LIB 02-20-01o City of Cupertino Library Commission Minutes February 20, 2001 Call to Order Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Mohan Roll Call Commissioners Present: Sheila Mohan, Kathy Stakey, Janet Riddell, Eno Schmidt, Diana Wu Also present: Mary-Ann Wallace, Susan Fuller Minutes of November 21, 2000. Minutes approved as read. Oral Communications None. Written Communications Memo received from the City Attorney's Office and distributed. An invitation to meet with the City Council was received. The Commission discussed desired date and subjects to agendize. New Business Election of Officers Kathy Stakey was elected Chair Diana Wu was elected Vice Chair Eno Schmidt was elected Secretary Introduction of New Commissioners Commissioners Schmidt and Riddell were introduced. Poster Contest Discussion ensued as to the timing of the contest and the motion to re- agendize contest with the purchase of new self-check machines in July. Old Business Legislative Update Information was distributed regarding SB74, SB94 and AB315. All three bills exempt special district county libraries Sister Libraries Commissioner Wu discussed the exchange of folktales and illustrations between Hsin-Chu City and Cupertino Library. Library Foundation The latest drive brought in more than $14,000. The Foundation is looking for more Board members. The annual meeting will be held in March where new officers will be elected. Friends of the Library New elections will take place in March. The last booksale netted about $9,200. High school volunteers gave 240 hours to the Friends for this sale. Mayor's Breakfast Commissioner Stakey reported on the Mayor's Breakfast. Commissioner Schmidt will attend next breakfast. Calendar Distribution Updated calendar was distributed. Self Check-Out The County Library will replace the current machine the following fiscal year. New machines will handle books and media. Thc Library anticipates the new machines will handle much greater percentage of circulation than the current ones. New Library: Update Librarian Wallace gave background information to new commissioners. The process of the architect selection was discussed. City Librarian's Report None. County Librarian's Report No report further than the legislative information. 10. Commissioners' Comments and Agenda Building Commissioner Wu requested a report back from the Trustees meeting. Cupertino Librarian's Report January Programs: Children: # of Programs: Storytimes Ages 1 ½ -2 ½ Ages 2 ½-3 Va Ages 3 ½-6 Ages 3 years old and up Chinese Storytimes Class visits: 1 Preschool, 2 Elementary Vallco Preschool McAuliffe School 2nd grade Eaton School 3~d grade Junior Volunteer Program Total: Junior Volunteers Adults / Young Adults: Library tours Intermediate Interact class - Travel Intemet class for Beginners 1/27 Total: Young Adult Volunteers January Statistics: January Circulation (# of items checked out) January Gate Count (# of visits to the library) January Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour 4 5 4 5 2 27 145,579 47,421 513 2-20-01 Attendance: 277/69 average 173/34 average 167/41 average 278/55 average 115/57 average 30 students 25 students 17 students 18 attendees llOO attendees 36 hours 6 attendees 1 attendee 5 attendees 12 attendees 123.5 hours