Teen 01-17-02CUPE INO Teen Commission Regular Meeting--APPROVED MINUTES Thursday, January 17, 2002, 5 p.m. Quinlan Community Center- Craft Room 10185 N. Stelling Road Agenda CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Noone called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Jacki Colloton, Akshita Deora, Patty Fang, Erin Gatley, Drew Golkar, Zack Kolev, Kenny Lin, Emily Liu, Maurice Noone, Angelica Zen Kevin Busch Therese Ambrosi Smith, Rick Kitson, Christine Hanel, Kim Frey COMMUNICATIONS (Items not on the agenda) a) Oral Nam Nguyen presented some information on Project Cornerstone and requested to be on the agenda for the February 4, 2002 meeting. b) Written: none OLD BUSINESS 1. Replacing vacant commission seat Motion was made and approved to not fill vacant seat on the Teen Commission, since the term is almost half completed. 2. Review website Commission reviewed the website, which was well received by everyone. NEW BUSINESS 3. Dealing with the Media - Rick Kitson, Public Information Officer Rick Kitson, Public Information Officer, distributed information on Media Relations Fundamentals. 4. Begin Planning of Job Faire Motion was made by Kenny Lin and seconded by Drew Golkar to form a committee to begin planning for the Job Faire. Committee includes: Zack Kolev, Drew Golkar, Patty Fang, Kenny Lin, and Angelica Zen. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED 5. Staff Updates Commissioners were reminded of the next Mayor's Breakfast--Jacki Colloton will attend on February 12, 2001 at Hobees, 7:15 AM. Reminder of the Ropes course schedule on February 9, 2002. Commissioners discussed meeting locations and decided to wait unitl the Feb 4 meeting to decide if there would be a second meeting in February, due to Winter Break, and will also consider other meeting locations. Commission discussed methods of promoting the website that staff should pursue: school websites, school newsletters, Cupertino Courier, distribute flyers. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. to the regular meeting of February 4, 2002. Respectfully submitted, Klm Frey, Ri~ordinator