BPC 11-16-2011 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION November 16,2011 „1- 19j.\\ CUPERTINO The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Mark Fantozzi, Ashish Kolli, Alan Takahashi, Jill Mitsch, William Chan Absent: None Staff: David Stillman VISITORS: Jim Wiant, VTA BPAC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Stillman mentioned that hardcopies of the Cupertino Bikeways Map will be available soon for distribution. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORDERS OF THE DAY 1) Receive VTA BPAC Report: Jim Wiant Mr. Wiant reported on activities relating to the Stevens Creek Trail, the CA-85 and US-101 express lanes, CA-9 safety improvements between Los Gatos and Saratoga, the Page Mill/Moody intersection, and pedestrian transportation plan guidelines. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2) September 21, 2011 The Commission corrected the September 21, 2011 minutes as follows: • Correct name for the bridge • Correct spelling for Anne Ng • Approval of minutes should not show abstention since commissioner was absent The Commission approved the minutes as corrected unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 3) Bike Event& Education Discussion Commissioner Takahashi reported that he met with Parks and Recreation staff. He had previously secured free access to De Anza College on any weekend day which does not conflict with the flea market. Parks and Recreation staff rejected the idea to add a bicycle ride to the Big Bunny Fun Run at this time. In addition, the 2012 Fun Run is on the same day as a De Anza flea market. Commissioner Takahashi will follow up by contacting Director Linder to see if there is long term interest from Parks and Recreation to organize a bicycle event. Commissioner Chan reported that he and Mr. Wiant held a bicycle safety event at Lincoln during the school's book fair. 4) Stevens Creek Trail/Los Altos BPAC Mr. Stillman had forwarded Los Altos BPAC commissioner Chris Hlavka to Commissioner Chan to discuss the Stevens Creek Trail project. Commissioner Chan spoke with Ms. Hlavka by phone. Los Altos BPAC is interested in forming a multi-city commission to work on the trail project. There is currently a multi-city committee at a higher level that the City is already involved in. Commissioner Takahashi will follow up with Councilman Mahoney and/or City staff member Gail Seeds to see if the Commission should also get involved. 5) Hyannisport Bike Improvements Mr. Stillman reported on a change for improving safety, brought to him by Captain Neusel and the Public Safety Commission. The change would provide a separated bike lane on Hyannisport. His feedback was that there were unsafe aspects to that design. The Commission agreed that this design proposal was not desirable. Commissioner Chan will look into restarting the conversation with Kennedy and/or CUSD to add bike racks to the Hyannisport side of campus to help reduce the bike/car conflicts. 6)Rodrigues Bike Lane *Action Item* Mr. Stillman presented proposed plans for bike lanes on Rodrigues between De Anza and Tone. There is adequate width to add the lanes with minimal impact. Commissioner Takahashi moved that the Commission approve the plan and recommend to City Council the bike lanes as presented. Commissioner Kolli seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 7) Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines Mr. Wiant provided the Commission with several copies of the VTA document "Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines." One item to consider from the VTA point of view is how Bus Rapid Transit may affect the plan. The Commission divided work on the plan as follows: Chapter 1: Takahashi Chapter 2: Mitsch Chapter 3: Fantozzi Chapter 4: Chan Chapter 5: Kolli Each commissioner is to thoroughly read his/her chapter before the next meeting. 8)Hotlist Review The Hotlist was reviewed and several items regarding bicycle detection at intersections were updated. Rough pavement items will be lumped into the city-wide review for pavement improvement projects next year. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Pedestrian Transportation Plan ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. SUBMITTED BY: /41\! ( / 0-- William Chan, Commission Chair Date