LIB 01-18-00 CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES January 18, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Yuhfen Diana Wu called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Yuhfen Diana Wu Mary Minow Sheila Mohan Absent with prior notice: Charles L. Pow Note: Commissioner Catherine Gordon has resigned due to new job responsibilities. Also present: Susan Fuller, County Librarian Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian Charlotte Doudell, County Library System Administrator MINUTES The Minutes were accepted as written. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION A communication was received from the City Attomey on the Brown Act, and the Annual Budget Report from the city was received. The Commission Budget includes the cost for Sunday Service Hours. The Commission is very pleased that the City Council unanimously approved the extended hours for the library, making the new service hours schedule: Monday through Thursday 10-9, Friday and Saturday 10-6, and Sunday 12-6 for a total of 66 hours per week. Chairperson Wu will write a thank you letter to the City Council for the extended hours. NEW BUSINESS Note: Two corrections were made to the Agenda: The Listserv should be under Old Business, and the Commission Election of Officers should be under New Business. Election of Officers: Commissioner Sheila Mohan was elected Chairperson. and Commissioner Mary Minow was elected Vice Chairperson. The election of the Secretary was postponed until the current commission vacancy is filled. Web-based Online Catalog: County Librarian Susan Fuller introduced System Administrator Charlotte Doudell, who reported on the library's plans for a web-based catalog. System Administrator Doudell brought the commission up to date on the changes in this current fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1999. These include the doubling of the library network's capacity, the installation of 300 new PC's throughout the system, the upgrading of 99 MMX PC's, the installation of the new operating system, Windows NT, and the adding and upgrading of various databases, in addition to new ADA machines for the public, and the upgrading of the Telecim service. In addition, System Administrator Doudell talked about Y2K compliance and many other current issues and services that both she and her staff are working] on at this time. The library is looking forward to offering a web-based catalog. The present version of the web-based catalog, however, which has been in beta testing fqr 1.5 years already has many problems. It doesn't print; it does not allow patron holds no~ allow patrons to check their own records. It has scroll bar problems; and is not compatib.'e with many of the newer versions of browsers. A web-based catalog with these prol: lems would be a big step backward and a major PR problem for our system. Our syste: n is waiting for the newest Unix-based version that will have these problem issues re: ;olved before we try to go up on a web-based catalog. The commission thanked Charlotte Doudell, and said that they lo6k forward to the future implementation of a web-based catalog. OLD BUSINESS Commission Listserv: After discussions with Director of Admini:.trative Services, Carol Atwood and City Clerk Kim Smith, the commission has decided 1 o drop the idea of a listserv for now. The City Attorney also cautioned against using )ne. Commissioners want to be as inclusive as possible, and do not want to exclude thc)se who don't want to learn or use this technology. The commission may want to revisit this topic at a later time. CAC: There will be a CAC (Citizen's Advisory Commission) m, ;eting tomorrow, January 19, 2000 at Campbell Library. Cupertino Library Commission representative Charles L. Pow will be unable to attend. After discussion, it was determined that no other Cupertino Library Commissioner would be able to attend. 'rony Giles, who heads up the library's CPM (Comprehensive Performance Managemenl), will work with the group in developing a mission statement and goals. Library Expansion Update: The next campaign committee meetin~ will be held Thursday, January 20, 2000. ! Standing Reports: Legislative Update: Proposition 14 will be on the ballot statewide with $350 million in funding for libraries. All of the cities with building projects will: tpply for funds. The San Jose Mercury will have an editorial on it in the next couple o ?days. Sister Libraries: The display of the work of students in the 4th and 5th grades at Sedgwick School in retelling American folktales in their own words and ilk strating them will be in the library for approximately one month. The exhibit will then b{, sent on to Cupertino Library's Sister Library in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Library Foundation: The next meeting of the Library Foundation January 26, 2000. Friends of the Library: The Friends will hold heir next meeting o~ 2000 at which time they will be working on their upcoming book: February 12 and 13, 2000. Mayor's Breakfast: Chairperson Diana Wu attended the last May, now being held on the 2na Tuesday at 7:15 am at Hobees. Comm to attend in February. Commissioner Mohan will attend in Marct Calendar: No additions at this time. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Attached. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The JPA meeting will be held January 27, 2000 at Campbell Libr several new JPA representatives on the Board, including Cuperti~ Richard Lowenthal. The county's major employee union is currently in negotiations a help. The union wants more benifitted positions right now. We ar of the fiscal year. Proposition 14 will be on the March ballot, and is an important st libraries. Mll be on Wednesday, t Monday, January 31, ;ale in February: ~r's Breakfast, which is .ssioner Minow offered :y. There will be o's representative, ~out the use of extra currently in the middle ~tewide measure for / COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS AND AGENDA BUILDING 1 Commissioner Minow is continuing to work on her book, which she is dictating into the computer. The deadline for her manuscript to be completed is DeCember, 2000. Chairperson Wu reminded commissioners of the next CALTAC, of Library Trustees and Commissioners) workshop on Saturday, Also, Mayor John Statton has invited commission chairs or their city council meeting on Monday, March 6th to give a short (5 to the city council about what the commission is working on. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, February 15, 20~ Note: The Minutes are unapproved until the following Cupertim meeting, where any corrections are noted. Respectfully submitted, Mary-Ann Wallace Community Library Supervisor Cupertino Library California Association february 26 in Fremont. lesignees to come to a min.) presentation to at 7:30 p.m. Library Commission