22036APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 9simin Pram IaentBwtlon - BuiWlng Add.: L L(QO t) 6__ .T)9 PERMIT NO. 22036 .phone/b C. q l /'d 4p c, 'C17 OF CUPERTINOBUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUILDINGELECTRICALfLUMBINMFCHACAL GM L Cmtnctels Name: Lk. Nm CATEGORY CONTROL ArCitlM/Englnser. Llc N. QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. IRFMITISSUANCE 1:1 El ElLICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby aHkmthat ofaa =30fthnderprovf dPm Chepter9( ,and Ingwomy 1heBwinavandl'roleatl«u Code, and Danse l la s force and effect. Becoseh5eabn 70=force of DIW effect. DateLloeCls nor Dae Contusion ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plans. hal be oxd as pubic oeneda Llcensd Por4esbnsl OWNER-8WILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Connmra License Taw for the following rtesvan. Onction 7m15, Boanes and Prefevbm Code: Any city or muntywhkhrequireapert tomnst malter,improve,demollh,orrepair anystouauoa prior to its lmarcG also requirestheapplant t«suds perms to a signed statement that he l Ikenwd pursuant to the provisions of the Contre,im'sL ieense lrw(Chapter 9(co..eing with Stolon 7000) d Dw{ sloe 3 ofthe Business and Prdesbna Code) mtha he l esempt the efromand the baW for the alleged ezemptbn. Any Wolatlon of Scab. 70315 by any applant fora permit subjects the appl .t to a adl penaltyd na come than Ove hundred dollars (fM. ❑ e I, as owner of the property, or my employewith wages as their sole rompers rtIM wW Bothe work. and thestmctom b not intended or offend for sale (Sec. 7DK Bua4ru and Pod®bra Code: The Conraam's License Taw doe not apply to an owner d property who kids or improve thereon,and who doessuch work hkwelmthrmugh Ms own empley., provded that such Improvemew are not Intended uroHcred fmsale. If, however, thebuikhog m Improvement lssald wflldnawyarolconplabn,thewvner-bulloerwlll have aljLtpedendpmvingthahedd not bund or improve f«purposed We.). as owner of the Property, en elusive y contracting with ll C aed tracton hocons the Project (Sec 70M, Business and Prdesbns Code: The Contractori License Taw don not apply b an owner of property who or Improve thereon, and who mama for such pAojeaa with a limned pursuant to the Cantna«: Lkemoc a . 1_11i am exempt under Sec this re B k P C for thisOUTSIDEFEES AleT'LIANCESRESIDFNI7AL JOB DESCRIPTION G�1 l �� � , ` yl PA1vF3s UP TO 200AMP55 201 -1000 AMPS OVER IODO AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.17. SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CRCUIT/IMLgC TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICESfile SWAIMENG IDOL ELECTRIC VALUATION (50BOO OUTLETS-SWITCHESFIXTIIRES NEW RESIDENTIAL Fr LY�f4 e��'T' iiTORIE5 ✓ M'E ODNSIRLCTION TOTAL QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCCGRO(IP RFS. UNITS pFRMIT 1S5UANCE ALTER -DRAIN A VENT WATER (EA)builds FOOD ZONE APN FEE SUMMARY BAC]( FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FD(TURES PER TRAP SANITARY Y N REOEIPTs Owner Dae WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' ❑1 hereby aHlrm the I have a certlfkate d consent to sen -Insure, a a 39W, Lab CJ e afWarkens'CompeosaHm lnmunnce«acertBied ropy thromf 3.00, I Paltry a SdiOOLTAX Y_ N RECEIPT T GAS FA. SYSTEM-11NG4OUTLETS PARK FTE Y N RECEIPT S GAFA. SYSTEM -OVER l (EA) C DINGDray BUILDING DIVISION FEES LTenined copy filed th the cis. CenNed ropy b filed with the city Inspection dfvllm. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (fhb salon need not he completed Hthe pemdt b f«ane hundreddo0sn (f14()ar hem')WATERT Icertlfythe In the perforrtunadthewvkforwNch this pemW bowed, I anal not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the W«otikeCompenvunn Laws of CeJfomla. Date Applicant NOTICE nc APPLICANT: e o k r,'Co ter CcrtHlate of Exemption,yw Code,sboolbemus forthwitthe Waken'Compensatlanamviabvofthe Labor Cede, yrs overt fothwtlh o>mply with each pmvLslons orthb permN shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I herebyafnrm that them Is, a constrodlen lending agency for the perform ance of the work for which this permit is booedbee 3097, Clv. C.) Lender. Name l,r,der.Addnaa IaMifytha IlavereadthbappBeek, andstatethathe abovelfomutl«i lcomed.Iagreetocomplywithalcilyand muntycodiwncesandstsebws oclating to building construction, and hereby authorise mpresentalves of this Clay to enter upon the above-mentbrcG property f« inspection purpose. (We) .gree to save, I demntfy an d keep hem. the City of Cupertim ag.Ine lbbWties,0dgmeons,ones. nd e. pews which may in any wayaccrue against said City in quence d m m�sthe grant Ing d this peat. GREASE/INDUSRL WASIE WTERCrroR PLANCHECK FEE PAID Date ROCCI t# GREASE TRAP SEWER -SANITARY -STORM E1. XK)PT TER W/VETT/FSECTR ENERGYFEE Y N PAID Date Recel t# WATER SYsmt/TRFATING Nh5VRE90ENTTALPIMB. SQFT. TOTAL: B 5EISMIC FEE TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. ALTFRORADDTOMECK Date Recti t# AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IIt= CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgiuturt sir Appl t/Ca,b.a« Date 7AR DOU5 MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or futon bulftng a pant store or handle haraodous material as defined by the Cupenti. Municipal Cade, Chapter 9.1 Z and the lle.hh and Safety Code Sectlun 25532(W7 E Ye N No TV ll the appilant« lowre building arvpant use equipment or devkn which emit havodous air centaMrunt. as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Mansgomrd Dtvtrk[7 es j�1 No ha vereadtheh.Tar�oua material oegalamenb under Chapter 6.95 of the Callonb Heatlh k Safety Cade, Sections 75505, 8533 and 75534. I understand that ifthebuilding does not comently have a tenant, that it is my oQponsblity to notify the o pant d the requirements which most be met prior to baron c of. Cartiflateofoccupancy. EXFIAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSIRUCTION TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (M 100,0)0 BTU) Date Recti t# HEATINGUMT(OVERiWWBTU) TO L• VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISSUXKEWRTE saoD 7 �e7�� p1-„ d 9 a of DPW! ISSUED BY: BOIEF OOMP OI B'OR IW,IX9 BTU) BOILER -COMP (OVER 1050 TU) NEWRESID211TIALMECH. SQ.FT. Owner«mthorlud agent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY