PSC 02-08-96 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1996 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the chair, Catherine McAulitte. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Salute was led by the chair. HI. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: McAuliffe, Zander, Corr, Checknmn, Pickett Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer Captain Wilson, Sheriff's Department Lt. Huber, SheriWs Department Chief Sporleder, Central Fire DisUict Jim Davis, Cupertino Water Supen, isor Staff Absent: None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Wilson gave an update of the recent officer involved shooting incident in the area of N. Sterling and Homestmd RA. The Captain explained that the weapon that the perpetrator used was recovered by an area resident al%r the incident. Upon searching the perpetrator's vehicle, ShefiW s detectives located two pipe bombs and Neo-NazA type literature. After the incident there was a de-briefing held at the Quinlan Center where other participating law enforcement agencies discussed the event. Captain Wilson reported that there was another recent shooting incident in Cupertino. This event occurred at Ola's nightclub located in Cupertino Village. Apparently, two rival gangs exchanged gunfire in the front parking lot of the club. The Deputies recovered 15 spent rounds at the scene. There were no reporled injuries and two people were arrested at the scene. The Captain reported that on future nights where problems may occur, two uniform deputies will supplement the already existing security at the nightclub. There was a recent table top meeting/training drill held at City Hall for the E.O.C. Captain Wilson distributed applications to interested commissioners for the upcoming adult police academy. The Captain also explained recent changes in his department. Lt Hubor will be transferred to Headquarters in downtown San Jose. He will be replaced by Lt. Slack. There will also be a duty lieutenant who will be assigned to the field division, Thursday through Monday. Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 2 Regular Meeting of February 8, 1996 VI. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE: Chief Sporleder advised that "Dolph" the arson dog was recently used in Cupertino for a minor fire, and quickly located the source location of the fire. "Dolph' has also been widely used in other local cities for various fire calls. The Chief stated that St. Patrick's Day is normally a very busy night for local taverns and drinking establishments. There will be a Fire Inspector riding along with a Deputy that night checking occupancy loads and other fire code violations that may be violated that evening. Chief Sporledcr advised that thc Fire District recently purchased the comer lot of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Vista Dr., now occupied by a car dealership. This will be instrumental hi the design of the new fire station. The new Monta Vista fire station is seheduied to begin construction in late spring or early summer. The Chief will be keeping the Commission appraised of the progress in beth projects. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Cupertino residents, Bob and Carrie Zeidman attended the meeting to express their concerns of traffic congestion in the area ofRegnart Elamenta~. Commissioner Corr, will be contacting Regnart School administration to work on possible solutions to the problem. VIII. WRfl-rP.;N COIVffvlUNICATIONS: There is a disaster preparedness related luncheon on April 24, 1996. All Public Safety Commissioners were invited. Interested parties should contact Marie Moore from disaster preparedness. IX. OLD BUSINESS: Jim Davis, Cupertino Water Supervisor was invited to the meeting to discuss the integrity of Cupertino's water system. Mr. Davis explained what areas are serviced by Cupertino Water, size of water pipes, and materials they are made of. Mr. Davis explained that during thc earthquakc of 1989, Cupertino Water fared very well in damage to pipes and customer service. Mr. Davis stated that he was confident in the present integrity of the water system that he sen, ices. X. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission held elections for Chair and Viee-Chair of the Commission. Chuck Corr was unanimously elected as the Chair for 1996. Newly appointed Chuck Pickett was unanimously elected Viee-Chuir for 1996. Tbe Commission gave special recognition to outgoing Chair, Catherine McAuliffe for her year's service as Chair. Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 3 Regular Meeting of Februmy 8, 1996 The Commission discussed various items for thc 1996 Public Safety Commission work plaa. XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. Code Enforeen~s~U~ficer Approved by the Public Safety Commission at the regular meeting of March 14, 1996. Catherine McAuli~e, ~hah' t~