Wednesday May 21,2003
Conference Room A
Cupertino City Hall
10300 Torte Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Staff: Goepfert, Arrants
Present: Mr. Joe Walton, Ms. Hua Julia Fu, Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, Mr. David Gmenstein and
Mr. Robert Levy.
Absent: none
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of April 16,2003 were approved.
1. Pedestrian Crossing at Stevens Creek Boulevard/Highway 85 NB On-ramp -
Mr. Goepfert related his conversation with CALTRANS regarding the proposed changes to
the intersection. Mr. Goepfert was told an encroachment permit would not be approved. Mr.
Goepfert suggested that a letter from the Commission in support of an encroachment permit
to allow for the proposed improvements. Commissioner Levy suggested a letter to the City
Council to look into the matter. A motion was made by Commissioner Levy to send a letter to
the City Council, to look into the upgrades to Stevens Creek Boulevard at Freeway 85 East
Ramp, in order to provide additional pedestrian safety. Vice Chair Greenstein seconded this
motion and all Commissioners were in favor.
Note: Arrant to prepare a work order to install "PED XING" sign and legend prior to
pedestrian crossing.
Letter of Support for Lawrence Expressway Crossing at Mitty -
Mr. Goepfert related his plans to meet with Santa Clara County Roads and San Jose regarding
improvements which would offer a better idea towards penning a letter of support.
Commissioner Levy commented that he is aware ora study with Council members James and
Sandoval and Director of Public Works Qualls as Cupertino advocates.
3. Bike to Work Day and Week-
Chair Walton noted there were approximately 750 participants bicycling through (~upert;no
on Bike to Work Day with an average distance of 10 miles. Support in the form of prizes
from 9 local bike shops, with winner chosen at random. Vice Chair Greenstein will provide
data entry support, as he has done in the past. Commissioner Paulsen commented that his
children rode to school during this event, and continue to do so.
1. SafeW Education - Council member Dolly Sandoval
a. Ms. Sandoval discussed her concerns and ideas regarding pedestrian and bicycling safety.
Ms. Sandoval discussed ideas such as, "It's Red for a Reason", a program to raise
awareness of red light running, especially during the summer when school is out.
Possibly running an advertisement on the city channel and reaching out to all members of
the community, particularly seniors, by newsletters in several languages. Ms. Sandoval
commented that many new residents from other countries, do not have the experience and
knowledge as to the "rules of the road". Ms. Sandoval indicated there is great interest by
the school board members to educate school children regarding bicycle and pedestrian
safety. Chair Walton suggested a survey on the city website to get impressions of walking
opportunities in the community and identify "Hot Spots" for engineering and/or
enforcement attention. Commissioner Paulsen suggested sandwich-style billboards with
catchy wording or large wooden statues, painted black at sites of pedestrian accidents as a
way to attract the attention of motorists to slow down. Ms. Sandoval suggested that
related commissions work together, Such as the Public Safety Commission, to create a
bicycle and pedestrian safety community campaign.
2. Review Joint Powers with Los Altos - Curt Riffle, Member of Los Altos BPAC
a. Mr. Riffle gave a briefing on the role of the Los Altos Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
Committee. Mr. Riffle discussed 2 current projects. The Stevens Creek Trail, a VTA tier
1 project, and their Safe Routes to School Project- 25 pathway connector upgrades. Mr.
Riffle discussed the plan to upgrade traffic signal to allow for bicycle friendly timings,
and to get their bicycle map online. Lastly, Mr. Riffle discussed the K-6 education
outreach with Los Altos Police. A lengthy discussion followed with Mr. Riffle regarding
experiences with similar projects, in particular the Stevens Creek Trail and it's relation
the San Antonio Park property.
b. This discussion opened up a general update of the Mary Avenue Footbridge project and
the current proposed development at The Oaks Shopping Center on Mary Avenue. Mr.
Goepfert brought the Commissioners up to date on the status of the consultant, Biggs
Cardosa Associates, lnc. Mr. Goepfert discussed current deadlines regarding funding. Mr.
Goepfert told the Commissioners that design work is expected to begin this summer and
construction is anticipated during 2004 - 2005.
Commissioner Levy discussed the proposed development at The Oaks of a housing
development in reducing the width of Mary Avenue by 20 - 26 feet. Mr. Goepfert
explained that the developer will do a traffic study which could result in enhanced
pedestrian facilities on Mary Aventie.
3. Walk to School Day- October 8,2003
a. Vice Chair Greenstein gave an overview of this item and discussed past participation and
outreach. A general discussion followed regarding proposals to increase participation in
at local elementary schools by various incentives such as, gift certificates to local ice
cream shops, stickers or a roving trophy awarded annually for display, to the school with
the most participation.
b. A motion was made by Vice Chair Greenstein to draft and send a letter from Chair
Walton and the City Council, to Cupertino Elementary Schools regarding Walk to School
Day 2003. Commissioner Paulsen seconded the motion and all were in favor.
4. Regnart Creek Trail - Forward Feasibility Study
a. Mr. ~oep~ert presented the ltlea of the Plann[ng r)epartment to begln the process to
develop a portion of the trail between the development, Campo De Lozano, on Rodrigues
Avenue and the new library. A general discussion followed. Chair Walton suggested staff
look into Safe Routes to School as a funding source. The Commissioner requested that
more information be provided by the Community Development Department and
requested Senior Planner, Aarti Shriyastava attend the next meeting. Staffwill contact
Ms. Shrivastava regarding her availability.
Note: Ms. Shrivastava was notified and agreed to attend the next meeting
5. Nomination of Member of General Plan ~ask Force -
a. Vice Chair Greenstein nominated Chair Walton, all Commissioners in favor.
Future Items Discussion
a. Commissioner's Handbook- review, placed on agenda for June discussion.
b. Bubb Road - installation of sidewalk on east side.
c. Cupertino Pedestrian Guidelines- review Commissioner Levy's edits
d. Public Transportation
There being no further business or public comment; Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at
9:40p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday June 18, 2003 at 7:00 p.m., City
Hall, Conference Room A.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Arrants ~