BPC 05-17-06
May 17, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Walton, Paulsen, Koski, Fable
David Knapp - City Manager
Glenn Goepfert - Assistant Director, Public Works
David Simons from the City of Sunnyvale talked about some upcoming bridge projects in Sunnyvale
that might impact the Mary Avenue Corridor and cause a chain reaction of road expansion needs. He
indicated that mitigation was necessary so that the construction development would not diminish the
possibility of a bicycle commuter route existing or inhibit traffic flow. The commissioners discussed
their appropriate involvement in this matter and sought to seek more information from David Simons
prior to approaching the City Council regarding the above-mentioned matter.
Anne Ng talked about Bike-to-Work Day and encouraged the commissioners to participate in the
activities scheduled for the event.
Carol Stanek, a Cupertino resident, expressed concern about providing safer access to students who ride
their bikes to school. She indicated that there wasn't bicycle access on parts of McClellan and that the
kids have to ride on the gravel. Ms. Stanek also mentioned that the closure of the Scenic Circle gate
minimized that ability for kids to have a safer bicycle route. Ms. Stanek encouraged the commission to
improve access on Scenic Circle, in conjunction with the Stevens Creek Corridor Trail Project. The
commissioners discussed ways in which they could be instrumental in minimizing the traffic and
bicycle/pedestrian impacts in the area.
Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert informed the commission that Commissioner Joe Walton was
appointed to a new term on the VT A BP AC (Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority - Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Commission), as approved by the City Council. The group congratulated Joe for
his hard work and commitment.
Commissioner Scott Fable informed the commissioners about as study initiated by the BAAQMD (Bay
Area Air Quality Management District) regarding congestion around some local school in Sunnyvale
and Milpitas. He also mentioned that the group hired a consulting firm to monitor traffic patterns and to
propose some short-term/long-term suggestions. Commissioner Fable suggested that the commission
find out more information and determine if Cupertino would be interested in doing something similar.
The commissioners decided to agendize this item to a later date and Commissioner Fable agreed to
acquire more information.
Chairperson May Koski mentioned that she received email correspondence, from Eric Norton, inquiring
if something could be done about bicycles that do not stop at stop signs on Bubb Road. Mr. Norton
recommended that a small sign, indicating that .bicycles should stop also, be hung underneath the stop
sign. Mr. Norton also suggested that a painted stop sign decal be placed in the bike lane at the four-way
stop. Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert mentioned that the department received a similar request from
Mr. Norton and that staff was in the process of evaluating the situation to determine a course of action.
1. March 15 Minutes
The commission approved the minutes of March 15,2006 as submitted. VOTE: 4-0
2. April 18 Council Meeting: Cash Out - BFC Application - Goals
Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert provided a recap of the City Council's decision regarding the parking
cash out program. City Manager David Knapp explained the position of the City Council regarding the
program and the factors taken into consideration in deciding not pursue the program at this time. The
commission also discussed the Bicycle Friendly Communities application and the fact that the City
Council directed the commission to acquire more information and to report back at a later date.
Mike Bullock addressed his view on the CitY Council's decision to not pursue the parking cash out
program and talked about the advantages of the program. Mr. Bullock also expressed disappointment
that the staff report to the City Council did not reflect staffs support of the program. Mr. Bullock
thanked the commission for their effort in passing the parking cash out resolution and for their
3. Mary Ave Bicycle Footbridge: Status - Name
Assistant Director Glenn Goepfert updated the commissioners on the status of the Mary Avenue
Footbridge Project. He indicated that phase one was complete and that phase two would start in
September/October and go for a year. He also mentioned that there would be a report going to the City
Council in June regarding the project status and budget. Assistant Director Goepfert also reminded the
commissioners of the existence of a naming process/policy in regards to their interest in contributing to
the name for the footbridge.
City Manager David Knapp also provided the commission with some background information regarding
the naming process/policy and encouraged the commission to review the policy.
4. Monta Vista High School 2nd annual Walk & Bike to School Day
Chairperson May Koski indicated that the event was very successful and well participated. Chairperson
Koski also mentioned that there was a considerable amount of pedestrian traffic and that the bike racks
. were full. Chairperson Koski also stated that she asked the city's public information officer, Rick
Kitson, to acknowledge the teachers, schools groups, and sheriff officers who contributed immensely to
the event.
5. Traffic Safe Communities Network (TSCN) Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Work Group
Commissioner Geoffrey Paulsen updated the commission and indicated that the TSCN was not focusing
much on bicycle pedestrian issues .because the state has redirected their focus to car related issues, in
order to maintain funding. The comririssioners decided to periodically monitor the status of the Traffic
Safe Communities Network (TSCN) Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Work Group.
6. Bicycle Plan - Pedestrian Guidelines
The commissioners talked about updating the Bicycle Transportation Plan. Assistant Director Glenn
Goepfert recommended that the commissioners review the Bicycle Transportation Plan and the
Pedestrian Guidelines and make recommendations for editing and updating in accordance to a timeline.
Commissioner Joe Walton offered to begin updating the Bicycle Transportation Plan and requested a
soft copy for editing purposes. Assistant Director Goepfert indicated that he would look into acquiring a
soft copy. The commission agreed to appoint Commissioner Walton to update the Bicycle Pedestrian
Plan and to agendize review of the draft in July.
7. Clear the Way
The commission commented on a previous written communication that stressed the need to beautify city
streets by removing obstructions that could cause injuries and to unify neighborhoods to promote
walkability. The writer expressed the desire to have a system in which volunteers could report areas that
needed tree trimming, sidewalk repair, and signs replaced, etc. The commission discussed the
possibility of using block leaders as a resource to accomplish this task. The c01llII\issioners discussed
ways in which they could alert the community of this program, so that residents could inform the city of
areas that need attention. The commissioners agreed to generate a list of ideas to facilitate the program
and to review the list at a subsequent commission meeting.
8. Rebuilding California - Designs for Unhealthy Living
The commissioners decided to remove this item from the agenda.
9. Capital Improvements - Expenditures
The commissioners agreed to hear this item at a later date.
10. Bubb Road School Bike Lanes - No Stopping Zone
City Manager David Knapp provided some background information regarding this tern. He indicated
that there has been some concern over cars blocking bicycle lane access during after- chool pickup time.
The County Sheriff s office provided some recommendations to help improve the situation and
minimize impacts. City Manager Knapp also informed the commission that the s eriff s department
has been tasked with outreach and involving the stakeholders in the decision-m . ng process. The
commission reviewed an aerial of the affected area and discussed possible solution. The commission
agreed to revisit this issue in order to determine a course of action, once the s eriff s department
completed its outreach.
Clear the Way
Street Smarts Update
BAAQMD Task Force - Congestion Management Study
Bubb Road School Bike Lanes - No Stopping Zone
The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m.
Karen B. Guerin
Administrative Assistant