PSC 12-12-96 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAPI~ fY COMIVIISSION HELD DECEMBER 12, 1996 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chuck Corr. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Salute was led by the Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Corr, Pickett, Zander, Drexler Commissioners Absent: Cbeclonnn Staff Present: Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer Captain Wflsen, Sheriff's Depamnent Chief Sporleder, Central Fire District Staff Absent: None Visitors Present: None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November minutes wexe approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Wilson dism'buted crime s~atistics thro.gh November 1996. The statistics indicated that theft and vandalism were more frequent through the month of November. The Captain commented that there has been a recent rash of auto burglaries wbem compact disk players and cellular phones have been taken. The SbefiWs Department, the City Manager, and Couneilm.an Chang recently met with the Seven Springs Homeowners board to discuss several issues facing the community such as Waffic issues, crime prevention and other safety issues. The same group also met with various c4hnic groups to discuss ethnic issues and how to best meet their different needs. Captain Wilson informed the commission that he would be taking a medical leave of absence until approximal~ly the end of March. Lt. Slack will be the acting Westside commander. VI. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE: Chief Sporleder distributsxl tim statistics through October 1996. The Chief commented on the rise in single family/duplex and store/commercial fires. The causes are believed to be a result from the misuse of heat, fireworks, or mashes, according to the statistics. The Chief briefly discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the demographic make-up of the City as it relates to firefighting. He stated that the infiastmcture (firehouses), arc in good shape with the recent remodeling. Chief Sporleder stated that the difficult areas to fight fires in are the Residential Hillside Zones and the creeks and trail areas. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of D~mber 12, 1996 Page 2 VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS; None. Viii. WRfI-I'~N COIVfiV[UNICATIONS: None. IX. OLD BUSINESS: None. X. NEW BUSINESS: The commission elected to continue the issue of City focus groups to the Janualy 1997 meeting. XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Code Enforcement Officer  regular meeting of January 9, Chuck Coif, Chair 1997.