LIB 09-19-00CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Sheila Mohan called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Sheila Mohan Mary Minow Charles L. Pow Kathy Stakey Yuhfen Diana Wu Also present: Julie Farnsworth, Deputy County Librarian Mary-Ann Wallace, City Librarian Sandra James, Vice Mayor (arrived 7:40 p.m.) MINUTES The Minutes of the July 18, 2000 meeting were accepted as written. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. NEW BUSINESS Vice Mayor Sandra James came to give the commission an update on the site options for the new library. She did not have a drawing to share with the commission, but described the plan, submitted by developers Deke Hunter and Ed Storm. They have submitted a preliminary plan for a combination of rental housing units, retail, and office space in the Town Center across the street from City Hall. She said that there would be some retail on De Anza and along Town Center Lane that would include cafes and shops. According to Vice Mayor James, it would provide a community gathering place, where community events could be held, and would include the library as the centerpiece. The Library Building Committee will not meet over the next few months while the city works with land use professionals to come up with a master plan for the area. She said that the city wanted some way to tie in the Civic Center with the Town Center by way of landscaping, ambiance, etc. She said further that everything was still on the table, that no Mayor's Breakfast: There was no Mayor's Breakfast. Chairperson Mohan was to have attended. Commissioner Stakey will attend the next Mayor's Breakfast on October 10th. Calendar: No changes at this time. Self-Checkout: Commissioner Stakey reported that usage of the self checkout has been increasing during times that she has come to the library to check on it. She has seen some small lines of people waiting to use the lobby self checkout. Staff continue to open an express checkout for 5 items or less, when the line is long at the checkout desk. New Library: Update: At the last Library Building Committee, Co-Chairperson Sandra James introduced new City Manager Dave Knapp and told the committee why the experience and talents that Dave Knapp has made a good fit for the city's current needs. She especially mentioned his experience with retail centers and with library building. City Manager Knapp gave the committee members a packet of reproduced photos of the Boulder, Colorado Library where he had been involved in the building process. Vice Mayor James then told committee members of the plans of developer Deke Hunter for the Town Center across the street from City Hall, and said that there would be more details forthcoming, as the plans were more finalized. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Attached. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Deputy County Librarian Julie Farnsworth reported for County Librarian Susan Fuller, who is in Spain. The next JPA meeting will be on October 26, 2000 in Gilroy. Four other libraries are now in the building planning process. Milpitas will have a TOT (transit occupancy tax) on hotel rooms on the November ballot, which they may use for the benefit of the Milpitas Library. Gilroy is proceeding with architect interviews. Saratoga has hired an architect. Groundbreaking should be in the summer of 2001. Morgan Hill has completed a site selection study, where the Edmundsen site was ranked first. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS AND AGENDA BUILDING Commissioner Minow wanted to be sure that the commission was still intending to thank volunteers at an upcoming meeting. Thanking volunteers will be on the next agenda. Commissioners decided to meet on November 21, 2000 even though that meeting is very close to the Thanksgiving holiday. Cupertino Librarian's Report 9-19-00 August Programs: Children: # of Programs: Attendance: Storytimes Ages 1 '/2 - 3 years Ages 3 years old and up SRC Talent Show Class visits: 1 Preschool Vallco CDC Preschool 480/96 average 417/83 average 141 attendees 28 students Junior Volunteer Program 104 attendees Total: 17 1170 ~tendees Junior Volunteers 166 hours Adults / Young Adults: Library tours Teen Summer Reading Members Teen Summer Reading Certificates 5 attendees 107 members 60 certificates Total: 5 attendees Young Adult Volunteers 109 hours August Statistics: August Circulation (# of items checked out) 136,926 August Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 45,407 August Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour 461 The library has a new web catalog. A brochure, entitled Library Catalog - Access from home or work, which includes information the web catalog, the telenet catalog, and the dial-in catalog, is available in the library. Commissioners also received copies of the new Cupertino Library bookmark with the web catalog URL and a new phone number for the dial-in catalog, which is available in the library. In addition, commissioners received copies of the upcoming San Jose Ballet's Dance Dialogue programs and a program on the Sari, which will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. at the library. These flyers are also available in the library.