PSC 04-10-971V[INLrrEs OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAP~rY COMIMISSIOIq HELD APRIL 10, 1997 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chuck Pickett. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: Thc Salute was led by thc Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: StaffPresent: Staff Absent: Visitors Present: Pickct~ Drexler, Checkman~ Corr Zander Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer C. at~nin Wi]~on, Sheriff's Department Lt. Slack, Shcriff's Department Chief Sporleder, Central Fire District None None IV. APPROVAL OF MINLWES: The March minutes will be re$nbmit~d at the May meeting. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Lt. Shck presented a video that explained a new technology used in thc apprehension of robberies that have occurred at banks. There was a brief discussion by the commission regarding thc use of this new technology in other jurisdictions. Lt. Slack did not have crime statistics for thc Commission, however he will dlsUlbutc them at thc May meeting. VI. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE: ChiefSporleder distributed fire statistics through February 1997. The Chiefcommented that the only The fire district has recently mailed out brush abatement letters to residents who reside in high fire areas such as the residential hillside zones. Theze lcttcrs inform thc residents of thc dangcrs of unmaintained brush and vegctation and require them to cut back the brush from around their homes. Chief Sporlcder commented on thc Safcsittcr program sponsored by thc City and Central Fire District. This program provides training for any person over the age of thirteen to learn basic skills for baby-sitters such as first aid and CPR. Public Safety Commi~ion Meeting Page 2 Regular Meeting of April 10, 1997 VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Chec~-~an will be doing a public access television interview with a senior group. The focus of the interview will he to discuss the responsibilities and goals of the Public Safety Commission. The Chair advised that he will meet with Ernest Tsal of the Teleeonuannicafions Commission to discuss the poss/bility of a joint-effort video that also highlights the activitie~ and goals of the Public Safety Commission. The Chair atlended the CREST award evaluation and the recent Mayor's Breakfast. VIII. WRfi-i'l=N COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Corr received information from Councllmember Burnett regarding traffic roundabouts and information from the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce regarding the Cupertino Wine & Arts Festival that is scheduled to be held on August 8 & 9, 1997. OLD BUSINESS: The commission agreed that they would like to pursue promoting the neighborhood watch topic at the 1997 Wine & Arts Festival. The commission will follow up with the Director of Public Works on the current style of signs being utiliTed and the current policy for the posting of the neighborhood watch signs Commissioner Corr commented that the sight obstruction located at Lazaneo Dr. ~ Bandiey Dr. has still not been corrected. Staff informed commissioner Corr that he would obtain a statlls on the matter from the Traffic Division. X. NEW BUSINESS: S{aff dislributed a pamphlet tim, was prepared by Deputy Janet Shannon regarding the School Resource Offieer position. The pamphlet was an informational overview of the responsibilities and duties of the position, as well as a breakdown in the total number of students for the one position to serve. The commission discussed the benefits nfthe position to the community and schools and passed a motion for the Chair to draft a letter to the City Council advocating the allocation of funds for a second School XI. ADJOURNMENT: Thc meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Public gaiety Commission Meeting Page 3 Regular Meeting of April 10, 1997 sub i Alex ~~k~~ Code Enforcement Officer Approved by the Public Safety Commission at ~he re/?d~r meefin~ of May 8, 1997. Charl~'~ek~ Chair ~