July 15~ 1997
The meeting was c~lled to order by Chairperson Jilllsn Hamer at 7:30 pm.
Jean Bedord
Jillian I'Jnmer
Charles Pow
Mary Minow (with prior notice)
Yufen Diana Wu (with prior notice)
Also present:
Susan Fuller, Santa Clara County Librarian
Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian
Minutes of the June 17, 1997 meeting were approved as written.
Art & Wine Festival: Commissioners discussed a schedule for st~Wmg the
Library Commission/Library Foundation/Friends of the Library booth.
Librarian Wallace took sign-ups at the Friends meeting, and will do the same
at the Foundation meeting tomorrow. All three groups will have infmmational
flyers to pass out, as well as the web graphics contest information, if ready,
and possibly a short survey on what people would like to see in a new er
expanded library. Librarian Wallace will leave copies of the info,-,,,ational
flyers, and Commissioner Bedord will organize them in the booth on Saturday.
Fine Arts Commission Grants: 1) The Web Graphics subcommittee, made up
of ChArles Pow, Joanna Seymour, and Sheila Mohan will meet soon to draw up
the rules, to plan the publicity, and to judge the entries at a later date. It was
agreed that the Art & Wine Festival will present a good opportunity for
publicity, if the committee c~n meet before that. In any case, the contest
infor-,ation will be sent out to schools in the fall.
2) The Southeast Asian and California Art grant titles have _all been ordered,
and most have arrived. As soon as the library has received all rifles, the
- bibliography will be fi~allzed, and the library will have tho books on display
during the month of September.
Volunteer Coordination: When commissioners Hamer and Pow went on the
Friends tour of San Francisco Library, they spoke with the head of the San
Francisco Library Volunteer Bureau, who is a paid coordinator. Commissioner
Pow suggested that the County Library District might want to consider a paid
coordinator, who would be funded centrally, and who would work with _all of the
libraries in our district. Because the needs are different in each of the library
communities, and there is no money set aside for a paid position, that may
rempln something to think about for the future. Another suggestion was to try
posting the job description for a library volunteer coordinator (not paid - strictly
vohmteer) on the city's volunteer openings web page. Librarian Wallace will
send the job description for Volunteer Coordinator to beth Commissioner
Bedord and Commissioner Pow, so that they can place it in resources that they
are familiar with.
Friends of the Library: The Friends are currently engaged in a reorganizational
effort to come up with a more for,hal structure that includes by-laws and a
slate of officers, in order to involve more members in the work of the group. A
small group of Friends has been meeting to work on the language of the by-
laws, and a first draft was presented by Jean Gallup to the membership at
Monday's meeting
Library Foundation: The Foundation has been awarded a $10,000 grant from
the California State Library, which will be used for Library Foundation Board
development and the completion of two current foundation projects. The
foundation's next board meeting is tomorrow evening at 7:30 pm.
Mayor's Breakfast: The Mayor's Breakfasts for July and August have been
cancelled. The next Mayor's Breakfast will be held in September.
Calendar update: Chairperson Hamer will chair the August meeting, but will
be away the week before the meeting; any agenda items will need to be sent to
her early. Chairperson Hamer will be unable to attend in September, and
Commissioner Pow will chair the September meeting.
Commission Home Page: Commissioner Pow has the basic material, and
students from Homestead High School have set it up on a page. It includes
last year's Commission Annual Report, but still needs minutes, and agendas.
Commissioner Pow brought a laptop computer to let commissioners review it,
but since two were not present, it was decided to wait until the next meeting, so
that all commissioners could review it together.
There was a very nice article on Santa Clara County Library's Bookmobile
service, which appeared recently in the Cupertino Courier and in other Metro
The Intemet access issue is still in the news. Librarian Lani Yoshimura from
Gilroy was interviewed by MSNBC last week, and both she and County
Librarian l~dler were interviewed by Spencer Michaels for The Lehrer Report.
Neither program has set an 9ir date yet. The Citizens Advisory Commission
(CAC) meeting in Gilroy heard from about 20 people, many from the KIDS
(Keep the Intemet Decent and Safe) group in favor ofinst~lling filters, and
from about 4 or 5 people, who spoke in favor of the library policy. Some CAC
members did not want to make a decision at that meeting, and asked to have a
further study session with staff providing information and vendors. County
Librarian Fuller and the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) ChAirperson, Patty
Williams have met with Tom Shanks of the Markula Center for Applied Ethics
of Santa Clara University, who will serve as a facilitator for several one-time
focus groups to discuss the issues. CAC members will be invited to attend any
and All of the groups. A report will be issued by Tom ShAnks, which will go to
both the CAC and to the JPA at their October meetings.
The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, August 19, 1997 at 7:30 pm
The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertino Library
Commission meeting, where any corrections are noted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Ann Wallace
Commullity Library Supervisor
Cupertino Library
- Cupertino Librarian's Report 7-15-97
June Programs:
Ages 1.1/2 - 2.1/2 2
Ages 2.1/2 - 3.1/2 2
Ages 3.1/2 - 6 2
Ages 3 - 8 2
Class visits -
Preschool I (Bethel Lutheran)
Elementary 3
Christa McAuliffe (1)lst grade
Sedgewick ( 1)2/3 & 5th grade
Great Success (1) K-2
Parent Internet programs 1
S~mmer Reading Club ProgrAm~ 2
Total: 15
Adults / Young Adults:
Library Tours
Antarctica travelog program
Young Adult meeting with FUHSD media sides
152 / 76 average
99 / 49 average
56 / 28 average
79 / 39 average
56 attendees
24 students
60 students
18 students
17 attendees
828 attendees
13 attendees
22 attendees
9 attendees
June Statistics:
June Circulation(# of items checked out) 113,040
Average circulation per hour 450
June Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 33,551
June Reference (# of questions) A: 4,989
Total Reference questions answered: 7~507
J: 2,518
SundAy Statistics for June:
Library open 12-6 thanks to Citizens and City of Cupertino
June Sunday Statistics:
June 1997
CirodAtion Visits to the Library
6-1-97 3588 1335
6-8-97 3280 920
6-15-97 3501 732
6-22-97 3726 1022
6-29-97 3101 797
Average: 3439 per Sunday 961 per Sunday
Int~.-uet Cl~sos for Parents of Sehoolage Children are confining.
They are designed to help parents with basic searching techniques, using both
URL's and search engines, and to demonstrate good children's Web sites. The
J~me 21, 1997 Parent Intemet class had 17 participants; the class on July 12,
1997 had 11 participants. The August 16th class is full, and we are currently
talcing September sign-ups. More intemet classes will be offered in the foil.
Snmmer Readirlg Club is very popular! Volunteers have been helping
to enroll children, and currently, there are over 1,700 children signed up. The
tlrst program held on June 26 with two performances by Circus Soozee, a
clown/juggler, had 267 children attending, an average of 133 per perfo~L.~auce.
Performers present the same program twice, so that we can accommodate as
many children as possible. Children are asked to attend only one perfo~-n,~ance.
Unfortunately, we do not have room for parents at the Thursday programs,
but parents are invited to storytimes and to Tuesday craft programs. The first
Tuesday cral~ program, where children worked on an African savannah mural
on July 1, had 106 children and 18 parents in attendance. On July 3rd, Steve
Chaney's two ventriloqui~,- program~ had 325 attendees, an average of 162
children per perfortiiance. The second Tuesday craft program on July 8th,
where children made paperbag puppets had $3 children and 25 parents. Fun
City Theatrical Group's two performances on July 10th had 360 children in
attendance, an average of 180 per performance. All s~mmer program~ and
cra~ supplies are funded by the Friends of the Cupertino Library.
The self-help tax form area will remain on the landing between the
lobby and the children's room through August with giveaway fo~-,~:~ and
binders of reproducibles. Reproducible for,~ are also available at the lobby
copier. Anyone who cannot physically access the landing may ask at the main
floor reference desk, and st~ffwill retrieve for,~ for them. Copiers are located
on all floors. For the first two weeks in July, there has also bccn a display of
information on household hazardous waste pick up done by City of Cupertino
Public Works staff member Porn Ledesma featured on the landing.
The S~mmer Reading for Tc~cns book display will rern~ir~ up through
August. Teens who read 5 books or more over the s~mmer and write one book
review that will be kept on file in the library for other teens to read will be
awarded a gii% certificate to a local bookstore, purchased by the Friends of
the Cupertino Library. S~mmer Reading for Teens runs through August
24th. So far, 98 teens have signed up. Details are available at the adult
reference desk on the main floor.
Commissioners received copies of the Kids Web Page bool~mark, the
revised Snmrner Snrnmer Reading Club Program flyer and a flyer on
S~mmer Reading Club Activities for Children that explains why only
children may be admitted to the Thursday programs, due to the high n~mbers
of children in attendance, and also lists other s~mmer progrom~ that parents
are invited to attend with their children. They also received a brochure on the
library's services, which we give to teachers, and copies of the S~mrner
Bool-.~obile Schedule. All of these flyers are available in the library.