.01 U-2007-06 Cupertino Village CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT FORM Application: U-2007-06, ASA-2007-10 (EA-2007-08) Agenda Date: March 25, 2008 Applicant: Brian Replinger (Cupertino Village) Location: Homestead Road and Wolfe Road APPLICATION SUMMARIES: USE PERMIT and ARCHITECTURAL & SITE APPROVAL to construct tvvo one-story retail buildings totalulg 24,455 square feet and a two level parking structure. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends tIlat tIle Plamling Commission revievV" al1d approve tIle revised COllditions of approval. BACKGROUND: 011 March 11, 2008 tIle Plannulg Comnlission. revie\ved the project and reconlmended approval to the City COUI1Cil witIl several l1ew condition.s. TIle Comlnissiol1 directed that tIle revised C011ditiollS returll for review alld approval as a COll.Sel1t item. DISCUSSION: Tlle followlllg conditioll.S \vere added based 011 tlle Plannlllg Commission's directioll. (new wordulg Ul red): 1. NOISE ABATEMENT The fUlal garage plan shall be revie\ved by tIle project 110ise COllsultallt (Illulg,vorth alld Rodkul) to ellsure that all of tIle recolnnlendatiollS outlined by tIle lloise report dated Novenlber 8, 2007 are sufficielltly addressed. T11is illcludes but not linlited to tIle required 110ise attenuation properties of the garage perinleter ,vall (groulld level and second level) along Lilulet Lalle. 2. CONSTRUCTION MANGEMENT PLAN A cOll.structioll mallagemellt plall shall be provided to ulclude but ll0"t limited to " the follo\Vlllg nleasures: .:. Constructioll scIledule/ duratioll/l1oise abatell1ellt. .:. Interim offsite employee/ contractor parkulg. .:. Truck routes. .:. 011site constructiol1/ traffic sigllage. .:. Best mallagemel1t practices. .:. Dust cOl1trol. .:. Specific tree protection Ineasures. .:. No construction parking or traffic shall occur 011 the residelltial streets to tIle west. 1-1 Applications: U-2007-06, ASA-2007-10 (EA-2007-08) Cupertino Village ~hoppiI1g Ce11ter Page 2 .:. A 110tline sI1all be established duriI1g tI1e c011structio11 period for the adjace11t reside11ts to report a11Y violations or C011cerns. The 11otlll1e ll1forll1atio11 s11all be posted 011 the property O\V11er's \vebsite and at appropriate Iocatiol1S at tI1e C011structioll site. 3. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR CROSW ALKS ,The applicallt s11all work with "Staff to determllle areas witlllll. the existill.g shopping ce11ter (coll.sistent witl1 the recomlllendations from Fell.r alld Peers) that sl10uld be better delineated as special pedestria11 walks or crossing areas. Such new areas shall be el1.ll.a11Ced witl1 special sell1i-pervious paving materials and striplll.g. Detailed plall.S sl1all be reviewed all.d approved by tIle Desigt1 Review Committee prior to iSSUall.Ce of buildlllg perInits. 4. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR COURTYARDS TIl.e applicant sll.all work with staff to enhaIlce a11d activate the existing courtyards witll. tIle followlllg measures: .:. New shadi11g trees wllerever possible. .:. EnhaIlcemellt$ to benches, sitting areas and ligll.ting features. .:. Enllallcements to tIle lllterior plaza aIld gatherlll.g places (includlllg but. ll0t limited to upgrades to special sellli-pervious pavlllg material, trellis/arbor features, water features and outdoor seating areas). Detailed enha11cement pla11 s11all be reviewed and approved by the Design Review COlnmittee. 5. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE TIl.e Design Revievv COInlnittee s11all revievv a11d approve the fil1al arcI1itecture a11d site plal1 of tIle project. 6. RAIN GARDEN TIle .site dralllage and roof drail1age sIlall be directed to tIle ralll gardells and/ or silnilar pervious areas to tIle" maxiIllulll extent possible. TIl.e fi1laI site and roof drai1lage plan sIl.all be revie\ved all.d approved by the Desigll Revie\v C0l1l1nittee. 7. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT Provide a Trall.Sportatioll Dellland Mallagelllent Plan. SUCll plal1 shall be perllla1lellt alld delll01lstrable and be linked to tIle leasillg strategy (ie. te11allt/use controls SUCll as cap 011 restaurants alld/ or square footage liInits). Said pla11 sIlall illclude but l10t be lilllited to illcelltives for elll.ployees carpool or take public trallsportation such as bus passes, l1lonetary lllcentives, slluttle services for off-site parkillg, eInployee or restaural1t valet services, preferential car pool parkillg etc. TI1e fi11al TD~1 plan sllall be SUblllitted to the Pla11ning Departl1lent for revievv and approval prior to fiIlal occupallcy approval. 1-2 Applications: U-2007-06, ASA-2007-10 (EA-2007-08) Cupertino \Tillage Shopping Center Page 3 8. PARKING SUPPLY The total percent of Ulcrease Ul tIle proposed parkillg supply (stalls) sllall equal or be greater tIlan the proposed percellt of increase Ul buildulg square footage. TIle fUlal revised parkulg plan sllall be revievved alld approved by tlle DesigIl Revie\v Comlllittee prior to issuallce of buildulg permits. 9. SCREEN WALL A mUlimull1 eigIlt (8) foot tall \vall shall be constructed aIo11g tIle 110rtIlerly property IUle bet\veen the ShOppUlg center and the chur<::h property. 111 additiol1, a locked gate sllall be provided at a lllutually (betvveell tIle Sllopping center al1d cllurch) agreed locatiol1. TIle fUlal \vall aIld gate plan sllall be revievved alld approved by the Desigrl Revie'\v COlll111ittee. 10. HOMESTEAD DRIVEWAY TIle drive\vay alollg HOlllestead Road shall be lilllited to rigIlt-in alld right-out Ollly. Appropriate sigIlage and drive'\vay l1lodificatiol1 to ill1plelllellt tIle right-ul and rigIlt-out l1lovelllellt sIlall be revie\ved a1ld approved by Director of Public Works prior to issuance of buildiIlg perll1its. 11. NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN PROGRAM A Sigrl progralYl sIlall be provided to address appropriate neigIlborllood SigrlS to iIlforlTI a1ld deter tIle public frolll parkulg in the residential streets. Said progran1 sIlal1 be revie'\ved alld approved by tlle City of SUlu1yvale. 12. PEDE'STRIAN GARAGE ACCESS TIle parkulg garage shall eitIler ulclude a second set of stair or an elevator. The parkulg structure sIlall be C01lsistent \vith all pertine1lt Buildulg al1d ADA Codes. 13. ONE YEAR REVIEW PERIOD Require a I-year review of tIle use perll1it from tIle time tIle two new buildulgs receive fUlal occupallcy. TIle Plalulll1g COlll11lissiol1 lllay C01lsider and require additiollal parkiIlg rellledies (i.e., parkiIlg lifts, valet parkiIlg alldj or other parki1lg dellland lllanagelllellt llleasures) if deenled appropriate at the till1e of the r'eview hearing. Ellclosures: Revised Model Resolutiol1s Submitted by: Gary Chao, Senior Plarmer ccb c- ~/ . .{, .'P. Approved by: Steve Piasecki, Director of COlll1TIUnity Development I. 1-3 ASA - 2007 -05 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6464 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE AFPROV AL TO CONSTRUCT A 10,582 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING AND ONE-LEVEL PARKING GARAGE ON AN EXISTING OFFICE SITE SECTION I: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for an Architectural and Site Approval, as described in Section II of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1. The proposal, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of zoning ordinance, the General Plan and the North Vallco Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for Architectural and Site Approval is hereby approved, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application No. ASA-2007-10 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 25, 2008, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION II: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: ASA-2007-10 Applicant: Brian Replinger (Kimco) Location: Homestead and Wolfe Road 1-4 Resolution No. Page 2 ASA-2007-10 March 25, 2008 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS TIle approval is based on Exllibits submitted by MCG titled: "Cupertulo Village" consistulg of 25 pages, except as may be amended by tIle COllditioI1S contained in this Resolution. 2. DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Appro"val is grallted to COllstruct two oIle-story retail' building totalulg 24,455 square feet alld a two level parking structure. 3. CONSTRUCTION MANGEMENT PLAN A cOllstructioll nlanagemellt plall sIlall be provided to lllclude but 110t lilnited to tIle followulg measures: .:. COllstruction schedule/ duratioIl/noise abatement. .:. I1lterim offsite elnployee/ contractor parking. .:. Truck routes. .:. Ollsite construc~ioll/ traffic signage. .:. Best nlanagement practices. .:. Dust cOlltrol. .:. Specific tree protection measures. .:. No constructiol1 parkil1g' or traffic sIlall occur 011 tIle residential streets to tIle west. .:. A Ilotlule sllall be established durulg tIle constructioll period for tIle adjacellt residellts to report allY violatiolls or COllcerllS. TIle Ilotlule illforlllatioll sllall be posted 011 tIle property O'Vller's web site alld at appropriate locatiolls at the cOllstructioll, site. Said plall shall be reviewed by tIle Director of Community Developmellt prior to issuallce of buildulg permits. 4. NOISE ABATEMENT TIle fillal garage plall sllall be revie\t\Ted by tIle project lloise COllsultallt (Illillg\vortIl alld Rodkill) to ellsure tllat all of tIle recol1l11lelldatiolls outlilled by tIle lloise report dated Novenlber 8, 2007 are sufficielltly addressed. Tllis ulcludes but ll0t lil1lited to tIle required lloise attel1uatiol1 properties of tIle garage peril1leter "vall (groulld level alld secolld Ie"vel) alollg LiIulet Lalle. 5. ODOR ABATEMENT All new restaurallts sIlall illstall odor filtratioll system. Odor filtration plan shall be reviewed alld approved by the City prior to issuallce of any buildulg permits. 1-5 Resolution No. Page 3 ASA-2007-10 March 25, 2008 6. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BOND A landscaping bond naming the City as beneficiary in the amount of $100,000 shall be provided to the City prior to issuance of any building permits. Said bond shall ensure that the approved landscaping enhancements associated with the project are going to be carried out and properly maintained. The bond shall be released five years from the final occupancy approval of the proposed new buildings with a letter from the City Consulting Arborist confirming that all of the landscaping features are in good standing. 7. DETAILED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PLAN A detailed landscaping maintenance plan be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Said plan shall include details on the irrigation system and the routing schedule of maintenance and the upkeep of the landscaping area along east side of Linnet Lane. 8. TRASH ENCLSURE SIZE AND LOCATION The applicant shall work with a consultant to evaluate the refuse and recycling needs of the center and develop a permanent refuse/recycling improvement plan (including but not limited to provide newly updated versions of trash compactors/ enclosures, any necessary grease filtration system upgrades, any necessary sewage facility upgrades and more efficient refuse pick-up schedule). Said plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Any new trash facility shall be located away from the residential neighborhood as far as possible. 9. BUS SHELTERS There are currently two bus stops along Wolfe Road. One of the bus stops is located near the intersection of Homestead and Wolfe. This bus stop will be relocated to the south of the entrance drive in front of Starbucks Coffee in order to promote safer vehicular movement. The site plan already reflects this change. In addition, staff suggests that the project be required to design and build appropriate bus stop shelters at the two bus stops. The final bus shelter design and location shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department to the Valley Transportation Authority's (VTA) specification. 10. RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK In order to prolong the life of the double row of Ash Trees along Wolfe Road and the street trees along Homestead Road, the existing perimeter sidewalk should be replaced with a new at-grade sidewalk to facilitate proper root growth and reduce future uplifting of the sidewalk. All monolithic sidewalks shall be replaced with detached sidewalk (except in situations where trees are in the way or special physical! functional constraints warrants special consideration by the Director of Community Development). Unused driveway curb cuts, unnecessary and unsafe curb features or tree wells shall be eliminated. 1-6 Resolutiol1 No. Page 4 ASA-2007-10 Marcl1 25, 2008 11. CORNER PLAZA ENHANCEMENTS T11e project s11all enhal1ce tl1e corl1er areas at t11e ll1tersections of Pruneridge/Wolfe and Wolfe/Homestead. Said areas sl1all be el1l1al1ced with special pavll1g material, appropriate landscaping and sidewalk features al1d potel1tially benches or art features as determined by t11e City ll1 order to improve t11e pedestrial1 experience and overall aesthetic of t11e site. A detailed corl1er plaza el1l1ancelnent plan shall be sublnitted for review al1d approval by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. The proposed site plal1 already acla10wledges the plaza. 12. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR CROSW ALKS The applical1t s11all work wit11 staff to determll1e areas wit11ll1 the existing sI1oppu1g cel1ter (con.sisteI1t witI1 tI1e recommen.dations from Fel1r al1d Peers) tl1at should be better delll1eated as special pedestriaI1 walks or crossll1g areas~ Sucl1 areas shall be enhal1ced \vitl1 special sel11i-pervious paving lnaterials and stripi11g. Detailed plal1s shall be reviewed and approved by t11e Design Review Comn:ittee prior to issual1ce of buildll1g permits. 13. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR COURTYARDS Tl1e applical1t s11all work wit11 staff to ermance and activate t11e existi11g courtyards wit11 t11e followll1g lneasures: .:. New shading trees wherever possible. .:. El1l1al1celnel1ts to bel1cl1es, Sitti11g areas and lig11tll1g features. .:. El1l1al1cemel1ts to the ll1terior plaza al1d gat11eri11g places (illCluding but not lilnited to upgrades to special se111i-pervious paving material, trellis/ arbor features, water features a11d outdoor seatll1g areas). Detailed el1l1al1cement plan s11all be reviewed al1d approved by t11e Desigr1 Review Cormnittee. 14. DESIGN RE\TIEW COMMITTEE Tl1e Desigl1 Revie\v C0111111ittee sllall revie\v al1d approve the fillal architecture alld site plall of tIle project. . 15. RAIN GARDEN Tile site drail1age alld roof drai11age sllall be directed to tIle ralll gardells alld. / or Sil11ilar pervious' areas to tIle Inaximul11 extel1t possible. TIle fUlaI site alld roof . drai11age pla11 sIlall be revie\ved a1ld appro\Ted by t11e Desig11.Revievv COl11111ittee. 16. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT Provide a Trallsportatio11 De111a11d Mallagen1e1lt Plail. SueI1 plall sllall be per111a11ellt alld denlo11strable alld be li11ked to tIle leasi11g strategy (ie. tel1a1lt/ use c01ltrols SUCIl as cap 011 restaura11ts a11d/ or square footage lil11its). Said pla11 s,llal1 illclude but 110t be li111ited to incelltives for'e11lployees carpool or 1'-7 Resolution. No. Page 5 ASA-2007-10 March 25, 2008 take public trallsportatioll SUCIl as bus passes, luolletary Ulcel1tives, slluttIe services for off-site parklllg, elupIoyee or restaurallt 'valet services, preferelltial car pool parkillg etc. TIle fUlal.TDM plall.s1lall be subluitted to tIle Plalullllg Departlllellt for re"vieV\' alld approval prior to fUlal occupancy approval. 17. PARKING SUPPLY TIle total percellt of Ulcrease Ul tIle proposed parkillg supply (stalls) shall equal or be greater tIlall tIle proposed percellt of il1crease Ul buildulg square footage. TIle fUlal revised park~lg plall sIlall be revievved alld appro"ved by t]le DesigIl Re,de\v ConUllittee prior to issua1lce of buildillg perlnits. 18. SCREEN WALL A 111lllirllulll eigllt (8) foot tall ,vall sIlalI be COllstructed aIollg tIle 110rtIlerly property IUle bet\Veell tIle shoppillg cellter alld the cIlurcIl property. III additioll, a locked gate sIlall be provided at a 111utually (betweell tIle Sl10ppulg cellter alld cIlurcll) agreed locatioll. TIle fUlaI ,vall alld gate plan sllall be revie\,ved alld approved by the Design Review ConlIuittee. 19. HOMESTEAD DRIVEWAY . TIle drive\vay alol1g HOI11estead Road sllall be linlited to right-ill alld rigllt-out OIlly. Appropriate sigIlage alld drive\vay InodificatioIl to llllplenlellt tIle rigIlt-ill alld rigllt-out 1110vemellt sllall be revieV\7ed alld approved by Director of Public Works prior to issuallce of buiId.ulg pernlits. 20. NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN PROGRAM A SigIl progralll sIlal1 be provided to address appropria~e lleigIlborhood SigI1S to ulforlll alld deter tIle public froll1 parkulg Ul tIle residelltiaI streets. Said progralll sIlall be revie\.ved a1ld approved by tIle City of SW11lyvale. 21. PEDESTRIAN GARAGE ACCESS TIle parkillg garage sIlall eitIler ulclude a secolld set of stair or ':111 elevator. TIle parkirlg structure sIlall be COllsistellt \vitIl all pertulellt Buildillg al1d ADA Codes. 22. GARAGE ENTRANCE Consider widenillg the ground level garage elltry at the nortll elld (ullless it will serve only as exitulg). 23. SHADING TREES Plallt additiollal shadulg trees alld elmance tIle existing la11dscapin.g vvIlerever possible througIlout tIle entire cellter. 24. ARCH ENTRY ELEMENTS . Repeat tIle arcIl eleluellt tIlrougllout all of tIle pedestriall elltrances. 1-8 Resolution No. Page 6 ASA-2007-IO MarcIL 25, 2008 25. STUCCO WALL TOP DETAIL Details should be provided 011 how stucco wall top is finislled off (avoid sheet metal cap flaslllllg). 26. MULTI-LANGUAGE SIGNS Require clear multi-language signs at each of the pedestriall elltrallces along Linnet Lane, lllforming tllem l10t to park III tIle residelltial streets. Also, tIle installatioll of a multi-lallguage sign to lllform truckers of the delivery hours alld rules sllall be provided. Detailed sigllage plans shall be submitted to tIle City for review and approval prior to issuallce of buildillg permits. 27. DISCLOSURE OF CONDITIONS TO TENANTS Require that the conditiollS of approval (ulcludulg tIle City's lloise ordillallce) be made part of the lease agreemellts of allllew tenants so tIley will be lllformed of the conditiollS and rules tIlat will be ellforced. 28. SECURITY CAMERAS Require security calneras to be installed at key delivery areas to assist ill lnollitoring alld enforcillg delivery 110urs alld noise violators. A detailed security calnera plall shall be submitted for review alld approval prior to issuance of building permits. 29. SECURITY SERVICES Require the cellter to el1hance patrol service so that tlley can mOllitor alld preyent spillover parking UltO the lleighborhood alld the delivery activities. TIle cellter sllould also provide a Ilotline to the adjacent residents to report allY code violation and unsafe activities. Said patrol service shall also monitor tIle trasIl facilities to ensure all tellallts are using tIle facilities properly. A detailed security plaIl shall be submitted to tIle City for review alld approval prior to issuallce of buildulg permits. 30. ONE YEAR REVIEW PERIOD Require a I-year review of the use perlnit from tIle tinle the two new buildlllgs receive final occupallcy. TllePlan.~lillg C0111111issioll111ay cO~lsider alld require additiollal parki11g re111edies (i.e., parkulg lifts, valet parkillg alld/ or otller parkulg d€lnalld Inallage111€11t l1leasures) if dee11led appropriate at tIle til1le of' the review llearillg. 31. NOTICE .OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The ConditiollS of Project Approval set fortIl 11erelll may lllclude certain fees, dedicatioll requirelnellts, reservatioll requirelnellts, aIld otIler exactiollS. Pursuallt to Governmellt Code Sectioll 66020(d) (1), tIlese COllditiollS COllstitute 1-9 Resolution No. Page 7 ASA-2007-10 March 25, 2008 written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. See attachment 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of March 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: APPROVED: Steve Piasecki Director of Community Development Lisa Giefer, Chair Planning Commission 1-10 U-2007-06 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO A USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT TWO ONE- STORY RETAIL BUILDING TOTALING 24,455 SQUARE FEET AND A TWO LEVEL PARKING STRUCTURE AT THE CUPERTINO VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SECTION I: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Use Permit, as described in Section II of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1) The proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; and 2) The proposed use will be located and conducted in a manner in accord with the Cupertino Comprehensive General Plan and the purpose of the Conditional Use Permits Chapter of the Cupertino Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for a Use Permit is hereby approved, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beguuling on Page 2 thereof; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified Ul this resolution are based and contauled in the public hearing record concernulg Application No. U-2007-06 as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 25, 2008, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth hereul. SECTION II: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: U-2007-06 Applicant: Brian Replinger (Kimco) Location: Homestead Road and Wolfe Road 1-11 Resolutiol1 No. Page 2 U-2007-06 Marcl1 25, 2008 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS The approval is based 011( Exhibits submitted by MCG titled: "Cupertu10 Village" COl1sisting of 25 pages, except as may be amended by tI1e Conditions contall1ed ll1 this Resolution. 2. DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Approval is granted to .construct two one-story retail buildll1g totaling 24,455 square feet a11d a two level p~rking structure. 3. CONSTRUCTION MANGEMENT PLAN A cOIlstruction management plan sl1all be provided to u1clude but 110t lilnited to tIle followlllg l1leasures: .:. ConstructiQll scl1edule/ duratioll/noise abatemellt. .:. Interim offsite employee/ contractor parking. .:. Truck routes. .:. On.site cOl1.structioll/ traffic sigl1.age. .:. Best mal1.agelnellt practices. .:. Dust cOlltro!. .:. Specific tree protection measures. .:. No COllstructioll parkll1.g or traffic shall occur on the residelltial streets to tIle west. .:. A 110tlule sllall be establisl1.ed d urillg tIle COl1structio11 period for tIle adjacellt residellts to report allY violatiolls or c011cerlls. Tile Ilotlule lllforlllatioll sIlal1 be posted 011 tl1e property oWller's vvebsite alld at appropriate locatiolls at tIle cOllstructio11 site. Said pla11 shall be reviewed by tIle Director of Commullity Developlnellt prior to issuance of buildll1.g permits. 4. NOISE ABATEMENT TIle fiI1al garage plal1 sllall be revievved by tIle project lloise COllsultallt (Illlllgvvortll alld Rodki11) to ellsure tllat all of tIle recol1l11lelldatiolls outlllled by tIle noise report dated Novelnber 8, 2007 are sufficielltly addressed. TIlis lllcludes but 110t lill1ited to tIle required 110ise attelluatio11 properties of tIle garage perilneter wall (groulld Ie"vel alld secolld level) aIo11g LiIulet Lalle. 5. ODOR ABATEMENT All new restaurallts shall ll1.stall odor filtration systeln. Odor filtratioll plan sIlal1 be reviewed alld approved by the City prior to issuallce of allY buildulg permits. 1-12 Resolution No. Page 3 U-2007-06 March 25, 2008 6. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BOND A landscaping bond naming the City as beneficiary in the amount of $100,000 shall be provided to the City prior to issuance of any building permits. Said bond shall ensure that the approved landscaping enhancements associated with the project are going to be carried out and properly maintained. The bond shall be released five years from the final occupancy approval of the proposed new buildings with a letter from the City Consulting Arborist confirming that all of the landscaping features are in good standing. 7. DETAILED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PLAN A detailed landscaping maintenance plan be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Said plan shall include details on the irrigation system and the routing schedule of maintenance and the upkeep of the landscaping area along east side of Linnet Lane. 8. TRASH ENCLSURE SIZE AND LOCATION The applicant shall work with a consultant to evaluate the refuse and recycling needs of the center and develop a permanent refuse/recycling improvement plan (including but not limited to provide newly updated versions of trash cqmpactors/enclosures, any necessary grease filtration system upgrades, any necessary sewage facility upgrades and more efficient refuse pick-up schedule). Said plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Any new trash facility shall be located away from the residential neighborhood as far as possible. 9. BUS SHELTERS There are currently two bus stops along Wolfe Road. One of the bus stops is located near the intersection of Homestead and Wolfe. This bus stop will be relocated to the south of the entrance drive in front of Starbucks Coffee in order to promote safer vehicular movement. The site plan already reflects this change. In addition, staff suggests that the project be required to design and build appropriate bus stop shelters at the two bus stops. The final bus shelter design and location shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department to the Valley Transportation Authority's (VTA) specification. 10. RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK In order to prolong the life of the double row of Ash Trees along Wolfe Road and the street trees along Homestead Road, the existing perimeter sidewalk should be replaced with a new at-grade sidewalk to facilitate proper root growth and reduce future uplifting of the sidewalk. All monolithic sidewalks shall be replaced with detached sidewalk (except in situations where trees are in the way or special physical! functional constraints warrants special consideration by the Director of Community Development). Unused driveway curb cuts, unnecessary and unsafe curb features or tree wells shall be eliminated. 1-13 Resolution No. Page 4 U-2007-06 March 25, 2008 11. CORNER PLAZA ENHANCEMENTS TIle project shall enhance tIle corner areas at the llltersection.s of Pruneridge/Wolfe and Wolfe/Holnestead. Said areas sllall be enhanced witIl special pavlllg lnaterial, appropriate lalldscapulg alld sidewalk features and potentially bencIles or art features as determul~d by the City Ul order to ilnprove the pedestriall experience and overall aestIletic of the site. A detailed corner plaza elmancement plan shall be submitted for review alld approval by the Design Review COlnmittee prior to issuallce of buildulg permits. TIle proposed site plan already ack1lowledges the plaza. . 12. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR CROSW ALKS TIle applicallt sllall work \,yith staff to determllle areas within tIle existing ShOppulg cellter (COllsistent \,yith tIle recomlnelldatiol1S from Fellr alld Peers) that should be better delineated as special pedestriall walks or crosslllg areas. Such areas shall be ellllanced with special sellli-pervious paving lllaterials and stripulg. Detailed plalls shall be reviewed alld approved by tIle Design Review Comnlittee prior to issuallce of buildillg permits. 13. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE INTERIOR COURTYARDS TIle applicant sllall work witll staff to enllallce alld activate tIle existulg courtyards witll tIle followin.g measures: .:. New shading trees wherever possible. .:. Enllallcenlellts to bellclles, SittUlg areas alld lightUlg features. .:. Enhallcemellts to tIle lllterior plaza and gathering places (illCludulg but l10t limited to upgrades to special sellli-pervious paving material, trellis/ arbor features, water features and outdoor seating areas). Detailed erulallcement plan sllall be reviewed and approved by tIle Desigrl Revie\,y COlnmittee. 14. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE TIle Desigll Revie\,y C0l1.11nittee sllall revie\v and approve tIle flllal arcIlitecture alld site plall of tIle project. 15. RAIN GARDEN Tile site dralllage alld roof draillage sllall be directed to the raUl gardells and/ or silnilar pervious areas to tIle 11laxilTIUlll extellt possible. Tile fUlaI site alld roof .dralllage plall sllall be revie\,yed alld appro'ved by tIle Desigll Revie\v C011l111ittee. 16. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT Pro'vide a Trallsportatioll Dell1alld Mallagelllellt Plall. Suell plall sIlall be perll1allellt alld denlol1strable alld be 1lllked to tile leasillg strategy (ie. tellallt/use cOlltrols SUCll as cap 011 restaurallts alld/ or square footage lil1lits). Said plall sllall lllclude but 110t be lilllited to il1celltives for enlployees carpo?l or 1-14 Resolution No. Page 5 U-2007-06 March 25, 2008 take public transportation. such. as bus passes, lTIOlletary lllcelltives, slluttle services for off-site parklllg, elnployee or restaurallt valet services, preferelltial car pool.parklllg etc. TIle fillal TDM plall sIlal1 be submitted to tIle Plalullllg Department for revie\v aIld approval prior to fiIlal occupallcy approval. 17. PARKING SUPPLY TIle total percellt of lllcrease III tIle proposed parkillg supply (stalls) sIlall equal or be greater tIlall the prol-losed perceIlt of illcrease Ul buildulg square footage. TIle fUlal revised parkulg plall sIlall be revievved alld approved by tIle DesigIl Re"vie'''' COlnnlittee prior to issuallce of buildulg. perl1lits. 18. SCREEN WALL A 11lillil11um eigllt (8) foot tall \Ivall sIlall be cOllstructed aIollg tIle 110rtIlerly property lUle bet,veell tIle Sl10ppillg cellter alld the cIlurcll property. III additioll, a locked gate sIlall be provided at a 11lutually (bet\veeIl tIle SI10ppillg ceIlter alld cIlurcIl) agreed locatioIl. TIle fillal ,vall aIld gate plall sIlall be revie\ved aIld . appro\Ted. by tIle DesigIl Revievv COl11Inittee. 19. HOMESTEAD DRIVEWAY TIle drivevvay alollg HOl1lestead Roa~ sllall be IU1lited to right-ill alld rigllt-out Ollly. Appropriate sigIlage alld drive,vay InodificatioIl to Ullplel1lellt tIle rigIlt-iIl alld rigIlt-out lnovelllent sIlall be re\Tievved alld approved by Director of Public Works prior to issuaIlce of buildillg pernlits. 20. NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN PROGRAM A Sig1l progranl sIlal1 be provided to address appropriate lleigIlborIlood SigllS to hlform alld deter tIle public frolll parki1lg ill tIle residelltial streets. Said progranl sIlaII be revievved alld approved by tIle City of SUlulyvale. 21. PEDESTRIAN GARAGE ACCESS TIle parkiIlg garage sIlaII eitl1er lllclude a secol1d set of stair or all elevator. TIle parkulg structure sI)alI be COllsistellt ,vitIl all pertiIlellt Buildulg alld ADA Codes. 22. GARAGE ENTRANCE Consider ,viden.illg tIle ground level garage elltry at tIle nortIl eIld (unless it will serve OIlly as exiting). 23. SHADING TREES Plant additiollal sllading ,trees alld en1lan.ce tIle existulg laIldscapillg wllerever possible througllout the entire cellter. 24. ARCH ENTRY ELEMENTS Repeat the arch element throughout all of the pedestrian elltrallces. 1-15 Resolution. No. Page 6 U-2007-06 March 25, 2008 25. STUCCO WALL TOP DETAIL Details sIlould be provided on how stucco wall top is finisIled off (avoid sIleet lnetal cap' flaslllllg). 26. MULTI-LANGUAGE SIGNS Require clear multi-language SigllS at each of tIle pedestriall elltrallces along Lirulet Lalle, lllformlllg them not to park in ~he residelltial streets. Also, tIle installation. of a lllulti-language sign to irlform truckers of the delivery hours aIld rules sIlal1 be provided. Detailed si~age plans shall be sublnitted to the City for review alld approval prior to issuance of buildulg permits. 27. DISCLOSURE OF CONDITIONS TO TENANTS Require tIlat the COlldition.5 of approval (includirlg tIle City's 110ise ordi1lallce) be made part. of tIle lease agreemellts of all new tenaIlts so they will be ir1.forlued of the conditiollS alld rules tllat will be ellforced. 28. SECURITY CAMERAS Require security call1eras to be lllstalled at key delivery areas to assist in InOIl.itoring alld enforcing delivery hours and 110ise violators. A detailed security calnera plall shall be submitted for review alld approval prior to issuance of building perluits. 29. SECURITY SERVICES Require tIle cellter to elmallce patrol service so that tlley call mOIl.itor and prevent spillover parkirlg into the 11eighborhood alld tIle delivery activities. The cellter sllould also provide' a llotlllle to tIle adjacellt residents to report allY code violation alld unsafe activities. Said patrol service sIlall also mOIl.itor the trasll facilities to ensure all tellants are uSlllg tIle facilities properly. A detailed security plall sllall be sublnitted to tIle City for review and approval prior to issuallce of buildillg permits. 30. ONE YEAR REVIEW PERIOD Require a I-year review of tIle use permit from the time the two llew buildings receive final occupancy. TIle Plarullllg COll111lissiOl1 lllay COl1sider al1d require additiollal parkillg rellle~.ies (i.e., parklllg lifts, valet parkillg alld/ or otller parkiIlg dell1.alld ll1.allagelllellt llleasures) if deellled appropriate at tIle tinle of tIle revie\v hearillg. 31. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS TIle ConditiollS of Project Appro.val set fortll llereiIl lllay lllclude certalll fees, dedicatioll requirements, reservatiOIl. requiremellts, aIld other exactiOI1.S. Pursuant to Goverrunel1.t Code SectiOIl. 66020(d) (I), these COllditiollS cOI~stitute 1-16 Resolution No. Page 7 U-2007-06 March 25, 2008 written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. See attachment 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of March 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: APPROVED: Steve Piasecki Director of Community Development Lisa Giefer, Chair Planning Commission 1-17