PSC 03-13-97MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MI~iTING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMIVflSSION I-n~l,r'~ 1VIARCH 13, 1997 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30PM I. CAI.I. TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chuck Pickett. II. SALU'rE TO THE FLAG: Thc Salute was led by the Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Pre~ent: Commissioners Absent: SUdr Present: Staff Abcom: Visitors Present: Pickett, Drexler, Checkm~ Corr, Zander None Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer Captain Slack, Sheriff's Department Deputy Mmtthcw Durra, Sheriff's Department Chief Sporledcr, Central Fire District None None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Febmmy minutes were approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Slack distributed crime statistics through the month of Janumy. Captain Slack also commented on the contract negotiations between the City and the ShefiWs Department and gave an ulxlate on allocation of the C.O.P.S. grant money awarded to the City to be used for law enforcement purposes. VI. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE: Chief Sporleder distributed fire statistics for the month of January. Thc chief also distributed a memoranAum detailing a recent residential fire that occurred on Miller Ave. Chief Spofleder also dism'buted information on a program tiffed, "Operation Outreach". This programs intent is to go into the schools and uy to help high school students become more aware of drinking and driving in and around graduation times. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioners Zander and Drexler attended thc Public Dialogue Consortium meeting. The commissioners explained that community communication was one In.in issue that was discussed. Commissioner Drexler attended the recent Mayor's Breakfast and discussed thc Public Safety Commission, 1997 work plan with Mayor Bautista. Public Safely Commission IVa~ing Page 2 Regular Meeting of Mareh 13, 1997 VIII. WRl'l-rtIN COMMUNICATIONS: The chair received an invitation to the March Mayor's Breakfast. IX. OLD BUSINESS: None. X. NEW BUSINESS: Deputy Matthew Durra attended the meeting to disoms the neighborhood watch program and his involvement with the DARE program. Deputy Durra discussed what types of topics are covered at the neighborhood watch meetings and how residents could awangc for a neighborhood watch progrmn to begin in their neighborhood. XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjouraed at 9:45 p.m. / Cede Enfbr4~at Officer Approved by the Public Safety Commission at the regular meeting of April 10, 1997. Ch~n~es Pickett, C~{ir