.01 Sustainability Program report
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Agenda Date:
Cupertino's Sustainability Program
March 27, 2007
The 2007 Work Program approved by Planning Commission and City Council
includes implementation of the sustainability policies in the General Plan. These
policies were adopted in November 2005 as part of the comprehensive General
Plan review (see Exhibit A).
The General Plan policies with regard to sustainability identify a number of
strategies in each of the following areas - Energy Conservation, Water
Conservation, Green Building Design, Air Quality, Wildlife Conservation and
efficient Land Use Planning and Zoning.
The implementation strategies outlined In the Environmental
ResourcesjSustainability Element are based on principles related to linking
Resource Management and Economic Determinations in evaluating projects,
conservation and efficiency, reduction of waste, resource management,
restoration, preventionj mitigation, innovation, community participation and
The implementation of the Sustainability Program has been divided into two
phases. In the first phase, a summary analysis of the currently existing efforts of
the city related to green building and sustainable development will be prepared,
which will provide direction for the second phase. The city has contracted with
Global Green USA for the first phase of the development of the sustainability
program and the audit.
Global Green USA is a not-for-profit environmental organization that establishes
collaborative partnerships with local governments, affordable housing
organizations, and other public and private entities to facilitate the development,
adoption, and implementation of sustainable policies, programs, and practices.
These partnerships inform and direct education, policy development, and
advocacy efforts at the local, state, and federal levels.
The city's contact at Global Green USA is Walker Wells. He has worked
extensively with several municipalities including the City of West Hollywood
and the City of Pasadena in developing and adopting their Green
BuildingjSustainability Program and Policies. He has worked as a Senior Urban
Designer with Gruen Associates in Los Angeles, an Associate Planner with the
City of Santa Monica, and an Urban Planner for the City of Malmo, Sweden.
Inventories conducted in other cities indicate that the largest gap they have in
their sustainability efforts is the lack of a green building program. Staff
anticipates that this will likely be the outcome of the report generated in phase
This study session is to provide the Planning Commission with an update on the
status of the sustainability project and to provide background into the process of
developing a sustainability program. Walker Wells will present background
information on sustainability and will be available to answer questions that the
commissioners have with regard to sustainability and sustainability / green
building programs.
Exhibit A: General Plan Sustainability Policies
Exhibit B: Sustainability Program Development, Scope of Work for Global Green
Prepared by: Piu Ghosh, Assistant Planner .'
Approved by: Steve Piasecki, Director of Community Development~icA---.€ ~~R c-/~/
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G: \ Planning \ PDREPORT\MISCELL \ 2007\ Report on Sustainability.doc
Exhibit A
Section 5
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Resources / Sustainabili ty
.5-1 Introduction
5 -1 Planning for Sustainability
5-3 Energy Conservation / Efficiency
5-7 Air Quality
5-10 Wildlife and Vegetation
5-13 Mineral Resources
5-15 Water Resources
5-21 Solid Waste
5-23 Wastewater
5-25 Resources
Sustainable planning and development
accommodate the Cily's future changes while
recognizing that the community's environ-
mental resources are fragile, invaluable and
interrelated. Sustainable planning integrates
and balances environmental decisions with
economic considerations and recognizes the
symbiotic relationship between the natural
environment, the community and the econo-
my. In the long term, protecting and sustain-
ing the City's viable ecological communities
and environmental resources will result in the
protection of both the human and natural
Planning for the location of land use
activities is one of the fundamental compo-
nents of sustainability. Suburban land use prac-
tices isolate housing, retail uses and employ-
ment locations from one another, and scatter
low-density development that becomes solely
reliant on the automobile for access and trans-
portation. This inefficient and unsustainable
growth pattern has resulted in loss of natural
habitat and open space, deteriorating air and
water quality, increased traffic congestion and
a loss of a sense of community. Sustainability
requires a change from past land use planning
to a system that creates and maintains compe-
tent and efficient community facilities, human
scale neighborhoods and a sense of communi-
ty while preserving environmental resources.
1,- 3
implement energy policies and imple-
mentation programs that include the
City's planning and regulatory process.
3. City,Wide Inventory. Conduct a City-
wide sustainabiHty inventory in order to
identify issues, opportunities and plan-
ning altematives.
4. Sustainable Energy and Water
Conservation Plan. Prepare and imple-
ment a comprehensive sustainability
energy plan as a part of the City's
General Plan. This plan will specifically
include recommendations regarding:
a. Reduction of energy consumption.
b. Reduction of fossil fuels.
c. Use of renewable energy resources
whenever possible.
d. Improve City-wide water usage and
e. Reduce water consumption by the
f. Promote residential and business
water reduction.
5. Community Gardens. Encourage com-
munity gardens, which provide a more
livable' environment by controlling
physical factors such as temperature,
noise, and pollution.
The Task Force/Commission will work with
Staff to keep the Sustainability Energy and
Water Conservation portion of the General
Plan current and abreast of beneficial cost-
effective technologies.
Cupertino reliance on the use of non-
renewable energy supplies has serious environ-
mental consequences. For our community to
be sustainable, it must reverse this situation.
The City of Cupertino receives electri-
cal power fwm Pacific Gas and ElectriC
(PG&E). PG&E's power is derived from sev-
eral sources such as wind turbines, hydro-
electric dams and nuclear generation. The
Association of Bay Area Governments
(ABAG) power consortium provides the
City with natural gas. In the State of
California and the San Francisco Bay Area,
approximately 95 percent of the residential
units are heated by natural gas, the remain-
der by electricity and propane.
Since the severe energy shortages of the
1970's, which culminated in the critical
statewide electrical power shortages of 2001,
Californians (and particularly Bay Area resi-
dents) have become acutely aware of the need
to reduce energy demand for both the
short and long term in order to achieve
a sustainable future. This was further
reinforced by the severe blackouts in
the Northeast U.S. and Canada in the
summer of 2003. The continuously ris-
ing cost of energy production, together
with diminishing fossil fuel sources
(non-renewable resources), has
required public agencies to conserve,
efficiently use and search for alterna-
tive energy resources.
Overall energy use
in the Bay Area
Commercial 7
Residential 17
Industrial 35
Transportation 31
Other 10
Sources; PG&E,
Planning Resource
Planning and Regulatory Processes
Urban areas in California, (including
Cupertino) contain approximately 85 per-
cent of the State of California's population.
1'- t.f
cable City codes, ordinances, and pro-
cedures for inclusion of local, state and
federal policies and standards that pro-
mote the conservation and efficient use
of energy and for consistency with the
goal of sustainability. Change those
that will promote energy efficiency
without a punitive effect.
4. Energy Efficient Replacements. Using
life cycle cost analysis, identify City
assets for replacement with more energy
efficient replacements.
5. Incentive Program. Implement an
incentive program to include such
items as reduced permit fees for building
projects that exceed Title 24 require-
ments. Promote other incentives from
the State, County and Federal
Governments for improving energy effi-
ciency by posting information regarding
incentive, rebate and tax credit pro-
grams on the City's web site. Let's make
learning about this easy and help those
interested get started!
6. Solar Access Standards. Ensure com-
pliance with the State of California
Subdivision Map Act solar access stan-
dards in order to maximize natural heat-
ing and cooling opportunities for future
residences. Encourage the inclusion of
additional shade trees and landscaping
for energy efficiency.
7. Educational Programs.
· Develop conservation/efficiency edu-
cational programs serving all utility
· Provide informational materials and
participate in energy conservation
· Provide educational materials, semi-
nar and staff training on energy con-
servation/efficiency for those who
design, build and manage building
facilities, and for those who regulate
building design and construction.
· In partnership with De Anza College
develop Cl "SustainClble Buildin,g
Practices" guide tor Cupertinu resi-
dents and businesses. The Guide
should include information regard-
ing current rebates and subsidies to
make implementing a sustainable
building more financially attractive
with references back to the City,
State, Federal and other web sites for
up-to-date information.
· Provide education materials, seminars
and a certification program for con-
tractors and architects who have par-
ticipated in "Sustainable Building"
courses. Many of the curriculums are
currently available at De Anza
College. As an incentive for partici-
pating the "Sustainable Building" pro-
gram the City will maintain a
"Sustainable Builder/ Developer" page
on their current City website. This
page will not be an endorsement of
the individual or company listed, but a
resource center for the community.
· Establish and maintain an Energy
Information Center or Kiosk at City
Hall where information concerning
energy issues, building standards,
recycling and assistance is available.
· Require residents and businesses that
are remodeling to review and sign as
acknowledgment that they have
reviewed the "Sustainable Building
Practices" guide prior to permits
being issued.
~ Policy 5-3: Green Building Design
Set standards for the design and con-
struction of energy and resource con-
serving/efficient building (Green
Building Design).
1" "Green Building" Program, Prepcnc
and implement "Green Building" stan-
dards for all major private and public
projects that ensure reduction in energy
consumption for new development
through site and building design.
2. Building energy audits. Participate in
and encourage building energy audits,
where feasible, for commercial, indus-
trial and city facilities and convey to
the business and industrial communities
that energy conservation/efficiency is,
in the long term, economically benefi-
cial. PG&E also offers energy evalua-
tion tools and services free of charge.
3. "Green Buildings" Evaluation Guide.
Prepare a "Green Buildings" evaluation
guide based upon the above listed
"essential components" for use by the
city staff when reviewing projects.
4. Staff Training. Train appropriate staff
in the design principles, costs and ben-
efits of energy conservation/efficient
buildings and landscape design.
5. "Green Buildings" Informational
Seminars. Conduct and/or participate in
"Green Buildings" informational semi-
nars and workshops to include people
involved in the design and construction
industry, land development, real estate
sales, lending institutions, landscaping
and design, the building maintenance
industry and prospective project appli-
cants. We recommend modeling this
program after the CERT program.
6. Public Communication: Become a reg-
ular feature article in the Cupertino
Scene, do media outreach to the
Courier and the Guide (San Jose
Mercury) tape the Sustainable Building
and other conscrv3tiun cuurses, or sem-
inars and broadcast them on the City
Channel as well, and make them avail-
able at the Library.
Air quality remains a serious health haz-
ard for residents in the Bay Area Air Basin.
Even after three decades of efforts to cleanse
the air, air pollution still causes a significant
amount of discomfort, illness and sometimes
death in the region. Particularly vulnerable
are children, the elderly and people with heart
or lung problems. Sometimes healthy adults
may experience breathing problems during
periods of intense outdoor exercise. Air pollu-
tants may also have an adverse effect on vege-
tation, animals and property. In addition,
national or world-wide pollution issues, the
depletion of the ozone layer and world-wide
climatic changes pose serious challenges for
communities seeking a sustainable future.
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Exhibit B
Sustain ability Program Development
March 1, 2007
The purpose of the Phase I effort is to prepare a summary analysis of the currently existing efforts
in the City of Cupertino related to green building and sustainable development. The work
completed in this phase will support efforts expected to be conducted in a future phase that are
likely to focus on the development of either a green building program or a more comprehensive
sustainable city program.
Task 1: Plan nine Commission Presentation
Global Green will prepare and conduct a presentation to the Planning Commission in a study
session context. The goal of the presentation is to increase awareness of both I) how
sustainability can be supported by government planning efforts, 2) what other cities are currently
doing, 3) what is currently underway in Cupertino, and 4) options for both increasing the
effectiveness of current efforts and adopting additional policies or creating new programs to fill
gaps or increase synergy. The presentation will be approximately 20 minutes, followed by an
open discussion and question and answer session.
Deliverable: Presentation to Planning Commission
Task 2: Review and Analvsis of Existine City and Reeional Policies and Proerams
Global Green USA will review the environmental, sustainability, and green building related
components of existing city plans, ordinances, regulations and programs. Relevant documents,
such as the General Plan, Specific Plans, ordinances, and program descriptions will be provided
by City staff. The review will be based on the criteria of the US Green Building Council's LEED
rating program for New Construction. Some specific topics to be addressed in the review are:
Zoning ordinance provisions for compact and transit-oriented land use
Zoning and Building codes that support energy conservation and efficiency
Programs to promote water conservation and efficiency in landscape and in buildings
Requirements for the City's stormwater management program
Status of current recycling programs, particularly construction and demolition waste
City of County incentives for the use of recycled-content materials
Existence of toxics use reduction or environmentally preferable purchasing programs
City support for global initiatives such as the Montreal Protocol (ozone protection)
Compliance with Regional agencies policies and programs, such as BAAQMA.
Kyoto Protocol, Sustainability (Local Agenda 21), or ban on tropical hardwoods
A matrix will be prepared that compares the City efforts to the LEED-NC criteria.
Global Green USA - Draft Scope of Work
,- 1
Deliverable: Presentation to Planning Commission
Matrix comparing current city policies and programs to LEED
Task 3: Interviews with City Staff
GG USA will contact key City staff member in the Planning, Building and Safety, Public Works,
and other departments or divisions that are involved in permitting or managing either private
sector or City development projects. These interviews will be used to determine that degree to
which the existing policies are being implemented and identify opportunities to improve
implementation or increase synergy with other programs. These interviews will be conducted
over a one or two day period at City Hall or other City offices. City staff will be responsible for
coordinating the meetings and assisting Global Green in documenting the discussion.
Deliverable: Summary of Interview notes
Task 4: Prepare Draft Report
GG USA will prepare a report that summarizes current City green and sustainability efforts. The
report will be structured around the five main categories (site, water, energy and atmosphere,
materials, indoor air quality) and specific criteria of the LEED rating system. The analysis will
identify the following:
1) Existing efforts are generally compatible with or meet the intent of the LEED criteria
2) Existing efforts meet the LEED criteria
3) Existing efforts exceed the LEED criteria
4) LEED criteria are not addressed by current City efforts
5) Opportunities to augment existing policies or programs to create greater consistency with
LEED criteria, to fill gaps, or create greater synergy among existing programs.
The report will identify both strengths and gaps in the City of Cupertino's existing policies and
programs. Specific action items - such a code modifications, new polices, or new programs - will
be recommended for consideration as a way to meet these gaps. The report will be submitted to
City for review and comment.
Deliverable: Presentation to Planning Commission of Draft Report
Draft Report (estimated length 15-25 pages)
Task 5: City Council Presentation
Global Green shall present the findings of the report to the City Council. It is envisioned that the
presentation content and format will be largely the same as for the Planning Commission.
Deliverable: Presentation to City Council
Task 6: Final Report
Based on feedback from staff and Planning Commission, Global Green will revise the Draft
Report and submit a final version to the City. City staff and Global Green will identify priorities
that need to be addressed in the following Phase of the project in the Final Report.
Deliverable: Final Report
Global Green USA - Draft Scope of Work
Task 1:
Tasks 2 & 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Task 6:
Phase II:
March 27: Planning Commission Presentation - Kick-off
March: Review Documents and Conduct Interviews
March - May: Prepare Draft Report and Presentation to Planning Comm.
June: City Council Presentation
July: Final Report & Determine Priorities for Phase II
August: Begin Implementation of Priorities
Task 1: PC Presentation
Task 2: Document Review
Task 3: Staff Interviews
Task 4: Draft Report and Presentation to Plan.Comm.
Task 5: City Council Presentation
Task 6: Final Report
Expenses (Airfare, rental car, food, misc office):
$1 ,900
Global Green USA - Draft Scope of Work