PSC 07-11-02MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD JULY 11, 2002 CONFERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Emma Darknell, called the meeting to order. 11. SALUTE TO THE FLAG: The Chair led the Salute. Ill. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Staff Absent: Visitors Present: Darknell, Dor, Chang and Riddell Majewski Jeffrey Trybus, Code Enforcement Lieutenant Hirokawa, Sheriff's Department Captain Bacon, Sheriff's Department Chief Lopes, Santa Clara County Fire Marsha Garcia, Emergency Services None None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April and May minutes were approved. V. REPORT FROM COUNTY FIRE: Deputy Chief Lopes distributed and discussed the monthly statistics for the months of April and May. Chief Lopes told the commission that 17 new firefighters were hired and five were women and nine paramedics. Chief Lopes also stated that a new deputy fire chief and a battalion fire chief were hired. Chief Lopes told the commission that a company in Louisiana was awarded the contract to build the 100- foot aerial platform. Chief Lopes advised that the platform would cost approximately $750,000. Commissioner Riddell asked Chief Lopes if speed bumps would affect travel with the Ariel platform. Chief Lopes told the commission that speed bumps would affect the travel of the platform. Chief Lopes advised the commission that County Communications was awarded the Center of Excellence award in medical dispatch. Chief Lopes told the commission that there were no significant events to report for the months of April and May. Commissioner Darknell asked Chief Lopes if any fire crews were sent out of state to combat forest fires. Chief Lopes said that one crew was sent from county fire to assist in fighting forest fires. Public Safety Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of July 11, 2002 Page 2 VI. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Captain Bacon introduced Lieutenant John Hirokawa who will be replacing Lieutenant Smedlund for the public safety commission. Captain Bacon distributed and discussed the monthly statistics for the month of June. Captain Bacon told the commission that due to funding problems, one school officer position would be lost. Captain Bacon told the commission that one school officer would be covering eleven schools. Captain Bacon advised that residential burglaries are up this month. Captain Bacon stated that the e-cap alert e-mail system is up to 800 registered persons. Captain Bacon told the commission that Deputy Danny Almond will be transferring to the Detective Bureau for the remainder of his career. Commissioner Dor asked Captain Bacon if the e-cap is being advertised for the conununity. Captain Bacon told the commission that the e-cap alert program is advertised in the Scene and Cupertino Currier. Captain Bacon told the commission that the annual regional Avoid-13 meeting was held in Vallejo and the kickoff will take places August 30 thru Sept 2. Commissioner Riddell asked Captain Bacon if the Sherifffs Office has received any complaints regarding the Glenview halfway house. Commissioner Riddell felt it would be a health and safety issue to put 16 people in a 6-bedroom house. VII. COMMISSIONERS REPORT: Commissioner Darknell would like school traffic addressed and placed on the agenda for the Saratoga Public Safety Commission meeting in September. Jeffrey Trybus will contact the City of Saratoga with this required information. Commissioner Darknell would like to know what the start time is for the Saratoga Public Safety Commission meeting. Commissioner Darnell advised the commission that the Oaks Theatre is presenting first run movies. Commissioner Darkenell advised the commission that the Fine Arts Committee is currently searching for art. Commissioner Riddell told the commission that the new Cypress Hotel is open for business. Commissioner Darknell attended the Mayors Breakfast. Regular Meeting of July 1 I, 2002 Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 3 VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Riddell received four phone calls from concerned residents regarding parking and why the city has a halfway house on Glenview. IX. OLD BUSINESS: Emergency Services Coordinator Garcia told the commission that the emergency plan is finished. Garcia told the commission that the emergency plan would be available on word and excel programs. Garcia told the commission that she would like approval for this plan to be presented to city council for review. Garcia told the commission that 30 people signed up for the emergency response training. Garcia told the commission that $17,000 dollars of grant money was received. X. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None XI. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Riddell is concerned that speed bumps will affect emergency response vehicles. Commissioner Riddell agreed to attend the Cupertino Traffic Safety Committee meeting. Xll. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jeffrey Trybus Code Enforcement Officer