LIB 05-20-03City of Cupertino
Library Commission
Regular Meeting
May 20, 2003
At 7:05 p.m. Eno Schmidt called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torte
Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino.
Commissioners: Eno Schmidt, Sheila Mohan, Janet Riddell, Kathy Stakey and Yuhfen Diana
City/County Library Staff: Mary-Ann Wallace, Melinda Cervantes, Carol Atwood
Absent: None
Guests: None
Commissioner Stakey moved to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2003 regular meeting
with Commissioner Wu second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Stakey noted that Mary Ann Wallace was able to accept the donation of an
American Flag for the library.
A. Measure A - Eno reported that per his discussions with Richard Lowenthal, there is no
official election organization for the Measure A campaign yet established. Melinda
stated that there is a JPA election subcommittee meeting on 5/21 from 2:00- 3:30 at the
Campbell Library. Eno will attend.
B. Library Issues Breakfast - Eno reported that this was a good breakfast meeting and
directly pointed to the issues.
C. Santa Clara County Library Profile - Eno shared the profile, which is an overview of the
library and its programs. Melinda noted that this is distributed to all new members of the
A. Review of Oral Report to City Council - This report was postponed until August.
Kathy Stakey will present.
B. Unique Issues faced by the Cupertino Library - Deferred.
C. Free Charge Book Programs - Deferred.
D. Link+ Type Programs - Is a free service that allows the library to borrow books from
colleges and public libraries in California. This service is similar to the shared borrowing
between SCC libraries. This system is faster than the inter-library system but there are
costs connected such as delivery fees. It will increase the collection, but staff will find
themselves processing more materials. TBR could go either way.
E. 2003/04 Proposed City Budget - Carol Atwood summarized the budget situation and
stated that the budget does not include extra library hours for this next year. This is due
to the fact that we are entering the third year of a recession and service cuts were needed
this year in order to balance the budget. Kathy Stakey and Eno Schmidt to look for
options to fund the Sunday hours.
A. Status Report on New Library Project - The Commission reviewed the staff report
from Ralph Quails. Since the Commission had several questions, they asked that Terry
Green or Ralph Quails attend the next meeting. Melinda stated that she would instigate a
separate meeting with Terry to keep abreast on the construction activity.
B. Summary of Building Concerns - Janet Riddell passed out a final report and cover
letter that summarized the building concerns. The subcommittee had modified the report
to include past comments from the Commission meetings. Eno suggested that we attach
the report to the current minutes. Carol Atwood stated that she had reviewed the report
with the City Public Works staff and they had confirmed all items with the exception of
suggesting an atomic versus hard-wired clock system. Kathy moved to attach the report
to the minutes and Eno seconded. All were in favor.
C. Agenda Building for Commission Meetings - Eno referred to the packet and
welcomed modifications to the agenda listings. Eno uses this to decide what goes on the
next agenda.
D. Report on JPA Meeting - Melinda reported that the JPA reviewed the first draft of the
survey that had been prepared by the consultant that will go out to the community. They
also received the budget as amended at $25.7 million, which represents a maintenance
level budget. June 5th is the next meeting where they formally adopt the budget.
Changes include lease parking next year ($35/space/month) and a new lease needs to be
formalized for the Joint Operating Agreement for the Saratoga Library.
E.Legislative Update - covered under the County Librarian's report.
F.Sister City Library - No update.
G. Library Foundation - Commissioner Schmidt reported that $193,000 had been raised
to date (73,000 in cash and 120,000 in verbal pledges). Richard Lowenthal and Michael
Chang are co-chairing the campaign with a goal of $1.2 million to fund the FF&E. The
next meeting is scheduled for 5/21/03. The Flint Center has agreed to donate 100 tickets
to the Joffrey Ballet with all proceeds going to the campaign and the Cypress Hotel will
host a reception after with the dancers. In addition, Flint will contribute $1 from each
ticket sold to the general public. Melinda suggested that the buying entity (city vs.
foundation) might make a difference in whether or not sales tax is required.
H. Friends of the Library - Kathy reported that the Friends were dark in May and will be
meeting in June.
I. Mayor's Tea - Janet Riddell e-mailed a summary of the April meeting. The May
meeting was cancelled and Diana will take June, Kathy will take July, and Sheila will
take August.
Mary Ann Wallace gave the commission an update on April activity for the temporary
library. Summer reading programs kick off on June 16th and during poetry month in April
the children's librarians gave out about 240 poetry packets. So far, the library has been
getting manageable groups of children for activities. The library now has four self-check out
machines with one being used for "Express Checkout" (10 items or less). They have
stationed a person out front to direct people to these machines, which have increased usage
from 21% to approximately 36%. Circulation for the month of April was approximately
152,000 items. Book talks to senior citizens are done monthly, and the teen librarian spoke
to the Teen Commission this last month and attended the Community Congress on Teen
issues. Mary Ann ended by passing out magnets to market the self-check out machine.
Melinda Cervantes updated the commission on her testimony before the Senate to advocate
monies for libraries. Two days later nine representatives visited with nine legislators to
educate them on what is needed for the library community. The State library itself is slated to
loose $3million from their budget. (See attached budget information). The measure A
renewal election committee plans on establishing point persons in each community - next
meeting is 6/26 at 3:30 at Campbell Community Center. July 30th is the official campaign
kick-off at the Cupertino Senior Center at 5pm. June 21st is the Saratoga Library grand
opening from ! lam to 4pm.
A. The Commission discussed the request for a volunteer to serve on the General Plan Task
Force. No commissioner felt that they could accommodate the time commitment
B. Diana Wu stated that Iris Chang is on a publisher sponsored national book tour. Diana
was looking for a facility to accommodate this author in June at night and asked if the
Library Commission could sponsor the presentation? Atwood will call Julia Lamy and
ask if the Senior Center is available.
C. Melinda stated that they have successfully recruited a permanent Deputy County
Librarian - Sarah Flowers.
D. Carol Atwood referred to the packet for an update of the survey. We will continue to
collect feedback for this month.
E. Janet Riddell asked that the City install directional signs to the temporary library on
DeAnza Blvd. And on Lozano. Carol stated that she had forwarded the request to Ralph
Qualls who will discuss with his public works crew.
F. The Commission agreed to modify the future agendas to 1) add Commissioner Reports,
2) move up this item and the City Librarian and County Librarian reports, and 3) invite
the JPA representative to attend quarterly.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Carol Atwood