January 19, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Charles L. Pow at 7:30 pm.
Catherine Gordon
Mary Minow
Sheila Mohan
Charles L. Pow
Yufen Diana Wu
Also present:
Susan Fuller, Santa Clara County Librarian
Carol Atwood, Director of Administrative Services
Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian
None. Chairperson Pow has written a letter to the Citizens Advisory
Commission, but would like to defer discussion of it until the Joint Powers
Authority discussion later in the meeting.
Liaison to the Library Commission, Carol Atwood stopped by briefly to meet
the two new library commissioners before returning the the City Council
meeting in progress.
Welcome new commissioners: Chairperson Pow welcomed the two new
library commissioners, Catherine Gordon and Sheila Mohan, and had all
of the meeting participants introduce and tell a little something about
themselves to the group.
Election of Officers: During this meeting, the commission needs to elect:
1) Chairperson, 2) Vice Chairperson, and 3) Secretary. Chairperson Pow
explained the duties of the three positions.
Commissioner Yufen Diana Wu was elected Chairperson, Commissioner
Catherine Gordon was elected Vice Chairperson, and Commissioner
Sheila Mohan was elected Secretary. It was also decided that the Secretary
will take care of updating the Calendar.
In addition to electing officers, the commission wants to maintain close
contact with both the Friends of the Cupertino Library and the Cupertino
Library Foundation, as well as the CAC (Citizen's Advisory Commission),
and the commission also needs to vote on the second commissioner to
participate on the LEAD (Library Expansion Advisory Design Committee)
in addition to outgoing Chairperson, Charles Pow.
Commissioner Minow will continue to keep in touch with the Friends
group. Librarian Wallace will continue to bring information from the
Foundation to the commission. Commissioner Pow will attend the CAC
meeting tomorrow evening, and the comission's discussion of the CAC will
be tabled until the next meeting, as well as the decision on the second
person to participate on the LEAD (Library Expansion Advisory Design)
Minutes of both the November 17, 1998 meeting, and the December 15, 1998
meeting were accepted as written.
Commission Handbook: Commissioner Pow passed out the completed
copies of the City of Cupertino Library Commission H~ndbook, and gave
former commissioner Jean Bedord credit for putting it all together. Jean
had some help with individual sections, but did most of the work on the
completed document. All commissioners received a copy.
Library Expansion Advisory Design Committee: Chairperson Jillian
Hamer has said that she will call a meeting shortly to bring everyone up to
date on the process.
Standing reports:
Cupertino Library Foundation: The foundation did not meet in December.
The annual Foundation mailer returns have been arriving. Treasurer
Dorothy Stow is recuperating from surgery. Librarian Wallace will have a
report on the 1998 campaign for the next commission meeting. The next
Cupertino Library Foundation meeting will be held on Wednesday, January
27, 1999.
Friends of the Cupertino Library:. The next Friends Booksale will be held
February 20,1999:9-4 pm, and February 21, 1999:12-3 pm. Flyers are now
available in the library.
Mayor's Breakfast: The Mayor's Breakfast is the 2nd Thursday of the
month at 8:00 am. Commissioner Wu attended the last Mayor's Breakfast
and reported on it to the group.
- Calendar update and planning: March 13, 1999 is the CALTAC (California
Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners) workshop at
Sunnyvale Library, featuring State Librarian Dr. Kevin Starr as the keynote
County Librarian Susan Fuller reported that the Livermore Internet access
case, where a mother had sued the city because her son had brought home
material that she considered pornographic had been dismissed by the
court. It will now go on to the apellate court.
KRON will be at Cambpell Library tomorrow to film, as they are interested
in seeing our county library's solution to the Internet filter question.
The county library has been undergoing a severe reduction of the property
tax rate. It is much smaller than it was in 1993, and the loss is $6.5 million
dollars this year. This is an issue for a few urban county libraries in the
state, and we are one of them. Alameda and Contra Costa libraries are also
losing money. The heads of the libraries are trying to get a legislator to
sponsor legislation that will return the property tax to the libraries. The
first legislator approached is Helen Thompson of Yolo and Solano counties.
The Library Association Bond Bill, SB3, for library construction will be on
the November, 2000 ballot.
The County Library's Building Expansion Policy is ~oing to the JPA for
discussion. It was sent to the City Manager's group for a first look at it.
In essence, the library currently does not have enough money to do what
the policy says that it will do, especially in the underserved areas, such as
Milpitas, and in south county in Morgan Hill and Gilroy. The meeting with
the city managers was very positive, and they are committed to finding a
The JPA meeting will be held this Thursday at Campbell Library. There
will be an election of new officers. With our upgrade to NT and the 'Y2K
problems, money is needed to contract out the installation of the NT and
because of the delays, all of the PC's may be ordered at one time.
Commissioner Wu will be out of the country for the next meeting, and so
will not be able to preside as the new Chairperson for that meeting. The
new Vice Chairperson, Catherine Gordon, will need to preside.
The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 7:30 pm
The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertino Library
Commission meeting, where any corrections are noted.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Ann Wallace
Community Library Supervisor
Cupertino Library
Cupertino Librarian's Report 1-19-99
December Program.~:
Ages1 1/2-2 1/2
Ages 2.1/2 - 3 1/2
Ages 3 1/2 - 6
Ages 3 years old and up
Parent/Family Internet program
Class visits: 7 Elementary:
Garden Gate Kindergarten
Eaton School Kindergarten
Eaton School 1st grade
Eaton School 2nd grade
Eaton School 3rd grade
Eaton School 5th grade
Cub Scouts visit
Holiday craft program
Film program
Junior Volunteer program
3 190 / 63 average
3 143 / 47 average
3 93 / 31 average
3 193 / 64 average
I 6 attendees
I 45 students
i 23 students
2 75 students
i 42 students
I 23 students
i 29 students
i 10 attendees
I 88 attendees
I 69 attendees
4 76 attendees
Totah 27 1,095 attendees
115 hours
Junior Volunteers
Adults / Young Adults:
Library Tours
Adult Internet class
3 8 attendees
12/12 I 8 attendees
Total: 4 16 attendees
YA Volunteers
80 hours
December Statistic~
December Circulation (# of items checked out) 117,446
December Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 39,165
December Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour 462
Commissioners received: Copies of the flyer for the next series of
Internet classes for parents of schoolage children, the flyer for the February
series of storytimes in Mandarin Chinese, and the Friends February 20/21,
1999 Booksale notice, all of which are available at the library.
Sunday Statistic~ Open 12-6 tbAnir.~ to Citizen~ and City of Cupertino
December 1998 Circulation V~mits to the Library
12-~98 4243 1564
12-13-98 4302 1438
12-20~98 3593 972
12-27-98 3200 874
Average: 3835 circ per Sundoy 1212 visits per Sundoy