CHC 07-13-00CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. Members Present: Dick Schuster, Linda Asbury, Kathy Robinson, Julia Abdala, Cecilia Fu ' Members Absent: None Staff Present: Vera Gil Others Present: Gertrude Welch, Mary Hughes, Tri-County Apartment Association Approval of Minutes: Dick Schuster moved for approval of minutes of May 11, 2000 as submitted; Julia Abdala seconded. Vote: Written Communications: None Oral Communications: Gertrude Welch wanted to share her thoughts on the growing number of public service employees living the Bay area due to the high costs of housing. She urged the committee to continue to explore ways to maintain and attract teachers, police/fire to the City of Cupertino. NEW BUSINESS: e Creation of "working sub-committees" to address the following subjects: Discussion involving how to establish sub-committees to work on projects such creation of teach housing assistance programs; evaluation of city policies as it pertains to the redevelopment of existing apartment complexes, and review of BMR rental rates. The committee was very receptive to forming smaller committees to work on these critical issues. The committees were assigned as follows: Teacher Programs: The first meeting will be Wednesday, July 26, 5:30 p.m. Julia, Dick, and Linda BMR Rental Rates: Linda and Kathy Redevelopment of Existing Complexes: The first meeting will be Tuesday, July 18, 5:30 p.m.. Kathy, Dick, Cecilia, Julia, and Vera are coramittee members. Mary Hughes from Tri-County Apartment Association spoke to the Committee on their (Tri- County) desire to work with the City in offering expert advice in redeveloping apartment complexes. This includes how to handle current tenants during remodeling construction. 1. Request from City Council to review city policy as it pertains to the development of existing apartment complexes. It was discussed that the sub-committee would work on this issue and report back to the committee. Adjourn to August meeting SUBMITTED BY: /~p~,.~.~.~O VE D BY: Asbury, Vice Chair ATTEST: - Kimberly Smith, City Clerk h/housing/afh71300