PSC 02-14-02 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETlNG OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD FEBRUARY 14, 2002 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Emma Darknell, called the meeting to order. II. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Chair led the Salute. IIl. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Conmaissioners Absent: Staff Present: Staff Absent: Visitors Present: IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes not approved. V. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE: Darknell, Dor, Majewski, Riddell and Chang None Jeffrey Trybus, Code Enforcement Lieutenant Smedlund, Sheriff's Department Deputy Chief Lopes, Santa Clara County Fire Marsha Garcia, Emergency Services None None Chief Lopes told the commission that he has been sitting on fire department oral boards today in the City of Santa Cruz and due to the interviews; he was unable to provide a monthly written report of fire department activities. Chief Lopes told the commission that an unoccupied residential house fire occurred at the comer of Linda Vista Drive and Baxley Court. Fire crews requested a second alarm for assistance in combating the fire and the incident is being investigated as a suspicious fire by the arson investigator. Chief Lopes advised the commission that the family was remodeling the house and was living elsewhere during the construction. Chief Lopes told the commission that Santa Clara County Fire has 18 open positions including 6 add-ons. Background checks for the fire department candidates should be completed by April 1, 2002. VI. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Lieutenant Smedlund distributed and discussed the monthly statistics for the month of January. Lieutenant Smediund advised the commission that a Bank Robbery occurred at the Bank of the West on N. Wolfe Road on January l, 2002. The suspect fled the bank prior to the deputy's arrival. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of February 14, 2002 Page 2 VI. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONT: Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that deputies assisted DeAnza Security with an intoxicated nude female that was stripping her clothes and running. The female was taken into custody at Mary Ave and Stevens Creek. She was arrested for being drank in public. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that deputies and County Fire responded to a report of a suspicious package at Honeywell Corporation. The package turned out to be blood samples and was booked into the hazardous material storage at headquarters. Lieutenant Smedlund advised the commission that deputies responded to a disturbance involving several young adults drinking and being intoxicated in the area of Farmington Way and Chelmsford Drive. Lieutenant Smedlund advised the commission that a female victim was robbed at gunpoint while visiting the ATM machine at the Wells Fargo on DeAnza. The suspect fled with $160.00 in cash. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that a delusional man threw a lit cigarette at an imaginary acquaintance. The lit cigarette landed on a pile of clothes that started a small fire in the house. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that a student's foot was accidentally ran over at Kennedy Jr. High. Commissioner Dor stated that the month of January has seen a lot of drinking activity. Commissioner Riddell brought to the attention of Lieutenant Smedlund that he noticed an error on sheriff's monthly report for an incident that occurred on 01-24-2002. Lieutenant Smedlund provided the commissioners with a special report for calls or events for service vs. Response times and hours. Commissioner Majewski told Lieutenant Smedlund that for the month of December he does not remember response times of 8.92 being that high. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that the SheriWs department would not issue citations for approximately 22-44% of vehicles that were photographed for running the red light. Lieutenant Smedlund advised that due to poor lighting and no front plate the SheriWs Department is not able to issue citations to those driver's. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that one of the contracting companies for the red light photo enforcement program is not coming through on their side of the bargain. Commissioner Dot advised the commission that the director of Public Works, Ralph Quails is the acting traffic engineer for the city. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that the City of Saratoga has seen a 120% increase in burglaries and Cupertino has seen a 68% increase for 2000-2001. Regular Meeting of February 14, 2002 Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 3 VI. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONT: Commissioner Darknell asked the question of why the City of Cupertino has seen such an increase in burglaries. Lieutenant Smedlund told the commission that some factors that may contribute to the burglaries are a recent parole of a burglar, perpetrator living in the area and watching the neighborhood. Lieutenant Smedlund advised that a poor economy would also contribute to the increase crime rate. Commissioner Dot asked the question of what the perpetrators are stealing from the homes when they are burglarized. Lieutenant Smedlund advised that perpetrators are taking easy to carry items from the homes. Commissioner Darknell wanted to know the general area of where listed sex offenders are currently residing in the City of Cupertino. Commissioner Chang asked Lieutenant Smedlund if the city has any unreported crimes. Commissioner Majewski told Lieutenant Smedlund that he would like to be added to the e-Cap alert. Lieutenant Smedlund asked the commissioners if they wanted to participate in a ride-along with the deputies in the field. VII. COMMISSIONERS REPORT: Commissioner Darknell told the commission that she attended the Mayor's breakfast and the teen commission was discussed at the breakfast. Commissioner Darknell advised that the teen commission had a long drawn out discussion regarding the teen selection process. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that the Parks & Recreation department has a selection process in place for the open gardener's position located at the Community Gardens. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that regarding Fine Arts the City of Cupertino has Roger Barry performing the artwork in the city. Commissioner Darknell also noted that Mayor Lowenthal would like to see big art not lots. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that the Cupertino library would have self-check out machines that will create shorter lines for residence. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that Parks & Recreation maybe placing a portable skate park in a certain location for one week at a time for the kids to utilize. Commissioner Majewski expressed concern regarding the skate park and where the liability will fall if this is put into place. Commissioner Chang told the commission that he has seen a skate park in the city of Campbell. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that city traffic lights are rated from A-F. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that the City of Cupertino would reduce the rating from D to E. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of February 14, 2002 Page 4 VI1. COMMISSIONERS REPORT CONT: Commissioner Darknell told the commission that the City of Cupertino has been known as a pass thru city due to the lack ora downtown. Commissioner Darnell told the commission that Andronika's has been withdrawn from Oaks mall. Another store may replace Andronika's. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that 85% of the money has been raised for the pedestrian overpass over 280. Commissioner Darknell told the commission that Glenn Lyles is the contractor for the Stevens Creek Trail. Commissioner Darknell noted that some residents do not want the trail because of safety reasons. Commissioner Dor would like to setup a meeting with Parks & Recreation and Glenn Lyles to discuss the safety of the trail and find out where the liability lies with the placement of the trail. VllI. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. IX. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: All commissioners received an invitation to the commissioner's dinner. X. OLD BUSINESS: Emergency Services Coordinator Marsha Garcia distributed and discussed the emergency plan. Garcia advised that with the consultants help the plan is a 1st. draft and it is a basic 100 page emergency plan. Garcia told the commissioner that the legal requirements have not been formatted yet and she would like feedback from the commissioners. Garcia told the commission that a city wide training class in emergency preparedness was held this morning for all city employees. Garcia advised that approximately 90% of the employees showed up for the training. Garcia told the commission that the city would be receiving a 10% discount for emergency supplies that are purchased and the city is paying for the shipping costs. Garcia told the commission that a telephone bomb threat sheet was handed out to employees in case a city employee ever receives a bomb threat. Garcia told the commission that the emergency plan will be placed on a CD for review and the last plan was done in 1990 and it was large and bulky. Public Safety Commission Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of February 14, 2002 Page 5 X. OLD BUSINESS CONT: Commissioner Riddell asked the question if emergency preparedness has any interfacing with educational facilities. Garcia advised that a monthly meeting has been started with school officials Garcia told the commission that she attended the Cupertino Unified high school districts board meeting and she was given a five-minute limit discussion regarding emergency preparedness to the board. Commissioner Chang told Garcia that he sits on the board and he can give Garcia an extension past the five- minute limit for her discussion. Commissioner Riddell asked if supplies would be stored in the schools. Garcia told the commission that the rotary club has donated 200 comfort kits. Garcia advised that emergency preparedness has three (3) arks with supplies. Garcia told the commission that armature radio has donated an antenna to each school for communication purposes. Commissioner Riddell advised that in his school district, one radio channel has been assigned for emergencies only. Commissioner Darknell asked what kind of surface the arks would be placed on. Garcia told the commission that the arks would be placed on pea grave} and on asphalt. Commissioner Dot asked if the shelters could be placed in a safer spot. Commissioner Majewski wanted any recommendations from the commission on how to cover the emergency plan. Commissioner Riddell asked Garcia if any plans were set in place for shootings. XI. NEW BUSINESS: The commission discussed the 2002 work plan. Commissioner Darknell asked the commissioners for any ideas concerning the 2002 work plan. Commissioner Majewski told the commission that reviewing the emergency plan was an idea for discussion. Commissioner Majewski told the commission that traffic congestion around the schools would also be a topic for discussion. Commissioner Dot told the commission that better communication between schools needs to be established, including safety and community. Commissioner Dot told the commission that the city needs better lighting to be established in the streets. Commissioner Dot advised that the lighting is very poor and it is extremely risky crossing the street. Commissioner Darknell would like the traffic engineer to be at the next meeting to discuss the red light photo enforcement program and the status of the cameras. Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 6 Regular Meeting of February 14, 2002. NEW BUSINESS CONT: Commissioner Darknell would like to see Glenn Lyles at the next meeting to discuss the safety matters concerning the Stevens Creek Trail and reviewing the map of the trail. Commissioner Majewski wou dike to have a joint meet ng w'th Saratoga s Public Safety Commission in a couple of Months. Commissioner Majewski recommended canceling the regularly scheduled meeting to attend Saratoga's meeting. XII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Code Enforcement Officer Approved by the Public Safety Commission at the regular meeting of March 14, 2002. _ . __