BPC 02-15-2012 N\\ ■/% MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PIEDESTRIAN COMMISSION February 15, 2012 CUPERTINO The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners William Chan, Mark Fantozzi, Alan Takahashi Absent: Commissioners Jill Mitsch, Ashish Kolli VISITORS: Robert McCoy, Commissioner Public Safety Jim Wiant, VTA BPAC Representative ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Robert McCoy expressed concern over pedestrian and bicycle safety at Stevens Creek and De Anza Blvd. Mr. McCoy also was concerned with bicycle safety near the Apple campus. Some Apple employees given bikes to use during working hours are not always following bicycle safety rules. The Commission suggested he contact Apple directly. Mr. McCoy reported that the lot behind Panera is very dark at night and not safe. The commission recommended that he contact the Planning Commission and suggest that a condition of future improvements on the property, the owner improve the parking lot lighting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORDERS OF THE DAY 1) Jim Wiant reported on items of interest from VTA BPAC meeting. VTA plans for improved express bus service including the addition of 20 new hybrid busses, upgrades to bus stops, and adaptive traffic signal timing. Jim also reported on the new Bicycle Technical Guidelines (BTG)proposed by the VTA. The new guidelines will be presented to the VTA Board of Directors in May 2012. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2) The Commission unanimously approved the January 15, 2012 minutes with edits. OLD BUSINESS 3) Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines: Each Commissioner will create an editable file from the existing Plan document for the specific chapter they selected for review. Staff will assist in providing updated data needed for the plan to make it current. BIKE TO WORK DAY 4) Bike to Work Day is May 10, 2012. No other updates. BIKE EVENT PLANNING 5) Commissioner Takahashi emailed Parks and Recreation Department about a bike event at De Anza College in 2013. The day would be the Saturday before Easter. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. SUBMIT ED Y: f i, /2- Mark Fantoz • Commissioner D to