February 18, 1997
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mary Minow at 7:30 pm.
Jean Bedord
Jillian Hamer
Mary Minow
Charles Pow
Yufen Diana Wu
Also present:
Carol Atwood, Director of Administrative Services,
and Library Commission Liaison
Steve Toler, Information Technology Manager
Ksren Burnett, Coordinator, Libraries, Media, and
Technology, FUHSD
Susan Fuller, Santa Clara County Librarian
Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian
Minutes of the January 21, 1997 meeting were approved as written.
Steve Toler spoke about the city's web page. The city is actively involved in
website development. He urged the commission to develop content for the site.
Coi~mlssioner Pow is the website contact person for the library commission.
Agendas, minutes, and basic information on the commission will be posted.
Only the minutes will be archived. They will be noted as "unapprovedf Any
changes will be noted in the next Minutes. The target date for the city website
to be up and running is April 1, 1997. The URL will be
Karen Burnett spoke about the need to coordinate services between the
schools and the public library to open library access, as school libaries are
closed after 3:45 pm. ~]gily. She is working on a strategic plan for school
libraries. She has spoken with principals Barbara Nunes from Cupertino High
School and David Payne from Homestead High School, as well as with City
Councilperson Wally Dean. She agrees that electronic link ups between the
schools and the public library are the most likely and the most promising.
County Librarian Susan Fuller spoke about the Milpitas Electronic Access
Project, a joint venture between the Santa Clara County Library and the
Milpitas Unified School District. This was a project that started out with dial-
in lines, where school officials paid for electronic access and set up a daily
delivery system where the school picked up the books, which were put on hold
by the students. Students must have a Santa Clara County Library card and
PIN (personal identification nnmber) to place holds on the system.
This is the type of electronic access that could be worked out for other school
districts as well, provided that the schools are willing to contribute resources
also. One difference that needs to be pointed out is that while Milpitas Unified
School district is ~11 within the city limits of Milpitas, the Fremont UNified High
School District is multi-jurisdictional.
Karen Burnett said that she thought that schools would be interested in this
kind of electronic link-up that would expand library access for students.
Home Page: no further report.
Art Grant: The art grant applications have been sent in by Commissioner
Library Foundation: Librarian Wallace reported that the Foundation Board
will hold theft next meeting tomorrow evening at 5:30 pm in the Foundation
office area. They are still looking forward to having a member of the Library
Commission serve on the Board as soon as possible. Their next fundraising
project will be an opportunity drawing for two $200 tickets to the Wednesday,
May 14, 1997 Pavarotti concert at the San Jose arena, as well as dinner at a
local restaurant and limousine service to and ~om the concert. The drawing
will be held May 1, 1997 at the library.
Friends of the Library: Librarian Wallace reported that the Friends of the
Library Booksale last weekend was very successful with gross receipts of over
$8,000. Commissioner Bedord suggested that commissioners try to attend
Friends meetings and help out with the booksales whenever possible, as help is
always needed to put on booksales of this size.
MayoFs Bre~l~ast: Commissioner Hamer will attend the next Mayor's
Calendar update: No additions.
CityNet: No report.
Election of Officers: Commissioner H~mer was elected as the new
Chairperson. Commissioner Pow was elected as the new Vice Chairperson.
Commissioner Wu was elected as the new Secretary. A commissioner needs to
serve as a member of the Citizens Advisory Commission (CAC) also. This is
usually the past chairperson, but with the agreement of both Commissioner
Minow and Commissioner Bedord, Commissioner Bedord will continue to serve
on the commission for the present, as she is currently helping to plan the Joint
Commission Meeting to be held in the fall.
Action plan for computer: The target date for the stand-alone computer for
s~mpling a cd rom of the month to be out for the public is March 10, 1997.
High School Library Outreach: Discussed under oral communication. Library
staff will discuss electronic access with the schools and school district, and will
keep the commission updated.
Needs Assessment: The commi ssion discussed the importance of having the
city include a new library building in its Master Plan. When the commission
goes to the city's budget session, they plan to ask the city to pay for hiring a
consultant to develop a plan. This consultant would bring a neutral point of
view and would present options. The cost effectiveness of both another
remodel of the ~me b,,ilding and that of a new building will be discussed. The
commission will invite City Manager Don Brown to the next meeting.
No further report.
Commissioner Bedord visited the new Career Action Center, which shares a
building with U.C.Santa Cruz on Bubb Road. She brought over some
infon-~mtional flyers and bookmarks i~om the library, and toured the facility,
bringing back infoL,-ation on the center for commissioners.
The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, March 19, 1997 at 7:30 pm
The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertino Library
Commission meeting, where any corrections are noted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Ann Wallace
Community Library Supervisor
Cupertino Library
Cupertino Librarian's Report 2-18-97
January Progr,*ms:
# of Progr~m~
Ages 1.1/2 - 2.1/2 4
Ages 2.1/2 - 3.1/2 4
Ages 3.1/2 - 6 4
Ages 3 - 8 4
160 / 40 average
160 / 40 average
102 / 25 average
106 / 26 average
Class visits 0
Visits to schools 3 92 attendees
Lincoln School Discovery Day (3 classes of 2nd graders)
Total: 20 772 attendees
Library Tours
24 attendees
Jan-~ry Statistics:
January Circulation (# ofitem.~ checked out)
Average Circulation per hour
January Gate Count(# of visits to library)
January Reference (# of questions)
Total reference questions answered
A: 5,777
Not yet available
Not yet available
J: 3,846
The first series of the Inter,iet Class for Parents of Schoolage
Children, designed to help parents with a basic introduction to searching
techniques, using both URL's and search engines, and to show them some good
Web sites for children, was well received. The first class on January 25th had
seven participants, and the next two, on February 1st and 8th, had eighteen
attendees each. Some parents signed up and came on their own to try to catch
up to their children's level of experience with the World Wide Web, but most
people who signed up c~me with their fsmilies. We had a waiting list for
signups, and these people have been scheduled for the two Saturday morning
classes to be given in March, which are flail. We have planned two more
Saturday morning sesssions in April.
Children's Librarian Bonnie Wang's series of Storytimes in Chinese
(Mand~r/n) on Wednesday evenings in February are proving popular. The
first two sessions held in the Story Room have had 71 and 69 attendees each.
There will be another Chinese storytime this Wednesday evening, February
19th and the last one in this series will be presented on February 26th.
The Monday evening February 10th presentation of Chinese lute (pipa)
music by well-known Pipa soloist Gordon Lee, in celebration of Chinese New
Year, was very well attended: 114 people, a real cross section of the
community, csrne to this progrsm~ which was paid for by the ~Wrlends of the
Cupertino Library.
The next adult evening program will be a presentation on dog behavior
with Brian Coyne, dog trainer and canine behaviorist on Wednesday, March 12,
1997 at 7:30 pm in the Community Room. Participants are encouraged to
bring their questions, but not their dogs.
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) volunteers will be at the
library on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Story Room, starting
this Saturday, February 22nd and continuing through Saturday, April 12, 1997
to provide free help to people in preparing their tax forms. This service is
designed specificslly to help low-income, disabled, elderly or non-English-
speskiug taxpayers prepare simple federal 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ foL-ms
and California 540A and 540EZ fo~i;;~.
As usual, the library has a self-help tax form area on the landing
between the lobby and the children's room with giveaway focus and binders of
reproducible fo~-c,m. The binders of reproducible for'cas are also available near
the copy machine in the lobby. Anyone who cannot physically access the
landing for the giveaway forms may ask at the reference desk on the main
floor, and staff will retrieve the forms for them. Copy machines are located on
all three floors.
Cor~missioners received copies of the 2nd series of the InterL~et Class
for Parents of Schoolage Children and F-milles flyer, the evening
presentation on Dog Behavior flyer,which are available at the library, and the
second edition of the Santa Clara County Library ONLINE newsletter and
quick reference sheet, which will soon be awilable in the library.