PSC 02-13-03I. CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD FEBRUARY 13, 2003 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM The Chair, Emma Darknell, called the meeting to order. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Chair led the Salute. III. ROLL CALL: comrmssioners Present: commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Darknell, Dor, Chang, Riddell and Chen None Gary Komahrens, Code Enforcement Captain Hirokawa, SheriWs Department Chief Lopes, Santa Clara County Fire Lieutenant Damiano, ShefiWs Department Staff Absent: None Visitors Present: None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes approved with two corrections. V. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE: Chief Lopes told the commission of a small residential fare and three vehicle fires m Cupertino since last meeting. No significant damage. Year ending 2002 report that engine I out of the Cupertino station had 1700 "runs" and is the busiest engine in Cupertino. Chief Lopes advised the commission that the budget position appears O.K. for 2003. Fire receives 60% of funding through property taxes and 40% through contxacts with cities including Cupertino. Chief Lopes said Fire has received a lot of calls related to preparing for acts of terrorism. The fire deparm~ent has put out many communications regarding terrorism awareness. Ail engines are equipped with radiation detectors, which would alert Fire Fighters if they were in a hazardous area when responding to an emergency. Command staffis on alert and have reviewed all emergency procedures. Chief Lopes told the comrmssion that new classes of recruit Fire Fighters are in the background ~nvestigation stage. Chief Lopes told the cotrarassion that a senior Deputy Fire Marshall position has been added along with an Associate Public Education Officer position, which will be filled shortly. Public Safety comrmssion Minutes Page 2 Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 V. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE CONT.: Cormmssioner Darknell asked Chief Lopes about response times for emergency calls. Chief Lopes said the goal set for 10 years ago was 5 minutes 90% of the time. Chief Lopes advised that Central Fire averages 8 minutes or less 95% of the time from when the bell rings at the station to when umts arrive on scene. Commassioner Chang asked Chief Lopes if Fire and Police fmd out about upgraded Terror alerts before the general public does. Chief Lopes said the Fire Department usually finds out about the same time as the general public. comrmssioner Darknell asked Chief Lopes if there is anything the public could do to help in an emergency s~tuation like terrorism. Chief Lopes said join programs such as CERT and be ready to help when called upon. VI. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Hirokawa told the commission that the Sheriff's Deputies discovered 1 adult female and two children found dead in their home on Orange Ave. on 2-13-03. Fire Fighters and Deputies could smell natural gas at the home when they first arrived on scene. Captain Hirokawa said the incident is still under tnvestigation. Captain Hirokawa told the commtssion that an armed robbery occurred at the Bank of America on Stevens Creek at Bandley on February 6, 2003 at 5:30 PM. Report of a large fire discovered by a Deputy in San Jose jurisdiction on Bark Lane on February 4, 2003. San Jose Police could not spare any units so the Sheriff's Department provided several units for traffic control. Captain Hirokawa said that if the terror alerts are upgraded, the Sheriff's Office may change to 12-hour shifts and bring in Court Deputies for patrol duties if necessary. Command staff has identified what they consider as high profile targets in the County for possible terror attacks. They are Stanford University and Moffet field. Commassioner Dor asked about Stevens Creek Dam and others. Captain Hirokawa stated that normal patrols continue and they are more concerned about the larger darns such as Coyote and Anderson. Conunissioner Darknell stated she observed a bright light over Montebello Road while driving in for the meeting. Captain Hirokawa stated that he would investigate the matter. Captain Hirokawa introduced Lt. Frank Darmano as the new second in command at the Westside Substation. VII. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS: Commissioner Dot reports on an article he read related to a crackdown on 'Red Light" runners in the County that was from the Mercury News. Public Safety Cornrmssion Minutes Page 3 Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 VII. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS CONT.: Commissioner Darknell states that she did speak with Mayor Chang about the commission needing more direction. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that Dave Knapp would be at the next meeting to discuss direction. Comrrassioner Riddell states that the Traffic Safety Committee makes decisions, but the Public Safety Commassion does not have much to do. Discussions as to why the traffic safety comrmttee is making so many decisions (based on their meeting minutes). New Commissioner Chen asks for a brief history on Traffic Safety comrmttee. Gary Kornahrens told about the pending visit by Dave Knapp at the next meeting and council objectives. Gary advised them to expect a letter from Dave Knapp and asked them to think &items to discuss with Mr. Knapp at the next meeting. Comrmssioner Darknell gave some history as to items that the commission had helped on the past. These items included traffic safety, speed bumps, shopping carts, etc. Cornmassioner Darknell and Riddell both stated again that the commission has no direction. Comnnssioner Riddell spoke of their attendance at the Saratoga Public Safety Commission. Commissioner Riddell stated, "They actually help make policy". They operate very differently according to Riddell. Commissioner Darknell asked why are the Red Light Camera's at Stevens Creek and Wolfe Rd. not working after 1 ½ years. Commissioner Darknell stated that this is way too long and something should be done, Comrmssioner Darknell spoke of inviting a City Council member to sit in on the meeting with Dave Knapp next month. It was suggested that they hold offon this until after they meet with Dave Knapp alone. ConnniSSloner Riddell read from the job description of Public Safety Comrmssion as stated hi the Municipal Code. Commissioner Riddell stated that much of what is stated they are not involved in such as making policy and advising the City Council. Darknell stated that it was time to elect a new chair for 2003. Commissioner Dot moves to keep Darknell as chair. Second by Riddell. All members in favor. IX. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None. X. OLD BUSINESS: None. / Public Safety Commassion Minutes Page4 XI. NEW BUSINESS: None. Regular Meeting of February 13, 2003 XII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully Submii~ed, Gary Komahrens Code Enforcement Officer