BPC 02-19-03CUPEI TINO THE REGULAR MINUTES OF THE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Wednesday Febmary 19,2003 Conference Room A Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torte Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Staff: Goepfert, Arrants Commissioners: Mr. David Greenstein, Ms. Hua Julia Fu, Mr. Geoffrey Paalsen, and Mr. Robert Levy, Mr. Joe Walton Citizen: Ms. Anne Ng, Mr. Jim Stallman, City of Saratoga CBPAC and SVBC President WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of January 8,2002 were approved ORAL COMMUNICATIONS _ Ann Ng suggested an application for the League of American Bicyclists be submitted, Chair Walton requested it be placed on the next agenda. Ms. Ng requested an update to the Stevens Canyon road widening project and the status of a memorial plaque for Jeff Steinwedel. Mr. Goepfert gave an update with completion expected this April. OLD BUSINESS - Walkability Projects - A general discussion followed. Commissioner Levy suggested that the commission define "walkablility". Vice Chair Greenstein and Commissioner Levy submitted a list identifying areas to target in Cupertino. Commissioner Levy suggested, due to the current budget constraints that focus be on smaller projects such as sidewalk repair, or signal timing favoring bicyclists and pedestrians. Vice Chair Greenstein agreed that walkability guidelines by the commission be addressed. Commissioner Paulsen suggested standards be developed and to consider breaking these standards into 3 groupings - 1. Standards encompassing maintenance, new construction and upgrades. 2. _Position or philosophy on projects and 3. Advocate for actual projects. Chair Walton suggested the lists submitted by Greenste~n and Levy be reviewed by all commissioners and defining "walkability" by the commission be set on the next agenda in March. BPC Goals for 2003 - A general discussion regarding Vice Chair Greenstein's list of 2003 goals followed. Commissioner Levy made some wording changes to titles. Vice Chair Greenstein gave a brief on the development of the goals for 2003 by using the Cupertino Pedestrian Transportation Plan and the Cupertino Pedestrian Guidelines as a general source. A discussion of these two publications followed. Vice Chair will make edits and suggested the goals for 2003 be adopted at the next meeting. Chair Walton made a motion to adopt the Goals for 2003 at the next meeting, Commissioner Fu seconded this motion and all commissioners were in favor. Staff noted this for the March agenda. NEW BUSINESS - Review Joint Projects with Los Alms a. Deferred to later date. Chair Walton will contact Curt Riffle, member of Los Altos BPAC Identification and Discussion of Regnart Trail Options - Update on Stream Reconnaissance - a. Commissioner gave a presentation, handed out the white paper prepared by Commissioners Levy and Paulsen. Fellow commissioners commended commissioners Levy and Panlsen for their comprehensive and detailed assessment of the trail route. A general discussion followed with focus on the next step in proceeding with notifying the City Council and the public, especially the adjacent property owners, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Commissioner Levy prepared a mock-up of a possible pamphlet or flyer for general information purposes. TFCA Grant Cycle 2003-04 a. Mr. Goepfert gave an overview of the grant being sponsored by the City, and prepared by Stephen Blaylock of Altrans, for eco-passes for students of Foothill and DeAnza colleges. The passes will provide a transportation alternative, reducing vehicular traffic on campus. 4. Pedestrian Crossing at Stevens Creek Blvd@ Hwy 85 on-ramp a. Mr. Goepfert briefed the commissioners regarding the status of this item. A general discussion followed. Staff presented the option of installing a "PED XING" sign in advance of the free right turn for the west bound direction of the on ramp. Commissioners rejected this idea and suggested either a signal be provided, stopping the right turn traffic only when a pedestrian uses a pedestrian button to cross. Or to reconfignre the comer to reduce the curb radius and "tighten-up" the comer. I was agreed that this is frequent pedestrian crossing to the Senior Center and a popular shopping center, The Oaks, which has a movie theater, restaurants, coffee shop and a variety of popular stores. 5. Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge - Design Consultant Selection a. Mr. Goepfert briefed the commissioners on the status of the Mary Avenue Footbridge project. Request for proposals (RFP's) were advertised and 7 submittals were received. These were narrowed to 4 prospective consultants. An interview is tentatively scheduled for the week of March 6th. Mr. Goepfert requested a commissioner be at this meeting, suggesting the Chair or any other member attend. Chair Walton volunteered to participate in the interview process. 6. San Tomas Aquino-Saratoga Trail a. Mr. Goepfert updated the commissioner to the status of the trail. With a 90% completion and ribbon cutting is scheduled for Saturday, March 15t~. b. Ms. Ng requested the crossing on Lawrence Expressway at Mitty Avenue be studied, and advocated by the Cupertino BPC. Chair Walton agreed and requested this be placed on for a future agenda item. Mr. Goepfert suggested a letter drafted by Chair Walton and himself to the Santa Clara County Transportation Department, indicating support for the crossing. Other Items and Open Discussions - a. Update of Cupertino Pedestrian Guidelines b. The Segway - discussion of future guidelines within the city c. Possible participation in local elementary school's Discovery Day to provide education for safe walking and bicycling to elementary school students. d. Coordinating and arranging for the upcoming Bike to Work Week scheduled in May. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business or public comment; Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at 10:00p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday March 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m., City~l, Confe/~c~o~A. Re~/~sulSVn] ttei:l,~''~ Diane Arrants