20158 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES USE BALL POINT.PEN ONLY Bulldln d Preet Identiflotion PETLMITNO. - eaudmgnee"": Rancho de San Antonio 22900 Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024 O1 I 8 8 . one: APPLICATION SUBMITYA=r- Forum Life Care CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION', May f5, 1990 Contractor's Name: Lk.Na APPLICATION / PERMIT Viking Electric, Inc. 14134 BUILDINGQECIAICALPLUMBIN, MECHANICAL CATEGORY connROLr Archftert/Eng/neen Lie No: HKIST - •BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE Add. 553 Mission Str. , S.F. 1 PEMITI55uANCE 12.00 1:1 fl 0 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby sfflnn slut lam llc ,eiuMer provblm.o(Ch.pter9(mnlmmc APPLIANCE&RESIDE TIAL JOB DESCRUIRON ingwlth SeRbn7tpt10�0)anf Dwidm3ofthe Buatras and Profs rntsCode,and try I eoaaClanfuT �ddfesc 386973 1 PANELS 12.50 SNF — NW Corner, Date cnmraaor Temporary ARCHITECTS DECLARATION AMPS SCO Iunderstand my pL...hall be used u pubheremrd°. OVERIOOOAMPS 5Q.Fr.FLOOR AREA - $/SQ.Fr. `j Llren,ed Pmf.lonal SIGNSELBCTRICAL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPEC7ALCIRCIIn/M1SC ]E' Ihereby affirm that lam exempt form the Contractor'.Lioeroe Law fee the F� Q lm.•nngrta,00.(SealenMI-S,B°.mew.edPofealun,CodcAny atyor 1 10.00 �ry rncountywhkhnrq apem wmromcLatter,4 pmve,dermlhh,ormpalr TEMP. OR TOLE INSI'. q� ^J any.erunure,prior to 10femunce,.bo requlrn the appbcart(mach permh to POWER DEVICES Li t fib.algned Ratement that he b Iloeaed Pureuant to the prewtsk u of the Contradore Ue..L.w(Ch.pter9(ce..rng with Stolon 7000)of° Divl- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION og Non3of the fhaale .nd Prof.io.Code)orthat he b ecmptlherefrom.M the bals for the alleged eaeneption. Any violation of S Ion 70315 by an �^ apptant fora peordtsubjects Neapplicunt to a ctdl penalty d out more than Wn.E1SSN'ITCF�rT H%TURES fi1dred d&uosC1SM. NE RESmQJ77ALELECIR SQFr. STORIES M'E OJNSIkLCf10N - ,una owner of the property,or my empbym wkh wagn u their.ole k < Compensation•w•Uldothe work,and thesbucture b not Intended or offered for O dale not apply to a neo and Promsba Cady.The Cordnctols heeom doo roessurh roan owner property who nem orlmpmvnthertoq.nd nom^^ who domeuchwohhlmeeUorthwgh Mtaownemplgm,prwlded that.vch OCG GROUP. RES.UNITS Improvement.are,not Intended oroffend[foreale.If,however,the WlWing or TOTAL 34.50 Improvement hwId wlthln oneyearofeempletion,the ooner-bullderwW have t rden of proving that he did not wild or Improve fee purpose of daleJ. QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE L u owner of the property,am exewlwely mntracurg with 11¢naed FLOOD ZONE APN ournaeton to matmd the projxY(See 70K Budinem and Professions Cede: PFRMUISSUANCE arue The Contractor'.LlLaw does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN k VFM-WATER(FA) Wilde or tnprm• thereon, and who eontnm for each p�okm wth a , �ll[�+et.rW ticeneed pursuant to the Contractor'.Liar.Law. FEE SUMMARY, LJ I am exempt under Sec i B k P C for this rtuon BAIX FLOW PROTEST.DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,ARG,COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ Owner Date RFGFLrI' t WORIUTAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FACTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ I hereby°(firm that I biwe a¢nlB to of Coen to self-imam,or. ere+rTlgoteofworken'ComperaaHminw oe ora otrtmeio."the.f(See. RFimTI 3800.Lb C)111yQ_ aa GAS EA.SYSTEM-]WG10IfII.E15 PARI(FEE Y_ N_ Ibt Y II�TSOL102 C? 1 CAS FA.SYSfphf-OVER�(FA) RECTUM'. Com y j'r ry1.Q t r nI BUILDING DIVISION FEES Ic-Ifled ropy b�er bey tu7nfshed. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTFACEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE ropy Is fled Mth the dry inspection divWrxn. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GRE`SETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ifib.ectionneed nrah rompleed if the pemJtb/wore hundred dollars SEWER-SANITARY-MRMEA.NIiFT. Date Recei tN a1007orn WATER HEATERW/VENI'/EECTR ENERCYFEE Y— —N. Iawymatmme p,rrormanmerthework rorwm,ntwpemdw,;a,ed, I.hall not employ any person In any manner en u to become subject to the - WATER SYSIFM/TREATING Workers'compensatmn laws of�ur«nla.Dam PAID - z O PP NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFr. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after makingtw Ccrttlamo/Fxcmptbn,yw Date RCCeI t# should become.ubjtet to the Warkers'Compeaatwn provbba of the labor - TOTAL: C N Code,you dost fothwth comp"th ouch pmvlslons or this permh MWI be_ BUILDING FEE LU ) deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CL Iherebyamrmthat there lsamnstmctlon lendiegagenq forth,perform TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE 34.50 7 Z Lonor of nde,the wohfor wNch thio pemdtlsbved(Sec.W,Ch,.C.) 00 I<wer.wne PLUMBING FEE LL H Iendere Addrtee QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT` FEE OW fythat I eenll have read thisappuotmn a M dote that the above lnformaUon MECHANICAL FEE M Isox—a.I.gree to comply wlth.11 elty.M..,y. rdlearres.nd taut.laws PERMIT LSSUANCE FEES PAID: >. to relating to wlkling construdler,and herebyauthorlae rep..tativn oftw - F 0) City to enter upon the a e-rnentlonsd property fee Wpectbn pu�pa.er ALTTRORADDTOMECR Date Recti !A (We)agree to.ave,Indemnify and keep harmlest eQtyof CupertW SUBTOTAL: 3 .50 V against WbWtl ,jsdgnew,adeaM es wh yinanyway.eeue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) ' -galv d in consequenceo the nhn Permit. AIR HANDLING unTr roVFR 10,000CIT1I CONSTRUCTION TAX �SjjrC5 I u6eefAppllant/Contract- to EkTiAUST EIooD(W'/Duct? CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: LIZARD; TERIALSDISCLOSURE Wmtheapplkamorfa UdingoavpantatomnrhadLeh.aardeus HFATINCUMT(TO100,000BTU) Date Recei HI material a defined by tW Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1Z and the urathamsafetycod,sectio, s ( ? HFATINGUNTT(OVER100,000BTU) TOTAL: 34.50 ❑Yrs HN, A jpq'J?J�r�i ,T�Ly �-a, Willthe mppllammtuhureMiml_ng eceua sequipmeNadevim VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUP I,�C.VATE which emit h.aardous air contamirumta a°defined by the Bay Arca Air ® IityManagement District? BOILER-0OMPOhm OR100,0(OBTU) 1990 y Yn �Na AY y hive read the h.l oud materials requlremenb under Chapter 695 of BOILER-NY3(OVER 100,000 BTin M the Gtf.UHeathkSafety Coda Sectio 25505,25533and2SSU. I - urdemndthatlfthewfiding dootot currently have a tenant that It b my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.Fr. nmpoalbllt tono,Ifytheoccup°nt fthe beme whtehn.utbemet c1ty Gf (`twgr*vry pdorto"nee of a Certlfiate of of a Certlflate of0 p ' Own or authorirrd agent Dat° ISSUEDB TOTAL: OFFICE COPY