LIB 06-18-96CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 18, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice Chair Hamer. ROLL CALL Present: Jean Bedord Jillian Hamer Charles Liggett Charles Pow Also present: Susan Fuller, County Librarian Mary-Ann Wallace, Cupertino City Librarian Absent with prior notice: Mary Minow MINUTES The minutes of the May 21, 1996 meeting were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. NEW BUSINESS De Anza's New Library_ The Commission discussed the new De Anza Library expansion and agreed to invite the De Anza Library Director to the commission meeting. The Library will offer two puppet shows and a craft show on Saturday during the Festival. The Foundation is considering a booth to sell tote bags and talk about library services. They will be working with the Friends to encourage their participation and with Festival staff to determine booth location. OLD BUSINESS Sunday hours The City Council approved the budget including expanding Sunday hours from 12 - 4 P.M. to 12 - 6 P.M. No report. Informational Video for the Library_ City channel staff is willing to do a short video about the library. Commission asked library staff to work with City to work out details. Library Foundation Don Brown will speak about possible future library expansion at the June 19 meeting. Friends of the Library The last sale brought in over $5,700. The Friends voted to purchase award books for children who have ten or more books read to them in the Read to Me Club and for teens who read five or more books and write a book review of one book in the new Teen Reading Club just starting this summer. This is in addition to the award books purchased by them each summer for children who read ten or more books in the regular Summer Reading Club. Mayor's Breakfast Mary Minow attended the last meeting. Jean Bedord will attend the next meeting on June 27. Calendar Update The calendar was updated. CityNet Bill received for CityNet dues. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT (See attached) COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Ma,-Ann Wallace, Susan Fuller, and Janice Yee met with City Manager Don Brown and staff to discuss future building needs and Cupertino population trends. Citizens' Advisory Commission will meet June 19. The meeting will focus on service to the unincorporated population. The Bookmobile and staff will be present as well as the Alum Rock community librarian. Joint Powers Authority will meet June 27 to adopt the budget for 1996/97. Recent free speech ruling on the Technology Act will be watched by the Library. Common Ground Education Forum will take place June 27 from 7 - 9 P.M. in the Cupertino Library community room. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Commissioner Pow shared an award winning Web site that offers library type service on the Intemet: HTrP://www.state.lib.ut. us Commissioner Pow is volunteering for Los Altos Library Computer Docent Program. Neither Commissioner Hamer nor Commissioner Pow will be able to attend the July meeting. Commissioner Bedord brought updates on United Way campaign procedures. Commissioner Hamer asked if shelving in the staff room is anchored. Staff will verify. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Susan Fuller Santa Clara County Librarian enc. City Librarian's Report Facilities: The elevator is working again! It has been in use since Wednesday, May 29, 1996. Also, the old rotary emergency phone in the elevator has been replaced with one that contacts the elevator company by means of a push of a button and meets ADA standards. Pro~r~ms Children's librhrians presented 24 programs in May for a total audience of 1,046 people. The 4 family bedtime storytimes reached a total audience of 198 people, or approximately 49 participants per session. The 5 "two's" storytimes for children ages 2.5 years to 3.5 years of age reached an audience of 95 children, or approximately 19 children per session. Total attendance, including adults was 176 people, or 35 people per session. The 5 toddler storytimes for children ages 1.5 years to 2.5 years of age reached 190 children, or approximately 38 per session. Total attendance, including adults, was 321 people, or approximately 64 people per session. The 5 pre-school storytimes for children ages 3.5 years to 6 years of age reached an audience of 132 children, approximately 26 per session. Total attendance, including adults, was 198 people, approximately 39 people per session. There were 5 class visits to the library in May: from 3 elementary schools: 3 classes from Collins School, I from Montebello School, and 1 from Garden Gate school. Total attendance for the class visits was 153 students. Summer Reading Club Signups for 1996 Sommer Reading Club started yesterday and 179 children signed up on the first day. The theme this summer coincides with the Summer Olympics: Everyone a Winner - Read! The first programs will be presented this Thursday, June 20th. Each of the seven Thursday afternoon Summer Reading Club Programs will be presented twice (at 2 pm and at 3:30 pm) in order to accoinmodate the large numbers of attendees that our library always attracts. Each child will be allowed to attend only one of the two presentations. Craft programs will be presented on Tuesday afternoons in July for children 5 years old and up using craft materials made possible through the purchase of an Ellison Lettering Machine by the Friends of the Cupertino Library..As_always, any child who reads ten or more books over the course of the summer will receive a free paperback book purchased by the Friends of the Cupertino Library. Starting this year, the younger children who are enrolled in the Read to Me Summer Reading Program and have ten or more books read to them over the course of the summer will also receive a free paperback book purchased by the Friends of the Cupertino Library. ~ummer ~torytimes Summer Storytimes in July and August will be presented on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm (for ages 3 years and up) and on Thursdays at 10:15 am (for ages i 1/2 to 3 years). There will be no storytimes from June 17 through June 30 in order to give staff time to prepare for all of the Summer Reading Club activities and to handle the bulk of the Summer Reading Club signups, which come in these first couple of weeks. Informational flyers on the Summer Reading Club and the Summer Storytimes are available in the library Library Tours Eight people took advantage of the library tours in May with Adult Librarian Kate Moyle. Starting this month, we have dropped the Monday evening tour in favor of a library tour on Saturday afternoon. Library tours are provided on Wednesday afternoons from 1-2 pm and on Saturday afternoons from 2-3 pm. We have had people for each Saturday tour so far. Tour schedule flyers are available at the library. Young Adult Activities Cupertino Young Adult Librarian Judy Thompson did booktalks for 4 classes of a total of 158 students at Westmont with Campbell Library Young Adult Librarian Sharon Kerr in May to reciprocate for Sharon's help with booktalking for Cupertino High School in April.. Judy has since accepted a halftime position at Saratoga Library. We are very sorry to lose her from our staff, but know that she will be a wonderful addition to Saratoga's staff. Judy will start at Saratoga Library on July 1st. Cupertino Library will welcome Librarian Sheila Ho, who will transfer in to Judfs position from Central Reference on July 1st. Starting this year, Cupertino Library is offering a Cupertino Teen Reading Club for teens (ages 13-18 years). In order to receive a free paperback book provided by the Friends of the Cupertino Library, teens must read five or more books over the summer and write a review of one book, telling why they liked that particular book. The reviews will be filed in a notebook for others to read. Sign-ups started yesterday, June 17th, and eight teens signed up on the first day.