PSC 12-08-05 CITY Of CUPEIQ"INO MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION December 8, 2005 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: Charles Caldwell, Jay Cena, Nolan Chen, Hugh Riddell Barry Chang Glenn Goepfert, Assistant Director of Public Works Dan Dunlap, Santa Clara County Fire Department Captain John Hirokawa, Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department Ron Miller, Cupertino Library Commission ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS- None. APPROV AL OF MINUTES - May 12,2005, regular meeting and June 9, 2005, regular meeting. No minutes for October 13,2005, regular meeting, since it did not achieve a quorum. All minutes were continued to the meeting of February 9, 2006. NEW BUSINESS Library Commission request for an outdoor telephone at the library Ron Miller, Cupertino Library Commission, asked for the Public Safety Commission's support in getting an outside public telephone in the Library plaza. The Library Commission feels this public telephone is necessary for the following reasons: 1. The only public telephone in the immediate area is in the City Hall lobby and when City Hall is closed, there is no access to the phone. 2. If there is an injury in the plaza when City Hall and the Library are closed, and no one has a cell phone, the City may be liable. 3. The library staff is continually asked for access to a public telephone. 4. In emergencies, public telephones usually are back in service before others. He has heard that the phone company has a different view of public telephones and is reducing the number and charges for the phones rather than attempting to make money from the proceeds. He has been told that the public telephone outside the old library was heavily used and the assumption is that it was profitable for the telephone company. The preferred position for a telephone is the fa~ade of the library, close to Coffee Society. The Library Commission intends to bring this issue to the City Council at some point. Comm. Miller has not yet talked to staff about putting a phone in the plaza. Comm. Riddell stated he would be willing to write a letter to the Library Commission, encouraging them to move forward in their goal of getting a public telephone. Comm. Caldwell expressed support for the concept and said he would feel more comfortable if there was some type of documentation, so that a package of options could be given to the City. He made a motion that the Public Safety Commission send a letter of support to the Library Commission; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Comm. Riddell will draft the letter. Members of the Commission stated they would also send a representative to speak when the issue goes to City Council. REPORTS Santa Clara County Fire District - Dan Dunlap represented Chief Lopes and presented the October monthly report. Santa Clara County Sheriff - Capt. John Hirokawa stated the report on the September 8 bus- bicycle accident @ Hazelbrook/Stelling has been completed and gave a recap of the incident. He stated there were two other bicycle accidents after this one-a child was struck by a car on Stevens Creek Boulevard near Orange and Pasadena and another was riding northbound against traffic at De Anza Boulevard and Stevens Creek Boulevard and was struck by a car making a right turn. He gave a review of a juvenile program the Sheriffs Department conducts in lieu of writing citations when traffic laws are violated. September 8 bus-bicycle accident @ Hazelbrook/Stelling - Discussed during Sheriffs report. Expiring terms: Commissioners Riddell and Chang Chair Riddell stated he has re-applied for the Commission. Comm. Chen stated he had submitted his resignation due to personal and business reasons. The Commission thanked him for his service. Commissioner's Reports Chair Riddell stated he attended SWAT's competition, "Best of the West." FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Comm. Cena inquired about the status of a Safe Routes to Schools grant. Asst. Director stated that the City has not heard from the State regarding the project along Stelling Road. Discussion followed regarding a project that De Anza College is working on to reduce traffic on city streets. Comm. Cena reported that he has been unable to ascertain whether CRS, a drug rehabilitation program, may have an outpatient facility in Cupertino. He stated that the facility on Stevens Creek Boulevard may only be the corporate headquarters, but has not been able to confirm what type of activity takes place at that location. Comm. Cena inquired about stationary speed indicators on Stelling and Blaney. Asst. Director Goepfert informed him that the City must first come up with a policy for how they will be installed and that staff must look at the equipment and future costs. While the City currently does not have the hardware, the grant has been awarded. Discussion followed regarding pedestrian countdown signals and other traffic issues on major streets. All of these subjects should be future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at p.m. Carol Shepherd Administrative Assistant