LIB 08-19-97 CUPERTINO LIRHAHY COMMISSION MINUTES August 19, 1997 C2~LL TO ORDER The meeting was c~lled to order by Chairperson Jillian H~mer at 7:30 pm. Jean Bedord Jillian H~mer Mary Minow Yufen Diana Wu Absent: Charles Pow (with prior notice) Also present: Julie Farnsworth, Deputy County Librarian Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian MINUTES Minutes of the July 15, 1997 meeting were approved as written. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None NEW BUSINESS CALTAC workshop and C~]i~ornia Library Association Conference (CIA) in Pasadena November 15-18, 1997. Commissioner Wu will attend the CIA conference from San Jose State Library. Commissioner Minow will also attend. She is on the Intellectual Freedom Committee and is worldng on the revision of the library trustees and commlsioners' handbook, entitled the Tool Kit. Other members of the commission have not made plans as yet. Graphic Arts Grant admiuistrafion will be reagendized to September, when Commissioner Pow will ch~ir the meeting. OLD BUSINESS Volunteer Coor~iuation: Commissioner Minow will submit the Volunteer Coordinator job description to the Voluntccr Excl~uge. Art & Wine Festival: Commissioners discussed the st~ffiug and set up of the booth, which was shared by the Library Commission, Library Foundation, and ROLL CALL Present: Friends of the Library. All thought it had been successful, and were pleased with the booth location, which engendered much more foot traffic than in past years. The mi~i beoksale, which happened serendipitously, turned out to be a success and should probably be continued at future Art & Wine Festivals, as it drew people to the booth, who then picked up library infoLniation, purchased books and tote bags, and filled out the short survey on what people would like to see in a new or expanded library. The web graphics contest information was also passed out. Librarian W_allace thanked all who staffed the booth, as well as those members of the public who took the time to fill out the surveys. STANDING REPORTS: Friends of the Library: The August Friends meeting was cancelled due to many members being away on vacation, but the small group of Friends who are currently working on a set of by-laws and a more fo.-~al structure for the group, will be meeting next Monday to continue that project. Library Foundation: The Foundation is beginning to work with the $10,000 grant t¥om the California State Library on Foundation Board development and the two foundation projects. The Board is also considering a Penny Campaign. The foundation's next board meeting is tomorrow evening at 7:30 pm. Commissioner Bodord suggests that the Foundation's United Way Campaign info,'mation bookmarks and flyers be put out soon, as the campaign is underway. Mayor's Breakfast: The Mayor's Breakfasts for the snmmer have been cancelled. The next Mayor's Breakfast will be held in September, when Commissioner Pow will be chairing the meeting. Chairperson Hamer will be in Australia on business. Calendar update: There are no additions at this time. CITY LIRRARIAWS REPORT Attached. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Deputy County Librarian Farnsworth reported that the picketing of the various county libraries by the K.I.D.S. group had engendered only two letters and two phone calls, none of which were from this community. In Saratoga, an unfortunate mistake was made in the process of restaining the building, which resulted first in a pink building, and now in a building painted red. The community is concerned, and the city wants the building returned to the original redwood veneer color. COMMISSIONERS' COUNTS and AGENDA BUII.r~IN(~: Chairperson Hsmer brought up the privatization of the Riverside Library. This outsourcing is common in the private sector, but hasn't really been done before in a public library. It will be interesting to see the long-term results. Commissioner Wu plans to talk to the Chinese schools and to see about getting infor~nation about the library's services into the weekly newsletters. Commissioner Bedord was asked about the pending changes at Knight-Ridder. No announcements have been made as yet. Commissioner Minow has been asked to spe~l~ at U.C.L.P~ on the legality of filters on the Internet. Cb9irperson Hamer has been asked to speak at the University of Memphis on the ethics of electronic infor~aation. ADJO~NT The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 7:30 pm Note: The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertino Library Commission meeting, where any corrections are noted. Respectfully submitted, Mary-Ann Wallace Community Library Supervisor Cupertino Library Cupertino llbrarian's Report July Programs: Children: # of Progrnm~ Ages 1.1/2 - 3.1/2 5 Ages 3 - 8 5 8-19-97 At~en4~.ce 339 / 67 average 371 / 74 average Class visits - Preschool l(Campbell Christian tour of local area libraries) Elementary 8 Por!~! CDC (2) 1 - 30, 1-26 Portal 3rd & 4th (2) 1-21, 1-22 Sedgewick (1) 3rd & 4th grade One World Montessori (2) 1-15, 1-16 Parent Internet programs 1 S-miner Reading Club Programs 10 S-miner Reading Club Craft Programs 5 Junior Volunteer programs 5 Total: 40 Adults / Young Adults: Library Tours Adult presentation at Chateau Cupertino on 7-28 63 attendees 170 attendees 56 students 43 Students 21 students 31 students 11 attendees 1561 attendees 433 attendees 260 attendees 3,208 attendees 22 attendees 17 attendees July Statistics: Still Brenldng Records! All. Time High! July Circulation(# of items checked out) 122,483 Adult collection circulation 56,333 Children's collection circulation 66,150 Average circulation per hour 478 July Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 36,650 July Reference (# of questions) A: 4,959 J: Total Reference ~luestions answered: 7~756 2,797 Sunday Statistics for July: Library open 12-6 thanks to Citizens and City of Cupertino July Sund~y Statistics: July 1997 Circulation 7-6-97 3487 848 7-13-97 3460 871 7-20-97 3408 1030 7-27-97 3643 1246 Visits to the Library Average: 3496 per Sun4~y 999 per Sunday August Stturlny Statistics: August 1997 Circ,_,lntion 8-3-97 3246 8-10-97 2709 8-17-97 3296 Average: 3083 {Sg.i[illl.Per Sundny solar per Sun_d~y The library thanks those Library Commissioners, Library Foundation Board members and Friends of the Library members who st~ffed the library booth at the recent Cupertino Art and Wine Festivnl- Library brochures were passed out, a mini book sale was held, Foundation book bags were sold, Web graphics contest info,~,~ation flyers were passed out, as were surveys asking for input for a new or expanded library. 100 surveys were returned; 37 people wrote comments, and 14 volunteered to be part of a future focus group. Tbsnks also to Ali who participated, and who shared their ideas and input. Inter, et CIAAses for Parents of Schoolage Children, designed to help parents with basic searching techniques, using both URL's and search engines, and to demonstrate good children's Web sites., are contin-lng. The July 21, 1997 Parent Internet class had 17 participants; the class on August 12, 1997 had 11 participants. The September 27th class is full, as is the October 25th class, and we are currently t~klng sign-ups for November. As u~_,ol, S,,mmer Reitrli,~g Club was very popular! It will offici_ally end on August 30th, but returned lists of completed reading will be accepted ,mtil the end of September. The final SRC sign up count was 2050 members. The n-tuber who have finished so far is 1056, but lists are still being returned each day. All 14 s,,mmer programs, funded by the Friends of the CupertJ',~o Library, were well attendecL The S,,mmer Reading for Teens book display will reom~i,x up through August 24th, which is the fin_~l day for teens to hand in their list of completed reading. The ftoal teen sign up count was 123. The n,,mber of teens who hsve finished so far is 46, but teen lists are also being returned each day. Teens who read 5 books or more over the t,,mmer and write one book review that will be kept on file in the library for other teens to read will be awarded a ~ certificate to a local bookstore, purchased by the Friends of the Cupertino Library. Commissioners received copies of the FAll Story*time schedule, which begins the week of September 2nd, the series of Chi,xese l~torytimes on September 10, 17, and 24, and the fall series of Parent Internet cl__~ss_ es, which runs from September through December. All of these flyers are available in the library.