P&R 12-06-01 APPROVED PAm s AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CUPERTINO REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2001 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Jelinch called the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to order at 7 p.m.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Jeanne Bradford, Rod Brown, Frank Jelinch, Roger Peng, Kris Wang None Staff present: Therese Ambrosi Smith, Director; Marie Preston, Administrative Secretary CEREMONIAL MATTERS - PRESENTATIONS MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 1. The minutes of November 15 were unanimously approved as drafted. COMMUNICATIONS NOT ON THE AGENDA · ORAL - None · WRITTEN - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Sports Center Programming Recommendations - Teen Commission Comments: Commissioner Bradford recused herself. Therese stated that the Teen Commission had provided valuable input into possible programming options at the new Sports Center. That commission acted to: Recommend to City Council to include a new Sports Center with a game room area, a climbing wall and a teen area that has a lounge with couches. To accomplish this, take out two tennis courts and light remaining tennis courts to make up the capacity. Therese had stated that this recommendation was different from Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation. She stated that she is planning to send both recommendations to City Council. Therese speculated that the new building could be built with taking only one court out, instead of two as originally thought, but this is still unclear until the architect takes a look at the project. She believes that a climbing wall and Parks and Recreation Commission December 6, 2001 Page 2 of 5 a lounge need not take up too much space. Since a climbing wall would need a two-story space, the addition of a racquetball court, which is also a two-story space, would not be difficult to incorporate. A good multi-use court that could function as a half basketball court/racquetball court might be a good investment. As more information becomes available, it will be incorporated into her report to City Council. Therese also reported that the Teen Commission was very sympathetic to the loss of tennis courts and to the loss of racquetball. A copy of the draft minutes of the Teen Commission's December 3 meeting, noting their comments, was given to the commission for their information. Brown: He thought the Teen Commission had good ideas. Specifically, lighting the tennis courts as a way to mitigate the potential loss in tennis facilities. He believes that the City Council should consider the Teen Commission's comments as a part of their overall actions. Public Input Sherm Waldman thanked Therese for her supportive comments. Spoke in favor maintaining current recreational opportunities at the Sports Center. He recommended that the commission step back from their previous vote and re- evaluate the recommended alternatives and give consideration to including at least one racquetball court. He believes that there are better alternatives than the three options presented. He reported that he had provided Therese with ideas that he feels would meet the needs and wants of a broad cross-section of residents. He believes that the option including a gym is an expensive proposition, especially if existing tennis courts are lost and parking is not accommodating to the demand. He supports partnering with local high schools for use of gymnasiums. He also supports mixed-use of a racquetball court for wallyball, basketball, ping-pong, and a meeting area for tennis classes during inclement weather. Ed Hirschfield supports the recommendation of the commission and stated his admiration for the action of the Teen Commission. He also supports the statements made by Therese. He believes the commission should keep the needs of a growing community in mind. He does not support reducing the number of tennis courts because of the growing population. He believes it is possible to accommodate the current size of the Sports Center, in terms of tennis courts, and meet the needs of the teens as well. Since the Planning Commission would like to see buildings with more height in the Stevens Creek corridor, a higher Sports Center building would accommodate the facilities that the teens desire and meet the needs of the community. He stated that members of the tennis club would like to participate in discussions with the architect. Parks and Recreation Commission December 6, 2001 Page 3 of 5 Commission Comments: Wang: Supports the idea of maintain tennis and racquetball courts. Stated that if there was a plan for a teen center at another location, would it be wise to develop teen space at the Sport Center. Reminded the Commission that the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation included the community's input, where the Teen Commission had minimal community input. Smith: Reported that there is no budget for a teen center at this time, and there may not be for several years due to the library project. When the Teen Commission was asked which facility, Quinlan Community Center or the Sports Center, they would like to have teen activities at, they said the Sports Center. Peng: Given the fixed budget and the space constraints, it would be nice to include everything if possible. Believes both recommendations should be forwarded to City Council. Jelinch: Is in favor that there be no loss of any tennis courts, and if a racquetball court can be accommodated, he would be for it. He stated that he liked the idea of a mixed-use court and a climbing wall. Brown: He is sensitive to the vision to maintain as much of the functionality of the current programming. He is also sensitive to the need that some of the underrepresented community gets their position forwarded. He asked if there been any study of what could be allowed in terms of a teen center in the future. Gymnasium users are also an underserved community at this time. Smith: If it is the goal to maintain the same number of tennis courts, then it gets expensive to try to create tennxs courts on top of parking, or parking in a structure. What the teens heard from Lifetime Tennis is that in order to run the tennis program, they need 12 courts available in a block. Other courts are needed for the membership. If we took courts out of the tennis center and put them in neighborhood parks, that would improve the inventory of tennis courts, but it wouldn't satisfy the people who are looking for a private club. This is where the idea of lighting the courts came from. Therese also reported that fewer than half the members of the tennis club are Cupertino residents. The breakdown is 55 percent nonresidents and 45 percent residents. At some point, the question could be asked, "Are we not meeting the needs of Cupertino youth or people who might join basketball leagues or ping-pong leagues at the expense of rurming this club that has the majority membership of nonresidents?" Therese stated that these are the policy questions the City Council will have to wrestle with. Jelinch: Reminded the Commission that nonresidents heavily use other facilities in the city; for instance, the Senior Center, where millions of city dollars were spent to build that beautiful building. It doesn't bother him that nonresidents are Parks and Recreation Commission December 6, 2001 Page 4 of 5 using the facilities because they are helping to pay for it and the money is helping to serve everyone. Brown: Stated he would not propose modifying the Commission's recommendation because there has been due consideration, and the points that he has raised were raised by the Teen Commission. Stevens Creek Trail Task Force updates: Commissioner Brown recused himself. Therese reported that the task force is still reviewing issues including: trail use and surfacing, petition received by City Council suggesting expanding the study to include several alternative alignments, the entrance to Blackberry Farm, how to cross at Stevens Creek Boulevard, and inventory of trail parking. At their January 22 meeting, they should be making recommendations on these items and also responding to the petition. Public Input: Robert Levy, 10802 Wilkinson Avenue, stated that he has qualms about the Stevens Creek Trail: that there is an assumption that all the property required for the trail will be available at the time the trail is built; and that all the neighbors, who are not happy now about the trail will be once it goes in. In his opinion, those two pieces of optimism could backfire. Also, he has reviewed the purchase agreement of Blackberry Farm. There was one statement he believes may need a closure look, and that was that the two included houses should continue to have access and that they should continue to have an easement that restricts the construction or placing offences or other structures that will impact their view. He brought that up because he wasn't sure if the proposed new entry would cause a problem. He also had been told that there was a 25-year agreement for no new development at Blackberry Farm, but he stated that he had found nothing about that in the purchase agreement and believes that statement to be untrue. Bradford: Said she had read the purchase agreement also. She did state there was mention about the house on San Fernando. She reported that there have been discussions with the owner of that house and that the consultant has been meeting with him individually to address concerns. Nothing has been decided on this matter and that the Stevens Creek Trail Task Force is sensitive to homeowner. Smith: Confirmed that they have been meeting and working with the homeowner. On January 22, the task force will probably make a decision on the recommended trail path adjacent to this home. NEW BUSINESS Iranian Video: Therese presented a video given to Parks and Recreation by Fariba Nejat, president of the Iranian Women's Federation Club. The video demonstrated Parks and Recreation Commission December 6, 2001 Page 5 of 5 their support of the community. Their organization had to cancel their September 23 cultural festival at the Quinlan Center due to the September 11 tragedy. A copy had been sent to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, who was so impressed by the video that she sent it to President Bush, and it was played at the White House. The commission was moved by the wonderfully expressive video. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED Staff Oral Reports: None Legislative Update: None Community Contacts: None Commissioner Jelinch commended Therese on her first year as director of Parks and Recreation and for all the fine work she and the department have been doing. He stated that 2001 has been a positive year. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Jelinch adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted Made Preston, Administrative Secretary Approved at the danuary 17, 2002 regular adjourned meeting.