P&R 09-07-00 APPROVED MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CUPERTINO REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Wang called the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to order at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS Chairperson Wang officially welcomed Jeanne Bradford as a member of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff Present: Bradford, Jelinch, Peng, Wang Stein Don McCarthy, Recreation Supervisor Made Preston, Recording Secretary MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 2. Minutes of the August 3, 2000, meeting were approved as drafted. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS ° Teen Center: Mr. McCarthy reported that the Teen Center Advisory Committee has been unable to locate an interim location where teens, in a club-like environment, could "hang out." Staff was recommending that a committee be established to identify the need and the location of such a facility. The committee would be comprised of teen representatives from area schools, a councilmember, a Parks and Recreation commissioner, adult representative from each school, a law enforcement representative, and interested individuals from the community. Christine Hanel, Recreation Supervisor for the Youth and Teen division, would be responsible for assembling this particular committee. Chair Minutes- Par[cs anc~ ]~ecreat~on ~omm~ss~on - flep~ember ~, ~000 l~age ] Wang suggested that she, Vice-Mayor James, and Christine Hanel meet to reinforce the scope and select members of this committee. Mr. McCarthy requested approval from the Commission to allow staff to comprise the committee immediately. MOTION: Approved recommendation to develop committee to establish interim teen center. All in favor. DACA lease at Sports Center: Mr. McCarthy informed the commission that DACA (De Anza Cupertino Aquatics) has been a tenant for approximately 5 years (the 5th year concludes on March 31, 2001) and DACA has expressed interest in re-negotiating the lease. Mr. McCarthy requested direction from the Commission on whether or not the city would want staff to go out to bid or exclusively negotiate with DACA. Mr. McCarthy stated that he has received two calls from private entities that wanted to nm a learn-to- swim program, but these callers had no current active programs and had no references to offer. He further explained that the partnership with DACA is excellent, they extend what the city recreation professionals can provide, and they update equipment and make renovations and improvements to the pool. Mr. McCarthy also stated that if a re- negotiated lease was established with DACA, there would be changes to assist the Sports Center to meet its fiscal philosophy to become a 100 percent self-supporting city service. MOTION: Approved recommendation to exclusively re-negotiate with DACA for the use of the Sports Center pool. All in favor. Sports Center Building Options: Mr. McCarthy reviewed the three models to improve the Sports Center that was presented to the City Council. The Council's decision was to construct a new Sports Center. Two million dollars has been earmarked for this project, which would include fitness equipment, tables, chairs, and other amenities. The Sports Center Design Committee has found that at least $500,000 would be needed for the equipment. With other costs required for this project, there would simply not be enough money for a new building. Because of this shortage of necessary funds, the committee developed three options, and settled on a $2 million renovation. They also have hired an engineering firm to investigate the building to check on other possible renovation costs. In spite of this, the committee is not authorized to change the charter and is looking to the Commission for a recommendation to take to the City Council. Mr. Sherm Waldman, 7585 Bollinger Road, who sits on the Sports Center Design Committee, emphasized the committee's thinking regarding the inclusion of new fitness equipment, that $2 million is not enough to provide a new building, and that a suitable renovation could be feasible for that amount. However, the committee wanted to defer any recommendation to Council for a change in the charter until an engineer's building assessment was completed. MOTION: Suspended the Sports Center Design Committee for four to six weeks until the engineer's building assessment is completed. All in favor. Minutes - Parks and Recreatlon Commlsslon - September 7, ~000 Page MONTHLY REPORTS Shakespeare in the Park: Mr. McCarthy reported that there were six performances with over 3,000 people attending. There were minimal complaints from neighbors about parking and noise in comparison to prior years. Senior Center Volunteer Recognition Luncheon: There were over 120 volunteers at this activity providing over 16,000 volunteer hours - this is an outstanding accomplishment; compliments were given to Mrs. Diane Snow's efforts. 8. July Monthly Report: No questions on report as presented. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED - None The commission was updated on the process and progress related to the selection of a new Director of Parks and Recreation. ADJOURNMENT 10. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 5, 2000, at City Hall Council Chamber. Respectfully submitted Ma~Prestin, Recording Secretary ATTEST: APPROVED: ' Chai r~son