Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Schuster, Sylvia Machamer, Cecilia Fu, Joseph Coddington, Kathy
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Vera Gil, Yvonne Kelley, Steve Piasecki
Others Present: Julia Abdala, Linda Asbury
Approval of Minutes:
Written Communications:
Oral Communications:
1. Introduction of new committee members and election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Vera Gil announced that the committee will have two new members, Julia Abdala and I,il~cla
Asbury. Joseph Coddington will be unable to fulfill his seat because of traveling commitments
and Sylvia Machamer will be retiring.
Dick Schuster nominated Cecilia Fu as Chair and Linda Asbury as Vice Chair. Kathy R~binson
Vote 5-0
2. Discuss Housing Committee Workplan and Goals
Vera stated that in December, committee members had expressed a desire to discuss their mit as
the Housing Committee, but she had asked them to wait until our ilew director was appointed to
begin discussions. Since Steve is now on board, this would be a good time begin a discussion.
Vera also stated that the committee was concerned about aflbrdable housing in Cupertino as well
as their future role as a committee.
Dick Schuster questioned why the house on Miller was never brought before this commitlcc
review as to what recommendation this committee might make. Kathy Robinson talked al)out
the role the Housing Committee had when she first joined the committee and what i~ has grown
into and where will it go in the future. Steve commented that most committees
transformation period where goals and ob. jectives are defined and re-defined hascd on lhe currcm
structure of the Council. Steve stated that the Housing goals have been passed (m ltl thc Council
and he and Vera might be able to meet and discuss future roles of the 14ousing Committee.
3. Review CDBG Schedule
Vera Gil stated that March 9, 2000 will be the date for review and presentation of applicants
applying for CDBG grants. Vera stated that she has not received any new requests. Vcra slzllcd
that Mayor Statton commented on the fact that each year there seems to be a lack of moncy lo
fund the increase in requests i%r funding and that the committee should bc creative wifl~ their
funding recommendations.
Vera reminded the committee that the Commissioners l)inner is Friday, February 4. and hoped
that everyone would be in attendance.
Cecilia Fu shared her report to the City Council regarding the goals of thc connnittce flu' Ihis
year. Those goals included update of housing element, working to prioritize BMR rating system.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Adjourned to February 10, 2000
J2~cilia Fu, Chair