LIB 04-20-99NrU-I~S CUPERTINO I,IRRARY COMMISSION MI April 20, 1999 CAI,I, TO The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wu at ROT~,CATI, Present: Mary Minow Sheila Mohan Yufen Diana Wu Absent with prior notice: Catherine Gordon Charles L. Pow Also present: Susan Fuller, Santa Clara Cc Mary-Ann Wallace, City Libr.~ Jean Bedord, Library Expansi, Committee Patrick Rogers, President, Cu Foundation Dick Weaver, Member of the MINLrrEs The Minutes of the March 16, 1999 meeting were approx ORAL COMMUNICATION Dick Weaver, member of the public, suggested that libr use email mailing lists to be accessible to the public. Hi use a moderated list (different than a listserv). As this: item, the commission will not respond this evening, but city attorney for any Brown Act rammifications. He als happened with his suggestion to staff that the checkout northerly rather than southerly direction in the lobby. stated that there were no maps of the library posted ant that the library post a map on the wall, so that library ~ way around without having to ask for help at the refere: Dick Weaver had asked at the previous meeting what it the library at 9:00 a.m. for example, instead of at 10:00. of the colleCtion by adults only without the serviCe desks having the children's room closed. Chairperson Yuhfe~ Librarian Wallace to respond to Mr. Weaver at this tim, Wallace stated that staff had discussed his proposal at concluded that it came down to issues of public safety, liability, and that the library was not prepared to be ope present. In addition, whatever the intent might be, the :30 pm. auty Librarian rian ,n Advisory Design ,ertino Library ablic ed as written. ary commissioners s suggestion was to s not an agenda will check with the ) asked what had lines be placed in a in addition, he where, and asked sers could find their ~ce desk. ~ould take to open ~.m. for casual use being staffed and Diana Wu asked Librarian ,me length, but had ecurity, and ~ without staff demand for service is there as soon as the library doors open. Staff need to public and to monitor the collection. Having the buildin no staff on duty is neither feasible, nor safe. County Librarian Susan Fuller agreed that this is an is~, decided by staff, who have the ultimate responsibility for security of both the library users and the collection. Co to discuss this as an agenda item later in the meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Wu introduced the two guests present: Je: Cupertino Library Commissioner and member of the LJ Advisory Design Committee, and Pat Rogers, President Library Foundation. In the interests of maintaining close ties with both the Foundation, the commission will invite representative~' support groups to attend occasional commission meetin to speak about the foundation. He reported on the histo~ which is a 501(c) 3 organization, why it exists, what it d fund it has established for the library, its various fund~ such as the annual mailer, the Planned Giving brochur library) and various individual events, such as opportu author lecture evenings, the Vallco plant sale, and the: Campaign, which raised $8,000:$4,000 of which has be. Cupertino Library book budget, and $4,000 which will b, library project. The foundation also expects to raise m~ for the new library. Chairperson Wu thanked him for his presentation. O1,1) BUSINESS Library Expansion Advisory Design committee update: and committee member Jean Bedord reported that LE~ chairperson Jillian Hamer was currently traveling on committee has not met in some time, but there will be project, where the committee will again meet regularly in giving input for the new library building. Commiss has just recently been appointed to the committee duri~ has not yet attended a meeting, asked if a meeting Librarian Wallace said that she thought that the chair the city about a date for a meeting before the public pro' committee member Bedord said that there are times in ~ork with the open with little or ~e that needs to be the safety and nmissioners want m Bedord, a former brary Expansion ,f the Cupertino .,iends and the from these library s. Pat was invited r of the foundation, es, the endowment · aising measures, e (available in the aity drawings, ~ecent Penny .~n put into the .~ used for a future ,ney for furnishings Librarian Wallace D committee )usiness. The nother phase of the and will be engaged .oner Mohan, who ~g this hiatus,and so d be held soon. )erson would contact iess begins, and a project such as this when there are fewer meetings, and that she was cE meeting would be called as soon as there was somethin committee to discuss and to work on. Chairperson Wu invited Jean Bedord, as a recently rei to talk about the proposal to build a new library rather tl current building. Jean said that with the implications library building requirements, the city council and city new building would be the most cost effective to build ar the least disruption to library service for the communit discussed inviting Public Works Director Bert Viskovic~ meeting. Discussion on proposed library hours extension: Comm they wanted to discuss what it would take to do this. M~ analogy to Safeway being open with few staff, but foim Bedord pointed out that the library is very different. Pe( information and will expect that there will' be staff on d~ Commissioners discussed extending hours in general, staff contact Sunnyvale Library to see if there were figu~ showing the percentage of circulation during the eveni: County Librarian Fuller reiterated that this is an issue decided by the staff, who are ultimately responsible for security of library users, staff, and the library's collecti Minow requested a written response, and commissione~ written response be prepared for the next meeting. Commission's annual budget: Commissioners discuss budget, most of which is for the library's Sunday Servic Standing reports: Cupertino Library Foundation: Board President Pat Ro thorough report on the foundation and its activities. TI~ Library Foundation meeting will be held tomorrow, We~ Friends of the Cupertino Library:. The next Friends Be May 15 from 9-4 pm and May 16 from 12-3 pm. Flyers the library. Mayor's Breakfast:. Commissioner Mohan attended t~, Breakfast and reported on it to the group. Calendar update and planning: No additions at this ti~ CITY LIRRARIAN'S REPORT: ~rtain that a new for the red commissioner, ~an to expand the ~ the site and the taft thought that a d would result in r. Commissioners to an upcoming ssioners felt that '. Weaver made the ~r commissioner ,ple come in for .ty to help them. ~nd requested that 'es available ~g hours. ~hat needs to be he safety and on. Commissioner 's suggested that a ed the commission gets gave a very e next Cupertino April 21, 1999. ksale will be held: re now available in last Mayor's be. Attached. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Library Bill SB3 is in the Finance committee. At the recent CAC meeting, Sheila Mohan represented' Library Commission. Commissioner Pow is the regulax the CAC. They have decided to have two meetings a yea will add meetings as the need arises. The CAC will wo~ and Commissioner Pow was volunteered to work on tha County Librarian Susan Fuller reported the the JPA wil the budget at its upcoming meeting in April and will ad, June. The hardware purchases and PC orders were do~ They have not come through the Purchasing Dept. yet. The county library is changing hourly workers in Page benefitted positions. The Systems Office is adding one mini-computer operai needed to help maintain the 500 PC's we will have in th, new PC purchases arrive. Cupertino City Manager Don Brown will present an ora JPA meeting of the recommendations of the City Mana he Cupertino representative to ; instead of 4 and k on a handbook, project. take a first look at ,t the budget in ~bled up last year. )ositions to ~r position. This is system once the report at the next ;er's committee concerning financial policy and the county library's bu lding program. COMMISSIONERS' COMME, NTS and AGENDA BUILDING: Commissioner Wu brought up the Sister Libraries project and asked if the commission would like to participate. As this is sometking that will be done by library staff, commissioners suggested turning i t over to staff to see if they could come up with a proposal by the May 30th d .~adline. ADJO~ The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, June 15, Note: The Minutes are unapproved until the following Commission meeting, where any corrections are Respectfully submitted, Mary-Ann Wallace Community Library Supervisor Cupertino Library [999 at 7:30 pm ~upertino Library noted. Cupertino Librarian's Report 4- 20-99 March Programs: Children: Story*Jmes Ages1 1/2-2 1/2 4 Ages 2.1/2 - 3 1/2 5 Ages 3 1/2 - 6 4 Ages 3 years old and up 5 Parent/Family Internet program cancelled due te Class visits: 2 Preschool, 5 Elementary: Preschool 1 Montebello K/lst 1 French/American School K 1 Eaton School 1st grade 1 Eaton School 2nd grade 1 Eaton School 3rd grade 1 Eaton School 5th grade 1 Regnart School Discovery Day 4 Junior Volunteer program 5 Total: 34 Junior Volunteers Adults / Young Adults: Library Tours 4 Adult Internet class 3/20 1 Chateau Cupertino Booktalks 3/8 1 Feng Shui program with Mr. Y. C. Sun 1 Ca. Writer's Club/So. Bay Branch talk 3/3 1 Author Judy Yung(Unbound Feet) program1 TotAl-. 9 YA Volunteers All Time High Monthly March Statistics: March Circulation (# of items checked out) 136,( March Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 48,4~ March Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour 516 Attendance 337/84 average 302/60 average 254/63 average 429/86 average .on for the library's Cupertino Library Circulation! 12 2 1,717 attendees 148.5 hours 4 attendees 5 attendees 21 attendees 30 attendees 12 attendees 19 attendees 91 attendees 124 hours Library staff held a Volunteer Thank You recept adult Community Volunteers, Library Commissioners. 8 students 19 students 30 students 44 students 42 students 28 students 38 students 107 students 79 attendees lack of attendance Foundation Board members, Friends of the Cupertino and the community members of the Library Expansion committee on Sunday, April 11, 1999. Volunteers were book placed in the library's collection with a bookplate their volunteer service to the library. Library staff wan~ to thank Don Burnett and San Cupertino City Council for participating in the library's Week Storytime as Guest Readers on 4/13 along with Del Librarian Julie Farnsworth and Davi Evans, Children'~ for Santa Clara County Library. They all read stories tc audience of 59 children and 26 adults for a total attendm Other National Library Week programs had light were very well presented. Valerie Lewis of Hicklebee's ! animatedly to an audience of 7 on 4/12 about the best bo~ intersperced her presentation with snippets read from s that she was recommending. C.J. Critt read from sever she has recorded as a narrator for Recorded Books on 4~ actress with a wide range of voices and characterizatio~ the readings in a way that sparked the interest of the 11 audience to stay and ask lots of questions after the pres( Peterson of Recorded Books also gave a slide presentatJ goes in to the recording of a book title on audiocassette. Librarians presented a Drop-in Spring Craft program i~ 4/15 for 14 children and 6 adults. The children made st were able to write and illustrate their own little book. Commissioners received flyers for the upcoming i Cupertino Library Book Sale set for May 15/16, a Y2K C~ Millennium Are You Prepared? bibliography,and bookn the upcoming Books Alive! A Celebration of Reading ac jointly by Cupertino and Saratoga libraries and funded respective Friends group. These author programs are n continuing series of family programs funded by the Frie~ Cupertino Library for the community. All program fly the library. Sunday Statistic~ Open 124~ thanks to Citizens and Cil M~ch 1999 Circulation Visits to the Library 3-7-99 4789 1720 3-14-99 5082 1820 3-21-99 A.~.30 1708 3-28-99 4572 1405 ,ibrary members, Advisory Design honored by having a ommemorating Ira James of the National Library ~uty County ~ Services Manager a very enthusiastic Lce of 85 people. attendance, but looks talked ,ks for children and ~veral of the books ~1 of the books that 14. She is a gifted Ls, and presented people in the ntation. Jim on, showing what Children's ~ the afternoon on ~ring mobiles, and ?riends of the ,untdown to the ~arks and flyers on thor programs held ~y each library's Lore in the ~ds of the ~rs are available at V of Cupertino _ Average: 4718 circ per Sund~y 1663 visits' ~r Sunday