LIB 02-16-99CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES February 16, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Chair Catharine Gordon called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Also present: Catherine Gordon, Mary Minow, Sheila Mohan, Yufen Diana Wu Mary-Ann Wallace, Julie Farnsworth MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes of the January 19, 1999 meeting was made by Ms. Minow and Seconded by Ms Mohan. Unanimous vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A letter from Charlie Pow regarding the JPA and CAC was distributed. NEW BUSINESS Ms. Minow attended a library trustee meeting in Pasadena. She recommends that all the Commission members become both CalTac members, as the information is very valuable and they will be lobbying the State for better library support. Carol Atwood of the City will be contacted to arrange membership for all the Commission members. The California Library Association is a separate organization with separate dues, inexpensive ones for trustees. Joining CLA gives discounts on the annual conference and a newsletter. The City could probably reimburse the trustee cost of joining. The CalTac spring workshop will be March 13th at the Sunnyvale Library. Dr. Kenneth Starr of the State Library and Carla Lane will be speaking. During the CalTac meeting Ms. Minow asked the membership to support taking political stands in support of legislative issues. She recommended that the library commission make a presentation to the League of City and Counties' lobbyist. Discussion ensued about making certain that Carol Atwood, the Mayor and City Council are on board before such a presentation. - Ms. Minow also asked Mike Dillon, the lobbyist for CLA, to send email updates on legislation directly to trustees as well as the current email to library directors. OLD BUSINESS Library Expansion Advisory Committee The City Council wanted the Library Commission to report back to them on funding additional library hours during the week. The Commission wondered if this effort would detract from the efforts to build a new library. Ms. Wu felt that the hours issue perhaps shouldn't be pursued at this time. The Commission agreed that we needed to know if additional open hours was the best way to spend any available money. They discussed siting terminals in other areas: schools, Career Action Center, Seniors Center. The Commission concluded that they should think about defining the primary needs and services in most need, then discuss with a full commission. Julie Farnsworth reported that city and library staff continue to work with the architects on the two sizes of preliminary design. When they are completed, they will be used to obtain cost- estimates for the new building. Discuss returned to school/library cooperation. Should Karen Burner of the Cupertino School District be invited to a Commission meeting? Are there ways to publicize the existing computer cooperation with the schools to encourage more use? Are there any models of heavily-used computer connections between schools and a public library? CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Attached. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Deputy County Librarian Julie Farnsworth reported on the concerns expressed by some CAC members on the reduction in number of meetings. The city managers continue to meet on revising the library building policy. They have requested information on the available ways Measure A funding can be replaced when it expires in 2005. There is a slim possibility that a targeted ERAF return for public libraries may be considered by the State Legislature. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS AND AGENDA BUILDING The next commission meeting should discuss the building policy. Ms. Minow moved an Ms. Gordon seconded a motion to recommend Sheila Mohan as a Commission representative on the Library Building Expansion Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. to Tuesday, March 16th, 1999 at 7:30 PM No~e; The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertino Library Commission meeting, where any corrections are noted. Respectfully submitted, Julie Farnsworth Deputy County Librarian Santa Clara County Library - Cupertino I Jbrarian's Report 2-16-99 January Programs: Children: # of Programs Story[Jmes Ages1 1/2-2 1/2 4 Ages 2.1/2 - 3 1/2 4 Ages 3 1/2 - 6 4 Ages 3 years old and up 4 Parent/Family Internet program 1 Class visits: 7 Elementary: Eaton School Kindergarten 2 Eaton School 1st grade 1 Eaton School 2nd grade 1 Eaton School 3rd grade & lst/2nd 2 Eaton School 5th grade 1 Cub Scouts visit 1 Programs outside the library: 7 Programs Cupertino Parks & Rec. Preschool 3 Cupertino Parks & Rec. Preschool 3 Cupertino Parks & Rec. Parents i Junior Volunteer program Attendance 285 / 71 average 208 / 52 average 180 / 45 average 272 / 68 average 3 attendees 43 students 43 students 43 students 63 students 32 students 8 attendees 81 attendees 51 attendees 12 attendees 4 74 attendees Total-' 36 1,398 attendees Junior Volunteers Adults ! Young Adults: Library Tours Adult Internet class 1/30 Chateau Cupertino Booktalks 115.5 hours 3 6 attendees I 3 attendees I 19 attendees Total: 5 33 attendees YA Volunteers 99.5 hours January Statistics.. January Circulation (# of items checked out) 131,130 January Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 45,172 January Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour ?A Reminder that the spring series of storytimes in Mandarin Chinese is currently underway. Tomorrow evening, Wednesday, February 17th, will be the second in the series, and the final program in this series will be held on Wednesday, March 24, 1999. Children's Librarian Bonnie Wang presents the sorytimes, and includes music, riddles, crafts, and puppet shows in Mandarin Chinese. Children's Librarians Judith Blight and Peggy Harris presented a Valentine Craft program on Friday, February 12th to a very eager, very creative, and very appreciative group of crafters. There were 39 children and 23 adults present, and they made 4 different valentine projects over the course of an hour or so. Commissioners received: Copies of the flyer on the upcoming Program on Harmonizing your Life with Feng Shui to be held Wednesday, March 3, 1999 in the Community Room. This is another in the continuing series of family programs funded by.the Friends of the Cupertino Library. These flyers are available at the library. Sunday Statisticg Open 12-6 tb~nlr.~ to Citizens and City of Cupertino Jan~m~y 1999 CirodAtion V'~its to the Library 1-3-99 5030 1417 1-10-99 5469 1882 1-17-99 5024 1725 1-24-99 2861 1603 1-31-99 4654 1642 Average: 4607 circ per Sunday 1654 visits per Sunday