PC 04-24-2012 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014 CITY OF CUPERTINO PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED (AMENDED) MINUTES 6:45 P.M. April 24, 2012 TUESDAY CUPERTINO COMMUNITY HALL The regular Planning Commission meeting of April 24, 2012 was called to order at 6:45 p.m. in the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Tone Avenue, Cupertino,CA.,by Chair Marty Miller. SALUTE TO THE FLAG • ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Chairperson: Marty Miller Vice Chairperson: Don Sun Commissioner: Winnie Lee Commissioner: Clinton Brownley Commissioner: Paul Brophy Staff present: City Planner: Gary Chao Assistant Planner: Simon Vuong APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Planning Commission Meeting: Com. Lee recommended the following changes: • Page 13,Lines 3 and 5, change"he"to"she" • Page 16, 7 lines from the bottom(Lisa Warren's comment): Change"bethe"to"be the" MOTION: Motion by Com. Brownley, second by Vice Chair Sun, and unanimously carried 5-0-0 to approve the March 27,2012 minutes as amended. Minutes of the April 10,2012 Planning Commission Meeting: MOTION: Motion by Com.Lee,second by Com.Brownley,and unanimously carried 5-0-0 to approve the April 10,2012 minutes as presented. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None Cupertino Planning Commission 2 April 24,2012 PUBLIC HEARING 3. U-2012-04,ASA-2012-01, Development Permit to allow the construction of a new DP-2012-01,TR-2012-04 19,000 square foot cafeteria for Apple employees. John Noori(Apple,Inc) Architectural and Site approval to allow site improvements 20625 Alves Drive associated with the construction of a new cafeteria; Use Permit to allow the removal and replacement of 27 trees to facilitate the construction of a cafeteria Planning Commission decision final unless appealed Simon Vuong,Assistant Planner,presented the staff report: • Reviewed the application for a Development Permit to allow the construction of an approximately 21,468 sq. ft. cafeteria for Apple employees; Architectural and Site Approval to allow site improvements associated with construction of a new cafeteria for Apple employees; Use Permit to allow the operation of a new cafeteria in a mixed-use zoning district; and Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal and replacement of approximately 33 trees to facilitate the construction of a new cafeteria; as outlined in the staff report. • He reviewed the PowerPoint presentation including the project site and surrounding location, background of the application, site plan, landscape plan, tree locations and removals, transportation demand management, and future use of site. • Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the development permit, architectural site approval, use permit and tree removals in accordance with the draft resolutions. Staff answered Commissioners questions about the application. • Said that in the future if it was a different use such an office, the number of parking spaces would support the majority of office use,with perhaps 2 or 3 spaces short. • Said there were no other upcoming projects in the immediate future that may need the commercial allocation space in the North DeAnza area. It does not impact the Main Street project which already is entitled several years past and they are going for modifications and have allocated commercial squares already for their purpose. Dan Wizenhunt,Director of Apple Real Estate Facilities: • Provided a brief overview of their plans for the purchase of the One Alves property to develop it into an employee amenity for a café or restaurant. The location has for many years been a favorite lunch spot for many Apple employees and was frequented by founder Steve Jobs in the early years. • The food service amenity is an important feature that Apple offers its employees; many who work hard on research and development and innovative ideas and they need quick high quality options that they can walk or bike to; and it provides a level of security where people and employees can feel comfortable talking about their business or research or whatever product they are engineering without fear of competition overhearing their conversations; which he said is a real issue today in Cupertino because there are other many other companies in the same business. Apple currently has five dedicated employee cafes that serve its employees as well as about 12 to 14 smaller espresso bars that offer grab and go breakfast and lunch options. • With the number of large restaurants, the five they have, they are adding the one on Alves and are working on a new one on Results Way as part of that development. He said that even though those offerings are available to its employees, the employees still like to frequent restaurants in the greater Cupertino area seeking variety. • Said he felt the attractive building coupled with the new hotel development on the corner of Alves and DeAnza would provide a beautiful uplift to that block and be a fitting and appropriate border to the Cupertino Heart of the City plan. • Said the timeframe to completion of the project is under a year. Cupertino Planning Commission .3 April 24, 2012 Vice Chair Sun: • Asked the applicant to reflect on how the new café would contribute or fit in with community involvement of Cupertino; and if there was a win-win situation where the potential public burden that may be generated as a result of the private café in the Cupertino community and Apple's goodwill could work together. He also asked about plans for weekends when Apple is closed; and whether they would consider the possibility of opening the café to the public for limited times or short periods. It might provide the opportunity for Apple to be more involved in the community as the community will not have access to their new headquarters and from a tourist perspective,people could say they dined at an Apple's restaurant. Dan Wizenhunt: • Said he felt their part in community involvement is from a hiring standpoint, as they need to hire staff to make everything run smoothly, and that is the biggest contribution they can make to the city. As part of the project, they will focus on beautifying the Bandley corridor and make it a better situation for the public; and they also generate a good amount of sales tax revenue, a portion of which goes to the city, and increases with each new restaurant they have. He said that the restaurant would most likely be closed on weekends; it is set up to accommodate some events for Apple such as small meetings, where breakfast and lunch are catered; but not open to the public,which is something that they could give some thought to. • He explained the transportation system available throughout the Apple campuses in Cupertino, which strives to reduce the traffic impacts to Cupertino. Large coaches are used to bring employees in from all around the Bay Area and a shuttle program is available either from building to building or on other routes throughout Cupertino. There is also a bike share program with 90 parking places for bike racks that employees can use throughout the campuses. He noted that many employees enjoy walking to different destinations throughout the campuses also. Chair Miller opened the public hearing; there was no one present who wished to speak; the public hearing was closed. Com. Lee: • Asked staff if they worked out the design components relative to comments about rooftops and projections and landscaping on the north side, Gary Chao: • Responded that the design components were worked out in terms of the screening and mechanical equipment and the roof interface with the wall. The city's consulting architect recommended additional screening on the corner of the wall facing northwest, and staff will work with Apple to seek that out prior to the issuance of the building permit to see if there is room for such a planter. Com.Brownley: • Since there is a small portion of residential area near the construction site it is hoped that plans have been taken for demolition and construction, hours,noise, etc. • Relative to the building itself, there has been a lot of thought given to the architectural style, materials used, the landscape surrounding it to make it an attractive area. In addition, the building materials being used are being proposed for LEED gold platinum status which is important; and during operation they have thought about transportation circulation around the area using shuttles, bikes,pedestrian walkways, and doing street improvements. • Said it was an important and good project and he supported it. Cupertino Planning Commission 4 April 24, 2012 Vice Chair Sun: • Said he still supported his suggestion that Apple consider having the café open to the public one or two days on the weekend. Because of the potential public burden of the traffic, it help build up Apple's goodwill with the public. He said he would like to see Apple have another landmark in Cupertino. Com.Brophy: • Said it was an attractive building and he was pleased to see that the Alves corridor is being improved between the Shashi Hotel and the proposed Apple café. Said his sense was that it may be over-parked for the demand, since most employees would walk or bike down; however, it was good to have the extra parking if the building use changes. • He said the project was well thought through and he supported staffs recommendation. Chair Miller: • Said it was an attractive project and from an architectural standpoint was a good addition to the city. Commented that as all Apple projects, it is high quality and he hoped that it serves its intended purpose. Motion: Motion by Com. Brophy, second by Com. Lee, and unanimously carried 5-0-0, to approve Application U-2012-04,ASA-2012-01,DP-2012-01 and TR-201204 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: • Chair Miller reported that the project on the corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek Boulevard. approx. 100 apartment units, would come to Planning Commission in May, and there were no environmental issues related to the project. HOUSING COMMISSION: No meeting MAYOR'S MONTHLY MEETING: Chair Miller reported: • Parks and Rec Commission discussed Linda Vista Park; taking input on it as well as the Master Plan for McClellan Ranch • Housing Commission said they were dropping small grants to focus on large grants that more closely meet the program's objectives • Library Commission: Non-residents now must purchase a library card; circulation is down and 80% of residents have card • TIC: Looking at how they can change street lights to more economical bulbs; some areas in the city are city-owned lights and they can be changed out; some are PGE owned and PGE is happy with the status quo • Fine Arts Commission: Discussed the Distinguished Art Award • Teen Commission: Discussed YAK attack which is a workshop with other teens, with the theme Communication and Uniting Youth • Bike and Ped Commission: Announced that Cupertino was designated a bike friendly community. Cupertino Planning Commission 5 April 24, 2012 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: No meeting. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: • Written report submitted. MISC: Chair Miller: • Said the Silicon Valley Leadership Group did a survey of prominent CEOs in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley companies are excited about growth prospects and are looking to further growth in the Bay Area in 2012. They cited the challenges they faced as housing costs, high taxes, health care and traffic congestion. When asked what changes local government could undertake to improve the business climate of their company, they stated the following issues: K through 12 education; reduce public pension costs; approve more affordable housing developments; ease local street and road congestion; and streamline the permit approval process. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned to the next regular Planning Commission meeting scheduled on May 8, 2012 at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: i Elizabe lis, Recording Secretary Approved as amended: May 8, 2012