CHC 05-18-99MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING COMMITTEE May 18, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. Members Present: Dick Schuster, Sylvia Machamer, Cecilia Fu, Joseph Coddington, Kathy Robinson Members Absent: None Staff Present: Vera Gil, Yvonne Kelley, Bob Cowan, Chuck Corr, Planning Commissioner, Eileen Murray, John Statton, Councilmember, Dr. Michacl Chang, Councilmember Others Present: Mary Ellen Chell, Carolyn Kiely, Employee of Fire Dept Approval of Minutes: None submitted Written Communications: None Oral Communications: Vera Gil stated that she had forwarded a copy of the report f¥om Stevens Creek Village to thc members regarding status of complex. Ms. Gil also mentioned that Councilmember Statton had requested a task force be formed regarding employer assisted housing and had asked Kathy Robinson if she would be the representative from this committee. The first meeting will bc scheduled for June 3rd. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of amendments to the Housing Mitigation Procedural Manual (meet with City Council representatives and forward final recommendations to City Council) Vera Gil began the discussion by detailing what took place at the last Council meeting. Shc went on the say that while the Council agreed in general with the Committee's recommendation, they were concerned about the priorities as set. They felt that residents should not have priority ovcr Public Services employees, more specifically teachers and emergency response personnel. Kathy Robinson asked whether the Planning Commissioners had any comments regarding thc amendments to the manual. Vera Gil stated that there concerns were regarding an applicants ability to refuse a unit three times and they wanted the applicant to be given only one relhsal pcr program. The other change was in regard to changing household size from 5-8 to 4-8. Robert Cowan stated that one of the purposes of this meeting is to decide what priorities shotJId be set for residents and public service employees (primarily teachers). Mr. Cow:m stated tha~ Iht intent is for of preference for teachers and emergency personnel. Mr. Cowan stated that thc rating system as submitted was questioned by the Council. They felt that public service employees should be weighted more heavily than residents. Dr. Michael Chang thanked the Housing Committee i-'or their work on thc manttal and thc rating system. He stated that the Council wanted he and Councihnember Statton to express their concerns regarding the inability for teachers and law entbrcement officers to obtain housing in the City of Cupertino. They felt that by targeting these groups, they could retain and hire gt)~cl employees. John Statton added to the discussion by saying that one of the Council's goals is to put together a community of people who not only work here but live here, specifically teachers, lircman, police personnel. Dick Schuster stated that the committee had looked at the numbers of public service cmployccs that worked in Cupertino and what percentage lived in the city. lie stated that a concern regarding individuals who had lived in Cupertino all their life, but could not afford to stay, more specifically younger people just starting their careers, etc. Vera Gil stated that the City Attorney was concerned about the priorities as set by thc I lousing Committee and whether they were constitutional. Vera Oil shared with thc gr(mp that olhcr cities are struggling with the same issue as to whether prel'erenccs Ibc dil'l'crent groups cm~ hc made and challenged. She stated that those cities have decided to set priorities because they I'ccl that no one has challenged their system at this point. Eileen Murray, Deputy City Attorney stated that Cupertino should not set a precedent I'or being sued. Ms. Murray asked about the priority system and suggested that each priority bc givcn one point and those that rank higher would gain more points. This would eliminate thc City ranking or being seen as discriminatory. Chuck Corr suggested a lottery system that might help alleviate some o1' thc problems that pet)pie are describing. Vera Gil stated that in the past this did not seem to be one of Ihc best ways which to fill properties. She said that there are often hard feelings about the lotteries in gcncral. The Committee held a lengthy discussion with a variety of opinions and suggestions o1' how to weigh the priorities that Council originally wanted to address. Several melnbers el' the committee had to leave due to other commitments. The committee and the council agrccd with the deputy city attorney's suggestion of assigning one point to each of the folloxving categories: public service employee, employed in Cupertino, live in Cupertino. Adjourn to Regular meeting of July 8, 1999 SUBMITTED BY: ATTEST: Kimberly Smitl~it~ Clerk c/windows/housin~afl~ 11499.doc APPROVED BY: Kathy I'S/obinson, Chair