PSC 11-13-97 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIOlq HELD NOVEMBER 13, 1997 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chock Pickett. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Salu~ was led by the Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Pickett, Drexler, Checkman, Corr Commissioners Absent: Zander Staff Present: Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer Captain Wilson, Sheriff's Depaxtment Lt. Colla, Sheriff's Department District Chief Smith, Santa Clara County Fire Department Staff Absent: None Visitors Present: Jason Hsiao, De Anza College Student IV. APPROVAL OF MINIJrES: October minutes approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Wilson distributed crime statistics through the month of October. He advised the commission that the statistic for speeding is down due to the recent rise in the enforcement of moving violations other than speeding. These violations consist of stop sign violations, red light violations etc. The Chair requested information on recent burglaries and related crimes. Captain Wilson advised the commission that he would provide the commission at the December meeting with data on the specific crimes and what measures are being taken to curb this activity. Captain Wilson introduced the new Assistant Division Commander, Lt. Colla. Lt. Colla advised the commission that the television program, America's Most Wanted was recently in the City doing a segment on a bank robbery case from the Stevens Creek Blvd. Great Western Bank. A recent arrest was made on De Anza Blvd. of a registered sex offender who was out of Santa Cruz and had not registered as to his current residency. Begluning the day after Thanksgiving, there will again be a deputy assigned to Vallco Mall to handle all theft calls and other related assignments at the mall during the holiday season. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of November 13, 1997 Page 2 VI, REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE District Chief Smith distributed fire statistics for the month of September and two recent fire incident reports that occurred on the east end of the City. District Chief Smith briefly discussed the two fire incident reports. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: The Chair attended the recent Mayor's Brealffast. At the breakfast the Mayor and the Chair discussed recent residential burglaries. The Mayor wanted the commission to discuss with the Sheriff's Department how burglary investigations are conducted and to promote burglmy prevention via the Neighborhood Watch Program. The Mayor also commented on information with regards m the trsff~c congestion around Collins Elementary. Commissioner Corr raised the issue with having a future presentation from Altrans dealing with alternative transportation methods. The commission was open to the idea of the presentation and would further investigate the idea as to set a date for a future meeting. Commissioner Drexler suggested inviting Mayor Chang to the December meeting to sit in on the presentation by Captain Wilson with respect to the burglary presentation. VIII. WRFIT£N COMMUNICATIONS: The commissioners discussed and distributed a flyer for an upcoming Search & Rescue Program that is to be held on November 18, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. at the Quinlan Conununity Center. IX. OLD BUSINESS: The commission discussed the issue of the San Jose city ordinance that requires the proprietors of marking pens and spray paint to lock up such items. The commission is exploring the investigation of such an ordinance in Cupertino. Staff informed the commission of current related Penal Code sections that restrict the sale and possession of graffiti tools. The commission decided to still pursue the impact of the ordinance on the graffiti problem. Commissioner Drexler will contact the SheriWs Department Transit Patrol Unit and the City of San Jose Graffiti Unit, to gather further information on graffiti and the impact that San Jose's ordinance has had on the graffiti problem in their jurisdiction. The issue of the County grant to cities for safety issues was moved to the December meeting. X. NEW BUSINESS: The commission viewed a taped video segment on Cupertino Public Access Television in which commissioner Checkman was inten4ewed with regards to the activities of the Public Safety Commission. 31I. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2105 hrs. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of November 13, 1997 Page 3 Code Ea~t Officer Approved by~e Public Safety Commission at the regular meeting of December 11, 1997. Chuck Picl~ett, ~hair'~