PSC 12-11-97 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY CO1VIIVIISSIOI~q H~LD DECEMBER 11, 1997 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chuck Pickett. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Salute was led by the Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Pickett, Drexler, Checkman, Corr, Zander Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer Captain Wilson, Sheriff's Department Lt. Calla, Sheriff's Department Staff Absent: Chief Sporleder, Santa Clam County Fire Department Visitors Present: None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November minutes approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Wilson distributed crime statistics through November 1997. Captain Wilson distributed a public relations flyer to be handed out to citizens during the holiday season reminding the public of safety items. Lt. Colla appraised the Commission of several highlighted incidents that occurred the past month, including a status repart on the dedicated patrol deputy at Vallco Mall. Lt. Colla provided a presentation to the Commission regarding a comparison of crime statistics, with an emphasis on commercial, residential, and vehicle burglaries. Accompanying the presentation was a written report in which four pr~wentive suggestions were provided to the Commission. Lt. Colla emphasized the need for educate the community and involve them in the crime prevention process. Lt. Calla also provided the Commission the general procedure for the investigation of residential burglaries and residential "home invasion" type robberies. VI. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE None · lL Regular Meeting of , 997 Public Safety Comrmssion Minmes Page 2 Vii. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Checkman advised the Commission that he attended a recent meeting hosted by Cupertino Disaster Preparedness that discussed the rescues involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing incident. Commissioner Zander advised the Commission that he will be attending an upcoming seminar at Stanford University on hazardous materials. Commissioner Zander will brief the Commission at the January meeting. VIII. WRrI-I'EN COMMUNICATIONS: The Chair received a report from Supervisor Simitian with respect to violence prevention in Santa Clara County. A meeting will be held on December 15, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. to further discuss this issue. Staff distributed to each Commissioner an update from the City Attorney on the 1998 revised Brown Act. IX. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Drexler will contact Lisa Rose from City of San Jose to get more information on the City of San Jose's ordinance with respect to graffiti control. The Commission was advised by staff that the City Administrative Services Division was provided with the information for the Funded Traffic Safety grant that was described in the San Jose Mercmy News, September 25, 1997 edition X. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission viewed and discussed the City of Seattle Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Video. XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2120 hrs. Alex Wykoff Code Enforcement Officer Approved b.~Y the//~blic Safety Commission at the regular meeting of Janua-D, 8, 1997. Chuck Pickett/, Ch~i~ - --