CHC 02-19-00CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. Members Present: Cecilia Fu, Kathy Robinson, Julia Abdala, Linda Asbury Members Absent: Dick Schuster Staff Present: Vera Gil, Others Present: Richard Lowenthal, Patrick Kwok, Terry Feinberg, Ashlcn Chcrry Approval of Minutes Copies of some minutes were passed out, but will be agendized at the next meeting l~)r approwd. Written Communications: None Oral Communications: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consider endorsement of TCAA's Moving in for Less Program to assist Local Teachers: Vera Gil gave a brief history of why the committee is looking into this program. A representative from TCAA discussed how the City of San .lose has set up their program assisting entry-level teachers to move into rental housing in this area. This consists ol'propcrty owners who are interested in participating to sign up, put their properties on thc web-site listing them as participants in the program. The property owner agrees to lower the security dcposit required upon move-in to no more than 20% of one month's rent. The teachers intercstcd, must find the properties listed, make application, provide proof of either public or priw~tc in-classroom teachers. The teachers must meet household income limits. There are currently 39 teachers signed up, most of them in San ,lose. Cupertino is unc of thc Ih'st cities to seriously consider this program. Linda Asbury spoke about her ties to the chamber as well as apartment communities in Cupertino and how she can help implement this program. Linda Asbury made a motion to adopt staff's recommendation lbr City Council to cndorsc thc Move in for Less program for local teachers. Ms. Asbury also moved to change income requirement up to 100% of the median and recommendation that a partnership between the City and the Cupertino Chamber of'Commerce be entered into..lulia Abdala seconded. Vote: 4-0 Adjourned to March 9, 2000 SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ATTEST: Kimberly SmithffCity Clerk c/windows/housing/aIh 11499.doc /~cilia Fu, Chair