PSC 03-13-03MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD MARCH 13, 2003 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Emma Darknell, called the meeting to order. II, SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Chair led the Salute. HI. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Darknell, Dor, Chang, Riddell and Chen None Jeffrey Trybus, Code Enforcement Lieutenant Damiano, Sheriff's Department Deputy Chief Stamp, Santa Clara County Fire StaffAbsent: None Visitors Present: None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February minutes approved. V. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER, DAVE KNAPP: Commissioner Riddell asked City Manager, Knapp why are we in existence? Riddell read the Traffic Safety Committee minutes relating to safety matters. Commissioner Darknell made the comment that there is no substance to the Public Safety ConmUssion meetings. Commissioner Riddell stated he thought he would be dealing with safety matters when he was appointed to the Commission. Emma brought up a question to City Manager, Knapp on why the red light cameras are not working in some parts of the city. Commissioner Dot said the Public Safety Commission does not do enough. Commissioner Darknell stated citizens have been showing up to the Traffic Safety Committee meetings pertaining to the Klm Street traffic gate. City Manager Knapp told the comrmssion that the traffic gates are illegal by State law. Commissioner Riddell asked City Manager, Knapp how do complaints get to the different Committees and Commissions. Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 2 Regular Meeting of March 13, 2003 V. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER, DAVE KNAP? CONT.: City Manager, Knapp told the cormmssion that he is the complaint department, and he would distribute the complaint to the different Comrmssions. Commissioner Chen brought up the question if shopping carts are a safety issue in the city. City Manager, Knapp presented the City Council goals and asked if anybody had any recommendations pertaining to the goals Commissioner Dot asked City Manager, Knapp if an incident occurs on school property is it the schools responsibility, and not the cities. Commissioner Dot made the commem that McClellan Road near Bubb Road is a mess because of all the school traffic. City Manger, Knapp told the Commission that he could come back, and he also said that he is available if anybody wanted to speak with him individually. VI. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE: Commissioner Darknell asked deputy Chief Staump if the city had received any problems due to the previous high windstorms. Deputy Chief Staump advised that the Fire department would have peak load staffing during the winter for major storms. Deputy Chief Staump told the comImssion that the triple fatality on Orange Avenue was due to carbon monoxide poisoning. VII. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Lieutenant Damiano told the comrmssion that he does not think all the reformation contained in the report is required by the Commission. Lieutenant Damiano told the commission that he could distribute the report via e-mail if the cormmssion desires. Lieutenant Damiano would like the Commission to review the report and advise him what they do not want contained in the report. Commissioner Riddell asked Lieutenant Damiano if any school resource officers have been cut. Lieutenant Damiano told the commission that (2) two have been cut, and Cupertino schools only have one assigned. Lieutenant Damiano told the commission that cuts will occur but law enforcement in Cupertino is a priority and personnel will not be lost. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of March 13, 2003 Page 3 VIII. COMMISSIONERS REPORT: Commissioners would like more information on how many accidents have occurred at thc intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Stem Ave. Commissioners would like a study session next month in April on thc £~rst Wednesday at 7:30 PM to discuss thc Sheriff's report, Dave Knapp discussion and function of the Public Safety Commission. IX. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None. X. OLD BUSINESS: None. XI. NEW BUSINESS: None. XII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting will be adjourned to Wednesday, April 2, 2003 at 7:30 PM. Re~lly~