Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Schuster, Sylvia Machamer, Cecilia Fu, Joseph Coddington,
Kathy Robinson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:
Vera Gil, Yvonne Kelley, Bob Cowan, Chuck Corr
Others Present: Mary Ellen Cheil, Carolyn Kiely, Georgia
Approval of Minutes:
Dick Schuster motioned to approve minutes, Cecilia Fu seconded
VOTE: 5-0
Written Communications:
Oral Communications:
Kathy Robinson asked staff to distribute a four page memo regarding sites located within
Cupertino that have a general plan designation of moderate to high density. Staff'is
recommending that these sites be designated at a lower density due to their surroundings. Kathy
Robinson stated that she attended the Environmental Review Committee meeting at which time
the committee granted a negative declaration based upon the finding that lowering the density
would not have any significant environmental impacts.
Bob Cowan stated that this discussion was part of the Council work program triggered by an
application to tear down a single family home near Sunnyview Manor. The Council felt there
might be other pockets of high-density general plan designations with surrounding areas being
lower density. After review by the Planning Commission and City Council, the City Council
felt that it was advisable to look at the City as a whole and change the designations as
The committee decided to agendize this issue for another meetings dates and lbrward any
recommendations/comments to City Council. A special meeting will be set tbr Thursday, March
25, 8:00 a.m.
1. Consideration of amendments to the Housing Mitigation Procedural Manual: Vera Gil
explained that she has added the changes as discussed at the last meeting as well as reviewed
those suggestions Carolyn Kiely made. Many of the items on Carolyn Kiely's list have been
covered with the changes made to the manual.
Joseph Coddington asked if he could list his corrections/changes to the manual. He then went
through those items he felt should be changed. The rest of the committee relayed their
At this point, the committee discussed the remainder of Carolyn Kiely's list and made the
appropriate changes. Joseph Coddington shared his version of a point system that will rank
applicants as Kathy Robinson suggested that a subcommittee be established to further define a
ranking system. The committee agreed that Joseph Coddington, Mary Ellen Cheil, and Carolyn
Kiely could work together to put the ranking system together and then bring it back to thc
Adjourn to Special meeting of March 25, 1999
Yv~e Kel~le~~~/ffq
Kathy Robinson, Chair
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