PSC 04-11-02o City of Cupertino Public Safety Committee Regular Meeting April 11, 2002 CALL TO ORDER At 7:37 p.m., Emma Darknell called the meeting to order in Conference Room E, Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue. SALUTE TO THE FLAG The Chair led the Salute. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Chang, Darknell, Dor, Majewski, and Riddell Staff: Carol Atwood, Lieutenant Smedlund, and Acting Fire Chief Lopes APPROVAL OF MINUTES Barry Chang motioned to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 2002. Marc Majewski seconded and motion passed unanimously. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE Acting Fire Chief Ben Lopes distributed and discussed the statistics report for the month of February 2002. In addition, he invited the committee members to the April 26th graduation of approximately 60 department personnel trained in hazardous material and special rescue techniques. Finally, the department is starting its first round of panel interviews for the new Fire Chief position. REPORT FROM SANTA CLARA COUNTY SHERIFF Lieutenant Ernie Smedlund distributed and discussed the Statistical Data and Public Safety Report for the month of March 2002. Other items discussed included: Megan's Law - A Supreme Court ruling is due out next year with possible Internet disclosure. ~ The city has provided mapping capabilities for burglaries in relationship to neighborhood watch programs. ~.- The new e-CAP program is proving to be very successful leading to the arrest of two individuals this last month. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS Emma Darknell: ¢- Asked the status of the Red Light program and if Ralph Quails could come and address the group on this subject. >~ Stated that NOVACARE wanted the city to purchase them a backup generator. Carol Atwood commented that generators are expensive and that it is not the city's policy to purchase such equipment for outside entities, but that they could make a formal request for a budget item at the City Council budget study session the end of May. ~' Requested an updated phone directory for the commission and all changes were noted. Public Safety Commission Minutes April 11, 2002 o 10. 10. 11. )~ Commented on the possibility of the sheriff occupying the current CCS space at Quinlan Center. Commissioners discussed and agree with this proposal. ~ Summarized the Mayor's Breakfast meeting. Mark Majewski: > Stated kudos for the new e-CAP system. 3- Asked that traffic look into the timing of the light for the left hand turn lane at DeAnza and Mariani. Drivers are making U-turns in the mornings to avoid waiting as long as three light changes to turn. Hugh Riddell: 3' Shared emergency procedure pamphlets for the city to consider for use. 3- Inquired as to where audio signals are placed in the city and especially along Stevens Creek Boulevard. He hasn't noticed any consistem installation pattern. Barry Chang: ~ Commented that walk ability was difficult at the intersection of DeAnza and McClellan Road, as one side does not have a crossing control device. Philippe Dor: )' Stated that it is difficult for a pedestrian to cross Stevens Creek and DeAnza Boulevards because the current time allocation is too short. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS a. The review of the Emergency Plan was rescheduled to next month. b. The committee discussed the need for a change in the graffiti ordinance and decided not to pursue any changes given that Cupertino graffiti has shown a significant decline in the past three years. NEW BUSINESS a. The committee agreed to secure a space at the Art and Wine Festival for our fire, police and disaster preparedness exhibits. b. The committee deferred their discussion on possible solutions for traffic congestion around schools until Ralph Quails could join them next month. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Carol Atwood, Director of Administrative Services