Regular Meeting
March 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA
Note: This meeting will be televised
Chairperson David Greenstein called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA.
Commissioners present: Darcy Paul, David Greenstein, Marcia St.Clair,
David Fung, David Lee
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Mark Linder, Timm Borden, Gail Seeds, Donna
A. Staff oral reports
Director Mark Linder said this year's Big Bunny Fun Run is on Saturday,
April 7, beginning at City Hall Civic Center at 9:00 a.m. Registration is
open online or in person at the Quinlan Community Center or register the
day of the race before 8:45 a.m.
He also reported that the Parks and Recreation Department is now
accessible on many social media sites. The Parks and Recreation
Department, Teen Center, Senior Center, and McClellan Ranch Park can
be followed on Facebook and Twitter
B. Commissioner contacts
Commissioner David Fung reported that he attended the February 8
Mayor's meeting with Commissioners and noted that the TICC
Commission asked to revisit the cell towers in parks issue and they
discussed a new emergency reporting system.
A. Regular meeting of February 2, 2012
Action: Commissioner Paul made a motion to approve the minutes
and Commissioner St.Clair seconded the motion. The motion carried
A. Verbal update on Lawrence/Mitty Park
Director Mark Linder said the County Board of Supervisors asked the Santa
Clara County Parks and Recreation to look at carving out some money for
urban parks. Director Linder will be meeting on March 8, with the new
Director of County Parks, Rob Courtney, to possibly get some support from
the County for the Lawrence/Mitty Park project.
Commissioner Fung asked how the County defines an "urban park". Director
Linder said he will ask what criteria.the Board of Supervisors has approved
when he meets with Mr. Courtney. He said that generally, an urban park is
connected to another park-like facility or area so it can be expanded.
Director Linder said when he has more information and a timeline regarding
the park, he will present a written report to the Commission at a future
Chair Greenstein recognized Jennifer Griffin, who asked to speak on this item.
Ms. Griffin is a resident of the Rancho Rinconada area, near where the
Saratoga Creek Trail borders Lawrence Expressway. She said the area is
important for Trail access and the Trail is very active and is used a lot by
students going to Cupertino High School. She said she applauds any efforts
the City of Cupertino can make in acquiring and improving the land and
extending the trail area.
B. Review of draft McClellan Ranch Master Plan 2012 update.
Director Timm Borden gave a presentation and briefly discussed the
background and recent history on the Master Plan project process that began
last fall. He read goals from the 1993 Master Plan to show how these goals
were followed in the recent process and Master Plan Update. He explained
how public input from the November and February meetings was used to
identify potential projects which were ranked into 3 tiers. The Tier 1 projects
include the priority projects that are recommended for inclusion in this
coming year's CIP budget. The Tier 2 projects would be prioritized according
to what funding would remain after completing the Tier 1 projects but would
be considered for the near-term CIP budgets. Tier 3 projects would be
dependent upon completion and funding of Tier 1 and 2 projects and would be
reevaluated in future years.
Director Borden said that goal of tonight's meeting is to review the Master
Plan Update 2012, finalize it and forward it on to the City Council with a
recommendation to consider including it in the priority capital improvement
projects in the 2012-17 Capital Improvement Program as appropriate.
Director Borden thanked Public Works staff, the Parks and Recreation
Commission, and the architectural consultants, Hawley Peterson Snyder, for
their team effort in completing this process.
Chair Greenstein recognized Darryl Stow, who asked to speak on this item.
Mr. Stow, a 46-year resident, and immediate past president of the Cupertino
Historical Society (CHS), said that in 2000, CHS purchased the historic
Snyder-Hammond House from the Catholic diocese. The house was going to
be torn down so the CHS purchased it for $1.00. It is the oldest farmhouse
remaining in Cupertino. The CI-IS 13oard has recently decided to terminate the
lease contract with the family who has been living in the house, because CHS
would like to have the house available for historical and community use.
Mr. Stow said the CHS would like to propose that the Snyder-Hammond
House be added to the other historic buildings in McClellan Ranch Park, to
form a "cluster" of buildings, like the historical buildings in Kelly Park in San
Jose. He feels that CHS could secure public funding to pay for having the
house moved from its current location to McClellan Ranch Park, if the move
were approved.
Mr. Stow asked the Commission consider the concept of having a cluster of
historic buildings, and the Snyder-Hammond House be added to the final
McClellan Ranch Master Plan recommendation before sending it to City
Council for approval.
Commissioner Paul asked if the Historical Society felt this needed to be done
soon or could it be put in the pipeline for future consideration. Mr. Stow said
it could be done at a later time and did not need to happen in the near-term.
Commissioner Lee asked what kind of role the City would play financially in
the moving, renovation and maintenance of the house and Mr. Stow said the
Historical Society would take care of the financing themselves.
Deborah Jamison, Cupertino resident and member of the team that worked on
the 1993 Master Plan, thanked the staff and team for their tremendous hard
work in putting together this proposal. She said she appreciated the team
incorporating the history and goals and values of the original Master Plan.
She said she supports the CIP projects as presented but is disappointed that
undoing the damage done at McClellan Ranch West (former Simms property)
is still on the "back burner". She urged staff, Commission and City Council
not to lose their focus on completing the McClellan Ranch projects.
Commissioner Paul asked Ms. Jamison if she liked the idea of renaming
McClellan Ranch Park to McClellan Ranch "Preserve", as per a suggestion in
an email sent by resident, Rhoda Fry. Ms. Jamison said yes, and said she has
personally been calling it "Preserve" for over 20 years. She said it is
Cupertino's only designated "Nature and Rural Preserve" per Ordinance 710.
The next speaker on this Item was Richard Lowenthal, former Mayor and
Parks and Recreation Commissioner. Mr. Lowenthal said he is speaking as a
representative of the Rotary Club of Cupertino and is currently, the President
of the Rotary Endowment Foundation. He endorsed the staff recommendation
and said it is a good mixture of natural and historic preservation. He said
Rotary would like to help with hands-on help with natural preservation
including the creek restoration projects and also provide labor for the historic
preservation of buildings like the Blacksmith Shop. He also offered Rotary's
help with raising money for the McClellan Ranch projects. He endorsed the
idea of moving the Snyder-Hammond House to the east side of the creek but
would like to raze the Simms House. He would also like to see the entire west
side of the creek as a natural preserve that wouldn't include any structures.
Mr. Lowenthal also personally offered his help to raise money for extending
the Stevens Creek Trail from McClellan Ranch up to Linda Vista Park.
Jennifer Griffin spoke and said that she's glad the name of the park and
preserve uses the name "Ranch" because it's important to Cupertino's
ranching history. She also thinks it's important to have more historic signage
throughout the park and preserve.
Commissioner Paul asked how arduous it would be to add the Snyder-
Hammond House to the recommendations on the Tier 2 Existing Structures to
be assessed. Gail Seeds said it would be possible to add it to the scope of
evaluating the other structures.
Commissioner Fung asked why the renovation of the Ranch House wasn't on
any of the lists of CIP projects. Gai 1 Seeds said that staff had deemed the
renovations could be handled by Public Works staff and included in their
budget so it did not have to be added to the CIP budget.
Commissioner Paul said he thought the participation in the public meetings
and coordination of documentation by staff and team was outstanding. He
said that he would support the renaming of McClellan Ranch Park to
McClellan Ranch "Preserve".
Commissioner Fung thanked the staff and consultants for their"fantastic piece
of work" on the draft proposal and Felt that it reflects what was discussed at
the previous study sessions. He also agrees with renaming the park to
"preserve" suggested by Commissioner Paul. He agrees with the general
public sentiment that seems to be ir, favor of eliminating the Simms house
from the preserve area.
Commissioner St.Clair asked Darryl Stow what degree of cost for renovations
and moving the house would be needed for the Snyder-Hammond House.
Mr. Stow said he doesn't know the cost at this point but would guess it would
be six figures.
Commissioner Lee thanked everyone involved for their help and input in the
process. He is concerned about the parking issue and thinks it should be kept
in mind when finalizing the Master Plan.
Chairperson Greenstein said he approves with the staff recommendations but
feels that parking should be elevated to a more important priority.
He also agrees that the park should be renamed to "preserve". He said that
since he wasn't aware of the Snyder-Hammond house proposal until tonight's
meeting, he would like to see a process to evaluate this issue like the other
structures had been evaluated and discussed by staff and the public. He also
complimented the Cupertino Rotary and said he appreciates their offer of
helping with hands-on projects and he readily accepts their invitation to help.
Action: Commissioner Fung made a motion to adopt the Master Plan
proposal as submitted with one modification, to change the future
designation of changing "McClellan Ranch Park" to "McClellan Ranch
Preserve". The motion failed for lack of a proper second.
Commissioner Paul suggested a few discussion points and said that he agrees
with the other Commissioners to move up evaluating the parking issue from
Tier 3 and not to wait until Tiers 1 and 2 are done. He would also support
adding the Snyder-Hammond House to the historical feasibility assessment
Commissioner St.Clair asked to consider the idea of adding the Linda Vista
Park connection to Stevens Creek Trail for assessment.
After additional discussion by the Commissioners, another motion was
proposed by Commissioner Paul.
Action: Commissioner Paul made a motion to accept the staff
recommendations with the following modifications: 1.) rename
"McClellan Ranch Park" to "McClellan Ranch Preserve"; 2.) include the
Snyder-Hammond House in the historical significance assessment as
feasible; 3.) move the Tier 3 project of managing the parking to a Tier 2
project (as far as making the parking assessment is concerned); 4.)
include a future project, once McClellan Ranch Preserve is completed, to
extend the Stevens Creek Trail up to Linda Vista Park area.
Commissioner St.Clair seconded the motion. The motion carried
9. ADJOURNMENT - Chairperson Greenstein thanked the public and staff
for putting this recommendation together. Director Linder specifically thanked
Gail Seeds for all her work and coordination on this project. Chair Greenstein
adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Henriques, Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved at the April 5, 2012 regular meeting