BPC 06-18-03CUPE INO
Wednesday Junel 8, 2003
Conference Room A
Cupertino City Hall
10300 Torte Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Mr. David Greenstein,Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.
Staff: Goepfc~'t, Axrants
Present: Ms. Hua Julia Fu, Mr. David Greenstein and Mr. Robert Levy.
Absent: Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, Mr. Joe Walton
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of May 21,2003 were approved.
1. Regnart Creek Trail -
A general discussion followed with a motion to direct staffto write a letter to the City
Council to recommend a procedure for public outreach and approval process for a proposed
Regnart Creek Trail reach between Blaney Avenue and Pacifica Drive. ~he motion was made
by Vice Chair Greenstein, second by Commissioner Hua. All Commissioners were in favor.
It was determined that input from adjacent residents was essential and properties within 500
feet should be sent a survey to determine the sense of the adjacent neighborhoods. Staff will
develop a list of property owners within 500 of the proposed Regnart Creek Trail.
1. Trail Surfaces
a. Vice Chair Greenstein updated the Commissioners as to the background of this topic and
how it relates to developing trails throughout the city. A brief discussion followed. Vice
Chair suggested that a report by Environmental Consultant Jana Sokale be obtained and
asked staff`to follow up and develop a matrix for available trail surfaces. Vice Chair
Greenstein suggested looking at locating different types of trail surfaces for review and
possible use on the proposed Regnart Creek Trail. A motion was made by Commissioner
Levy to have staff`prepare a list of surfaces, second by Hua, all were in favor.
2. Future Items Discussion
a. Walkability
b. Review of Commissioners Handbook - Commissioners will direct comments to the City
Manager's Office.
c. Bubb Road - Sidewalk installation for the east side of the street.
Vice Chair CJreenstein suggested the Cupertino Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines be
reviewed to prioritize the sidewalk gaps throughout the city. Staffwill provide a map of
sidewalk gaps in the city.
d. Public Transportation for the City -
Commissioner Levy noted he had seen a reference to the city provid'mg public
transportation for the city. Vice Chair Greenstein suggested we ask Altrans or VTA to
attend a meeting and discuss the current state of public transportation addressing
alternative programs that are available to the public at large.
There being no further business or public comment Vice Chair Greenstein adjourned the
meeting at 8:43p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday July 16, 2003 at 7:00
p.m., City Hall, Conference Room A, after a walk through of the proposed Regnart Creek Trail
section between Blaney Avenue and Pacifica Drive.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Arrants