CHC 09-08-05MINiJTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION September 8, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Vice-Chair Kim Mosleh 2. ROLL CALL Present: Housing Commissioners Richard Abdalah, Sarah Hathaway-Feit, and Kim Mosleh Absent: Chairperson Mahesh Nihalani and Frances Seward 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. May 5, 2005 Action: Approved 3-0, Motion made by Commissioner Abdalah, seconded by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Vallco Residential review The Housing Commission discussed the development and made minor comments about the location of the units and the pedestrian access from the units to the shopping center. The new residential will be located across from Alexander's Steakhouse where the Farmer's Market is currently located. Motion: Request Developer address the four concerns of the Housing Commission and bring back the project for review prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit, seconded by Commissioner Abdalah. Action: Approved 3-0, Motion made by Commissioner Abdalah, seconded by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit Aviare Apartment Condo Conversion Senior Planner Gil explained to the Commission that the Planning Commission was referring this item to the Commission for review. Aviare Apartments has an approved condominium map, however, the map states that prior to actually converting from apartments to the condominiums, the property owner must meet the requirements of the Condominium Conversion Ordinance, which requires a 5% vacancy rate for two consecutive quarters. Earlier this year, the vacancy rate met this threshold and the property owner applied to convert the 140 apartments to condominiums. The property owner is proposing making 20% of the units BMR rental units, these units will remain in one building located near the freeway. Another 5% of the units will be ownership BMR units and they will be dispersed throughout the site. Staff commented that the biggest concern was the inferior location of the BMR rentals and the fact that they were segregated from the rest of the development. The Commission agreed that these situations posed a problem. The Commission recommends that the units be located in a more desirable location and that the units be integrated with the market rate ownership units. Action: Approved 3-0, Motion made by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit, seconded by Commissioner Abdalah The Planning Commission is looking for feedback on the conversion and on the Condo Conversion Ordinance as well. The Commission also discussed the Ordinance and felt that this item should be scheduled for the Commission's review and not discussed at this time. 7. COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS None 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. to regular meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission on October 13, 2005. SUBMITTED BY: ~~/ lA~__ Vera Gil, Staff liaison to the Cupertino Housing Commission