 10, 2012; the motion was
seconded by Commissioner McCoy; votes taken, all in favor to approve the minutes of May 10,
2012 without corrections.
1. Discussion of Walk/Bike/Carpool (WBC)to School project, ongoing
Commissioner Daruwalla states that she has finally received an updated contact sheet for Collins.
Additionally, the event coordinator for Collins has submitted a proposal to request funding for three
identical events next school year named "Two Feet Tuesdays." She would like to request$500.00
for each event, to spend on incentives, banners, brochures and informational flyers. She is very
enthusiastic and said that Collins will continue the WOW Program events they have held each year
in conjunction with Lawson, but they would like to add this new event on three dates throughout the
year to encourage more participation. She wants to plan and prepare the events during this
summer period so that all event dates appear on the school year calendar from the beginning, and
so they may hold the first event in September. Commissioner Huang asks if the Principal is aware
of the plan to hold an event so close to the beginning of the school year, and Commissioner
Daruwalla confirms that he has already approved it. Commissioner Huang also voices concern that
there is no other funding source indicated on the submitted proposal, whereas most other schools
do secure other contributions toward similar planned events. Commissioner Daruwalla replies that
PTA funds are probably already directed towards the annual WOW events, but Commissioner
Huang suggests there may be other options they could pursue.
Commissioner Nguyen also brings up a few concerns. He would like the coordinator to specify
what incentives they will purchase, provide a breakdown of how they will use the $500 per event,
and detail a specific plan for how they will measure participation numbers to determine any
possible increase. Furthermore, he is wary of pre-approving funding for three brand new events.
He would rather approve the first one and then evaluate how successful it is, in terms of showing
sufficient effort in event execution, even if student participation does not increase dramatically the
first time. He would like Commissioner Daruwalla to clarify to the coordinator that he understands
the importance of calendaring the events early, and funding of the other two events is likely, but
caution in funding approval is prudent since Collins has never applied to the PSC before.
Commissioner Daruwalla indicates that she has and will again encourage the coordinator to attend
a PSC meeting so she can meet the Commissioners and speak in more depth of the plan, but
meanwhile she will relay the response to the current proposal and ask for more written detail.
Commissioner Daruwalla also reports that Garden Gate School has a change in contact for the
next school year, so she re-sent the paperwork to the replacement and asked to be notified of the
dates they pick for events next year.
2. Boltage Program progress/updates (Lim)
There is no discussion of the Boltage Program at this regular meeting.
3. Report on Surveys to Schools (Nguyen)
Commissioner Nguyen asks Captain Binder if any schools have returned the Spring Surveys.
Captain Binder states that the SRO's contacted the schools, and that he will follow up to make sure
the SRO's pick up the Surveys. Commissioner Daruwalla adds that the school offices are only
open for about another week because school is over for the year. Commissioner Nguyen offers to
pick up all the collected Surveys from the Sheriffs Office when they are available; just email him
when they are collected.
4. Discuss participation in the Alert SCC Program and the new CAS Program (Huang)
Visitor Al Boleda begins discussion of Cupertino's upcoming 4th of July event. As a member of the
Cupertino Citizen Corps, he volunteered to take the lead for the event this year. Commissioner
Huang personally requested that he gather volunteers to help distribute the glowing necklaces in
exchange for resident sign-ups to CAS and AIertSCC. He reports that he has gathered almost
enough volunteers for the three evening venues (30 of the 50 volunteer goal), but has not been
able to secure any volunteers for the breakfast and lunch venues. He suggests contacting block
leaders, boy and girl scouts, high school clubs and even spouses/friends to fill-in the vacant
volunteer spots. He would also like verification that at least one PSC Commissioner will be present
at each venue to lend an official tone when explaining why they must exclude non-residents.
Commissioner McCoy offers to approach the Teen Commission for additional volunteers to help at
the earlier venues.
Commissioner Daruwalla interjects that she cannot in fact attend the evening venue at Hyde
because her family always travels on the 4th of July. She offers to attend the breakfast at the Senior
Center instead; Commissioner Nguyen agrees to trade and attend Hyde instead of the breakfast.
Commissioner McCoy offers to attend both the breakfast and lunch venues, and be responsible for
delivering the resulting binders of collected personal information to Rick Kitson for Commissioner
Daruwalla. Commissioner Huang reiterates the importance of maintaining chain of custody of the
binders after the information is collected. Only commissioners may keep the binders in their
possession and must deliver them directly tc Rick Kitson later that night or at least the following
Commissioner Daruwalla recommends using A-frame signs to call attention to the CAS/AIertSCC
sign-up booths, but clarifies that pop-up tents are also key to adding visibility and providing a
structure from which to hang the signs above the crowds. She offers the use of her realty business
A-frames and the A-frames she is in charge iDf for one of the grade school parking lots. They can
simply attach paper-printed signage to the frame structures for this event. Captain Binder suggests
language for the signs to indicate "Cupertino Residents Only" so that it is easier for the volunteers
to just point to the signs instead of trying to argue with non-residents about the rules. Mr. Boleda
adds that Parks & Recreation can make the signs, but they get so busy it may lose priority. Mr.
Boleda states that he will secure the pop-up tents and A-frame signs, and Commissioner Huang
instructs him to work with "Ken"who has a Cupertino City copy machine ID for the printed portion.
Commissioner McCoy then asks if there will be signage to indicate "No Alcohol" or "No Personal
Fireworks," but Commissioner Nguyen answers that there have been no real issues in the past to
require a need for such signage. Mr. Boleda interjects that the 'After-Action Report' produced after
last year's event indicated a clear need for better dog control and more evenly enforced street
closures, but mentioned no problems regarding alcohol or personal fireworks. To that end, Mr.
Boleda asks for reassurance that there will be a strong law enforcement presence to discourage
possible incidents and ensure event rule enforcement. Captain Binder responds that the Sheriffs
Office is working on gathering enough deputies to staff the event, and has acquired approval that
they may hire outside security personnel if they do not receive enough deputy sign-ups. Mr. Boleda
asks about deputies on dirt bikes, which he has witnessed at past events. Captain Binder explains
that the Sheriff's Office has a SORE Team (Sheriff's Off-Road Enforcement) which does utilize dirt
bikes sometimes to maneuver through pedestrian crowds more easily and over varied terrain.
Captain Binder asks Mr. Boleda to email hirr a copy of last year's "After-Action Report" to review
and gives Mr. Boleda his contact information Captain Binder also asks Mr. Boleda to email him a
copy of the event schedule and/or plan.
Commissioner Nguyen expresses concern that two binders per venue will not be enough to capture
the targeted number of resident sign-ups in the limited period, even if each person only takes half a
minute to write just their name, cell phone number and zip code. Commissioner Huang agrees that
they may need to offer more binders. Commissioner McCoy asks if it would be possible to create
some kind of name badge to identify the commissioners easily to the public. Captain Binder agrees
that they would help the commissioners look more official which goes a long way with public
contacts, and speculates that name badges could be easily produced similar to the ones the City
Council members have. Commissioner Daruwalla inquires where the breakfast event will be held at
Quinlan, who is responsible for setting up the tents and signs, and whether there will be parking
passes for the commissioners and volunteers. Mr. Boleda answers that Kelsey from Parks &
Recreation will issue parking passes when all volunteers report to Cupertino High School before
the evening event, but he is unaware if parking passes are available for the earlier events.
Commissioner Huang instructs him to contact Kelsey and ask her to issue three parking passes
each for the breakfast and lunch events.
Commissioner Daruwalla inquires if the sign-up sheets clearly indicate that residents will be signing
up to both the CAS and AIertSCC systems. Commissioner Huang affirms that it is noted on the
form and that the City attorney is still reviewing the template. They must wait for the attorney's
approval before they can print all the necessary copies. Mr. Boleda interjects that he would prefer
to have all event materials gathered and ready a week before the event. Commissioner Huang
states that everything under the PSC's control is ready, and they are just waiting on this last
approval before final printing.
Commissioner Huang thanks Mr. Boleda for leading the volunteer coordination of this important
annual city event. He reports that he completed the purchase of 5,000 glowing necklace items in
two different color combinations. He also reports that he modified the article he submitted to Rick
Kitson promoting the event, to include an explanation of the sign-up tents and the difference
between CAS and AlertSCC. He hopes between the informative article and the T.V. and radio
advertisements produced by Mr. Kitson, that Cupertino residents would be primed and ready to
visit the sign-up booths and submit their basic information of name, cell phone number and zip
Now that the advertising phase is concluding, they will move on to the implementation phase. They
are working on plans to find data entry volunteers among high-school students and boy/girl scouts,
to enter all the information collected in the binders on the 4th of July. Commissioner Huang states
that there is money remaining in the set bucget for this event that they can use to provide them
with a pizza party. After they enter the collected information into CAS, Cupertino will perform a test
alert to residents, instructing them to visit CAS online to expand and personalize their contact
information. Online they may add their home and work addresses, multiple phone numbers, email
addresses and special preferences. Later, in October, Cupertino will test CAS with a citywide drill.
There is no discussion of New Business at this regular meeting.
1. Santa Clara County Fire Department
Battalion Chief Daron Pisciotta is unable to attend this regular meeting due to a recent fire related
2. Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office
Captain Binder from the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office reviews the monthly status report. He
notes that activity has increased with the beginning of summer, showing a rise in vehicle and
residential burglaries and traffic citations. There was also a DUI Checkpoint last month that
garnered 2 arrests for drug charges and many infraction citations for mechanical issues and
unlicensed drivers. The Sheriffs Office, in response to complaints from various communities, now
offers unlicensed drivers the opportunity to call a licensed driver to pick up their vehicle rather than
just automatically towing it at the owner's expense.
Commissioner Huang expresses surprise that many statistics have seemed to double when
compared to the same time in previous years. Commissioner Daruwalla supposes that Cupertino
is a relatively small but easily accessible city with major freeways running through, which makes it
a prime target. Captain Binder explains that many of the over one hundred burglars West Valley
Patrol has tracked in the last year originate from San Jose and other counties. He continues that
even though West Valley Patrol has arrested a high percentage of them, there are new burglars
appearing such as three burglars arrested today who may also be responsible for some recent
school technology thefts.
Commissioner Nguyen asks if the auto theft category refers to vehicles actually stolen, and Captain
Binder confirms this but notes that there are some instances of vehicles initially reported stolen that
were in fact repossessed for non-payment. Commissioner Huang then remarks on the high number
of aggravated assaults, and Captain Binder clarifies that this category includes almost every type of
assault outside of marital assaults, so it is a broad category. Commissioner McCoy then requests a
list, if possible, of the locations of bicycle and pedestrian accidents, so he may give the information
to the Bicycle-Pedestrian Commission. Captain Binder states that it would be a cumbersome task
at this point, but that West Valley Patrol is in the process of implementing an accident report
management system that will make such a request more feasible. Finally, Commissioner McCoy
inquires about a camera installation along Stevens Creek, and Captain Binder confirms that
Cupertino is adding cameras to key city corridors to monitor traffic congestion.
3. Commission Reports
Commissioner McCoy has no new commission reports at this time. Commissioner Daruwalla asks
if there is a Mayor's meeting to attend soon, since the last was in April. All commissioners present
state they received no notifications about it, but it should have taken place yesterday.
Commissioner Nguyen then states that the next one should be in August, so someone may try to
attend at that time. Commissioner McCoy adds that he volunteers to attend the next Disaster
Council meeting.
Mr. Iimura from the TICC Commission states that the TICC has focused lately on trying to convince
Rick Kitson and the City to implement an automated post-event outreach to Cupertino residents
that are not yet signed up for CAS. He states that the best time to capture more sign-ups is in the
wake of any major event or right after each citywide drill. Commissioner Daruwalla agrees that it is
an excellent idea, and suggests they use not only local T.V. and radio advertisements, but also try
to utilize the short nightly windows of airtime that major networks such as ABC allow for local news
reporting. Mr. Iimura concludes that the TICC would really appreciate the PSC's support of this
idea and more input to Mr. Kitson and the City.
1. Walk/Bike/Carpool to School Project, ongoing
2. Boltage Program progress/updates
3. Report on Survey to Schools
4. Discuss progress on participation in AIertSCC and CAS Programs
This regular meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled on Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Jennifer Roth
Administrative Assistant
West Valley Patrol Division
Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff
June 21, 2012
� 2/i2//z
Andy Hu , C i ission Chair Date